Piss and Vinegar
damn, there's some sort of magic happening in this thread, whatever your doing keep doing it.

rich4rt- thanks bro! I feel so far away from where I want to be. Nothing to do but keep moving forward.

This is a snip of a sketch for a painting. Also...I have to completely redraw that photo reference linework from my last post. I threw it over the reference and saw some big mistakes...blargh. Trying to stick with comparative measuring techniques.

OK. Finally had some time to sit down and get some more work on this done. A few rendering passes and I'll have this one in the bag.

Kind of funny....now that I got that acceptance letter, I'm not sure if I want to go. Pennsylvania puts me on the wrong coast considering I want to attend the Safehouse Atelier in the end. I might lay low and save up at a local university. That way I only have to make one big move instead of trying to relocate from one coast to the other. Hrmm... stuff to consider.

Anyways, progress update. Any feedback at this point would be welcome. Having some difficulties placing that back leg...bleh.

Dear Viewer,

I hope this post finds you doing well. As time is ever fleeting, I appreciate you spending such a valuable commodity on my poorly realized efforts to create art. I wonder, do you truly understand the depth of my sincerity when I say this? You are here, on this Earth, for but a moment, destined to rise and fall as all those that have come before you and those that shall follow. And here we are, sharing this brief sliver of our small existences with each other. As an artist, you spend so much time alone in your head or with your eyes stretched out over some surface thinking about your next move, you almost forget that the act is a form of communication, meant to connect you with someone else.

Whomever you are, I wish you well.

super awesome works!, love your pencil sketches, anatomy and your chars. And this agoraphobia painting blows me away man...
RyK, thanks dude!

I had a little time the past two days to paint that line-work up. I was still disappointed in how many drawing mistakes I had to correct as I started painting in, I'll just have to work even harder. Personal work is at a trickle at the moment, but I'm only two months away from going full time in the studio...it's going to be amazing.

I could push this further with texture and edges, but I want to focus more on my initial line-work and shape recognition.

nice dude

brent! thanks for taking a sec. to drop a line man, I know you're crazy busy.

I need to make a larger commitment to my sketchbook. So, at the very least, three hours of work a day and a daily post. MUST NOT SLACK!!!!

I've been doodling away at this off and on, still playing with the composition. I'll end up doing a larger version on a piece of vellum once I get it straightened out.

Some Bridgman. Going through Constructive Anatomy with the intent to mix in personal studies alongside. Reading the text first then doing the study is key!!! Going to shoot for at least two pages a day.


Slow start but I'm trying to stick to what I said.

Played around with the portrait more during lunch.
Stayed up late to do the anatomy studies.

Lunch Break.

30 min. Red Skull Action.

Nice works on this sketchbook, keep it up! :)

isra-ac- thanks man! I'm trying!

Alright a brain fart and some bridgman before bed.

Going to do some repetition studies on those leg muscles tomorrow.

Lunch break doodle.

Ooh, those last studies of the woman you did turned out great! Also, nice job on the three brothers bloodsports thing; should definitely take it to a finished state, could be something you put in your portfolio.
Dennis- Thanks dude! Yeah, I'm dragging on those pieces. Time to knuckle down.

Lunch Doodle. Backed up on scans.

Okay, so I'm going to take Dennis' suggestion to heart. I'm going to hammer away at this all tonight. I will replace the shitty logo for a polished one eventually. This is the sheet's current state:


Sat. Update

Awesome sketchbook, man!
Heck ya man! Work on it till you can't take anymore! Eventually you'll start taking pieces further and further. Keep at it man!
you're doing it corey! red skull looks sweet and so does the latest lunch doodle, keep em coming!
Banth- Thanks dude! I appreciate it a lot.

Dennis- Doin' it to it. I've definitely pushed this one further than I've gone with a character render, and the funny part is that I can still see where I need to do some more work. FUUU!!!

henri- I <3 you! Awesome encouragement coming from a badass such as yourself.

So, after my all-nighter last friday, I decided to get the wife and kids and get the hell out of the house for the weekend. Checked out my old uni, it has changed pretty drastically. I'll probably be moving back there in June. Psyched. Got back Sunday night and had to prep for my classes. Slammed with work the past two days. But I've been trying to keep up with my anatomy studies. Sorry for the shitty pencils. I'm trying to work on my lines in addition to legs. Pretty crappy so far.

I can see the end in sight for this one. I have Friday off so it's killin' time.


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