Nice thread so far! cute girls hehehehe, i like the machines you're pretty good at them i'm terrible at sci fi stuff :/. Nice lines on some things and good flow all around just keep doin what you're doin! :)
Really enjoying the lines on your studies, they are coming along well.
The painting are getting there too, but sometimes the messiness are just a bit too messy, if you manage to focus them to a good way (like patterns or following the volume of the objects) might get even better.
I'm already seeing nice progress with those gestures and the line quality. Just keep studying, applying, and doing that stuff like you have been. It seems to be working really well for you.
Fedidika - Thanks man :) I will!
Rafa - Agree with you 100%, I'll try and tighten my paintings up more.. quicker. At work I spend way too long trying to render crap out and make it neat, I need to get a better method down.. Cleaner base drawings or something. Thanks!
kyteki - Thanks! I'm glad, I am actually starting to enjoy them a lot now.
smrr - elloooooo thank you :D Glad you like her. I shall keep trying to work hard and stuff :)
Trying to tie hamptons stuff into scott robertsons. I feel like they go hand in hand, will see where it gets me.
Nice sketchbook dude! I really like your portraits and gestures. They're definitely starting to get that weight and sit on the page better. Your ellipse practice looks good too, i'm trying them at the moment aswell and I'm having a really hard time getting them right. Keep it up man. :)
Holy crap man. Such work. So good. I've recently been doing those curve things as well.. Really slow, but helps in all area. Your form is really coming along well too. Looking forward to more brother! Keep on keeping on.
Jhonny - Thanks man I will!
Chao - Thanks :)
Jaik - Yeah they've been helping SOOOOOOO much with everything. The whole constructing forms is just amazing. Thanks, I'll keep going!
vymnis - Thanks!!
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Been keeping up with my studies and working my ASS off on a project that I'll start posting up very soon. It's required to me to split my time up between art and programming. I've learned a tonne about both after the last month! We released a super silly game for a game jam and got a WILD response! So many youtube videos made about it and things, so that was super fun.
I've started doing daily spit paints, and still doing my gestures. I've slacked a little on the perspective side but I'll try and pick it back up. Integrating it all into my personal project is my goal! We'll see where it goes!
Spitpaint from yesterday, so it's not just a text post from work. haha.
More master stuff. Just trying to nail the things I have most trouble with..
Might try and apply some of this tonight
Started applying it. Super helpful already with making decisions. Used the community challenge idea as a start point. I don't think it'll show enough of the character to actually be able to submit it though.