Piss and Vinegar
Lunch Doodle.

Lunch Doodles. I need to do these in color, bleh.

Whoooa that hunter is becoming totally sweet! Nice.
Whoa, I need to update regularly again. Anyways, I have a logo commission that is screwing up my personal work and studies atm. Hopefully, I should be done with that soon. I've got some near finished studies in the pipelines, so expect a bigger dump at some point.

But for now, lunch doodles from last Friday and yesterday.

great improvement here already!
love your character work, keep being awesome :)

ooo mate, lovely poses and forms on the last sketch!

thanks mindwrack and rich4rt! now if I could just work faster.

Photo study of my son. Mostly practicing neutral hues.

Ok monster hunter part duex. This is the current state, pushing and refining all night!

Insaaaaanely awesome. I would do whatever it took to upgrade into that armor!
hella' busy trying to wrap up my classes and begin the move to graduate school. i finally broke away yesterday and today to do some sketches during lunch.

NPC work for 3Brothers.

Fuuu....it feels so good to lay down some color, even if it's only for a lunch break.

Got that bitch a ninja....bitches love ninjas.

Great work man! those sketches look awesome!

wla91, thanks!

Some updates and a few scribbles. I wish I would have started all my design sheets in color now. I started the new culture (red,black, and cream colored clothing) going directing into color and it was a lot more fun. Still have work to do on plenty, but I just want to keep the ball rolling as the ideas come.

About to move and setup shop, then it's time to wreck this...

Another sheet of sketches.

Awesome work man, looks like your busy, but managing to squeeze some stuff in ;). Love the colour palette in the purple three brothers piece btw. Awesome work!

JakeB- Thanks man! I'm hoping to go pro in a year, so I'll need to pick up the pace a bit, no matter whats going on in my life.

Another from the second culture for my IP project. Direct color again, still kickin' myself in the ass for not doing this with the other batch of design sheets. These are all unrefined, but I have a certain number I want to hit before I start polishing them.

Anyways, these three make up the Godsblood Forge, Journeyman Baldric of Paynewood, Apprentice Gerold "Spit" Godsblood X, and Master Gerold Godsblood IX.

Progress Shots on my first four designs. Trying to stay Eastern for these. I'm leaning heavy on some cliches, but I'm slowly trying to tweak and push them. Most of the major shapes have been identified, but I still am having to find ways to break them up in interesting ways.

Scribble scrabble.

nice characters :)


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