BlueBear's Sketchbook
Your right on that notion Bluebear, if you end up doing art for others it becomes much more boring and you dont feel a connection to it. Keep it up and draw what you love.

Hey Blue, sorry to hear about your last inner conflict :/
Yet I know that feeling, rendering is boooring BUT it is better than a "REAL" job... and it gives you time to zone out and think about other awesome stuff like your next personal piece! :D
Learn to render, get awesome, inspire others with your awesome and get paid for being awesome! You can do it! ;)

I feel you man, if you're gonna be doing this for the rest of your life you don't want to be known for doing something you hate, there's a fanbase out there for everything and life is all about balance, perhaps you should do something more that meets in the middle, something you like that is fan art.

As for the character thing, I'm sorry to hear about it but doing a character for the sake of doing a character actually is good practice, if you may stumble on one you'll grow attached to and maybe just holding out for that one month your skills will increase immensely. I know when I do one month challenge I always learn something from it, making a character apart of your routine won't hurt.

I know we talk about art based on feelings, but to increase skill we sometimes have to do things that are boring and bland, it's knowing when to pick and choose which is the hardest. If you had a job you don't call out cause you're not feeling inspired you work through the shitty days. That being said you did say that there was no time and I do understand, don't want to be too hard on you friend. Perhaps we can do a monthly challenge together sometime to hold us both accountable :).
Uuuu aaaaaah. Nice sketchbook mate =D Love your characters. Pro tip: materials are dope =D. Study some materials. Right now everything on your paintings kinda looks the same. But yeah. Side of that solid stuff. Keep them coming =D

thanks guys <3 
yes i do need to make material studies , i promise ull see some in here soon.

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free hand 3 point perspective ( no ruler to improve your one work and line confidence)
and couple more things , so far 80% of the homework was done on paper , were slowly moving more into digital at the school.
Anything here that looks remotely like fun it was made on my own time ( we barely have time to sleep so sneaking in some sketches here and there is not that easy ).

p.s. on the portrait (*class ended before i could finish )
and on the first vehicle page , that was actually week 06

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forgot that one

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woooo good stufs :3

Were finally starting to get into more interesting stuff at the school , with stuff like the knights ^^

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Yoo blue! What school are you going to? The work is looking clean. I dont know what to crit right now since everything is looking solid fundamentally. Can't wait to see how it affects your work moving on. Keep at it and happy new year!
(01-01-2016, 08:11 AM)BenFlores Wrote: Yoo blue! What school are you going to? The work is looking clean. I dont know what to crit right now since everything is looking solid fundamentally. Can't wait to see how it affects your work moving on. Keep at it and happy new year!
Im studying at FZD in singapore , the school is solid , its a really harsh school tho , but i guess thats only going to make me better ^^
Wow! Good learning! I look forward to your future posts here!


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