vymnis sketchbook
Hi I'm new to CD but I'm really excited to be here around so much talent!

Here's some things I worked on today and I'll be posting more in the future!

[Image: WObYG7h.jpg]

[Image: 2KYXNC2.jpg]

finally finished this painting

[Image: ascension_of_the_vis_jaqtaar_by_vymnis-d7ohxjr.jpg]

and some sketches and figure studies from today and yesterday.

[Image: nor3pCJ.jpg]
[Image: E0kS6mT.jpg]
[Image: pn0CZmB.jpg]
[Image: 0zQzIgN.jpg]

i dropped into the sc2 copaamerica stream on the last game of the night and i found out they were doing a giveaway for a hearthstone key. i dont really like hearthstone but i thought it would be cool if i could give a shoutout to my friends and showcase my art. unfortunately i only had 15 minutes to come up with something so i ended up doing a rushpaint. it was really interesting to see how i dealt with the pressure. anyway heres what i managed to come up with in 15 minutes.

[Image: 44s0IpZ.jpg]
a portrait of rootcatz of the professional starcraft team rootgaming on of the competitors at sc2 copaamerica.

hand studies and thumbnails from today plus working on Cryotech vi.

just a little bit of sketching before bed decided to continue this one a bit

Attached Files Image(s)


gesture set from yesterday i was reluctant to upload because its so rough but thats what sketchbooks are for right?

figure studies for today

a kristen stewart portrait and some concepting

im going to call her knight-paladin Eltria!


getting something down to 100 px from 4500 is a huuugggeee pain...

today was pretty rough alot of running around and what not so i only got around 2 hours in :T but ill be sure to make up for it today :D

figure studies and hand studies. felt pretty unfocused during these so ill do some more later today after ive done some of the fun stuff.

edited this a little bit was getting some criticism for the pose. also for my artistic style but i suppose that comes with the territory lol.

> work for a month and a half on a painting
> all anyone focuses on is the butts and the boobs
> hhhehehhehhehehhehehhehehehehehe!

You've been working hard since you started the sketchbook and that's a good thing to see, keep it up.
On this last piece I would advice is to don't render the background so much, using small brushes on the city is taking the focus away from where you want (the action).

Thanks for the advice rafa zanchetin. I enjoy doing architecture as well as figures so finding a balance can be pretty difficult.

streamed the progress on this today. was a pretty fun experience made the process seem to go alot faster.

hand studies from today ide like to do alot more hand studies until im at the point where hands become second nature.

figure studies and some work on the paladin

figure studies from yesterday and some work on projects



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