ohh I agree about the necks, I have a problem haha. I've kinda lost my ability to notice when a neck is too long (even if long on purpose). You know usually it just looks weird and you adjust it but I've lost that and now it looks normal but I know it isn't. Anyway thanks for reminding me! :)

here are some more exercises

the gestures are from croquis cafe, don't know if I've mentioned it before, but it's this awesome youtube channel where models pose real time for 1-2 mins and then 5. it's lovely :)

a really quick still life because it was getting dark very fast
[Image: R5BTPXL.jpg]

[Image: kkqcphe.jpg]

[Image: SGilTps.jpg]

[Image: aU2EcKy.jpg]

[Image: PjzAxWs.jpg]

something quite shitty from imagination
[Image: hoArafh.jpg]

2 min portrait studies which reminded me just how much I suck
[Image: aRpy0jQ.jpg]

this is supposed to be Mathilda from Leon but I really don't like it and dunno if I'll ever finish it..
[Image: styNZGS.jpg]

30-40 mins master study
[Image: C3rHxUW.jpg]

[Image: cGZ5QGh.jpg]
here's the ref if interested

[Image: GnhGVoz.jpg]

[Image: C3qKvUq.jpg]

[Image: aY4K30A.jpg]

[Image: iegfR6s.jpg]

[Image: 8JdpQmN.jpg]


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
thank yoou Fedodika

aand more studies from the last time I posted an update.
I've started introducing more anatomy in my studies. I decided to use Bammes' book of anatomy as I have that one at home and it seems quite useful to be honest. Also using Michael Hampton's but that one doesnt have realistic drawings of musules etc. only their simplified shapes.

I also got my first commission! And the person loved it which im so happy about:)

[Image: 5br8T9v.jpg]

[Image: 79BIDkm.jpg]

[Image: 7JROGWK.jpg]

[Image: za5cTFP.jpg]

[Image: 8VZtJAC.jpg]

[Image: bolfeS1.jpg]

[Image: 0ZGeNY0.jpg]

[Image: KayLBxZ.jpg]

[Image: eoILSHo.jpg]

[Image: AcdkUfH.jpg]

[Image: dKhwG4n.jpg]

[Image: CnDmgOx.jpg]

[Image: akA84Vc.jpg]

tht's the commission
[Image: eFgYkCj.jpg]

Lately I've ben trying to draw those stylized characters with very little lines, mostly colour shapes with the lasso tool but it's so hard.. looks so ugly in the end and I can't even find a tutorial or somethin on it.

Such lovely drawings and paintings in here! Somehow your stylised portraits remind me of the Courtney Crumrin comics, must be a kind of gothic feeling to them. Which one do you think looks ugly? Or didn't you post those?

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
I don't know her but I'll look her up, thanks!

The lady in the red dress for example. And the last image from my previous post - the girl on the carpet.
I wasnted them to have hard edges and shapes, here are some images with a style I was trying to imitate but failed. I like how stylized and simple they look, yet the simplest things are the hardest to obtain.
I like the hard shapes and the hard shadows, yet here and there you could see soft transition between colours... it's all so confusing to me. I get tempted to render everything in detail and shade it realistically.

Marta Andreeva
[Image: 11010511_916788021705909_4817664137106219187_o.jpg]
Marta Andreeva
[Image: 11077013_908511392533572_4743242096535839670_o.jpg]

Lâm Hoàng Trúc
[Image: 12240362_1178858752127463_1347579970793044865_o.jpg]

Michelle Huttunen
[Image: 12240204_10156242504125174_6417361503349486895_o.jpg]


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Have you looked up tutorials on cell shading? Those images are cell shaded for the most part. I think you should think more about designing your shapes. Like change the direction of the light so that you can get some interesting shadow shapes. And push your values a bit more to get a clear separation of light and dark.

Thanks for the idea, I looked up some tutorials this morning. Sadly, I couldn't find anything for cell shading but I at least found 2 speedpaint videos that helped me. I'm always afraid to be bold with colours and usually end up with very desaturated colours and not much contrast. Need to work on that a bit more.

Anyway, here's the character I painted after doing some research today.

[Image: yfHLIAI.jpg]

Lovely gestures and congrats for the commission! :)

thank you^^

[Image: u5fdU92.jpg]

These are a pleasure to look at, Maggie. I can see from your studies you are really trying to understand how the body works and moves, and they are paying off;hope you are also getting down the names for each bone and muscle as well, I find it really helps when it comes time to do it from imagination.

LOVE this style in your personal work.
Thanks a lot Dennis. I am trying to remember the names for the bones too, I also find it handy to know them :)

here are studies from today

[Image: RENCAZ8.jpg]

[Image: z93FxNu.jpg]

and the days before

[Image: rquu4Vn.png]

that's keira from The imitation game
[Image: xdA0XoN.jpg]

eddie from Theory of everything
[Image: rHd7hxi.png]

another hopeless try on Mathilda, using loish's colour palette
[Image: MF2I2R9.jpg]

and some traditional sketches of mathilda again and kiera from Love & prejudice
[Image: 7QZi2Ai.jpg]

[Image: 2Uz0FzA.jpg]

[Image: 2UYMn30.jpg]

[Image: PeMsz9b.jpg]

[Image: rp23czX.jpg]

[Image: yGpQD3x.jpg]

and a christmas card design for some contest
which if you like and wish, may support here. and I'd be extremely super thankful

[Image: zC1mgbJ.jpg]

Im really liking these recent characters. It looks like your heads are getting more structured. I think you could keep improving on the construction though. Maybe do boxes in perspective as a warm up and keep perspective in mind when drawing your characters.

oh awesome idea about the boxes, thanks! I really struggle with putting the head in perspective, although I know in theory how it works.. anyways, I'm reading Michael Hampton's book now, next chapter is The head so hopefully there I will find a cure D:

some more studiess AND I started a schoolism class! it's self taught but still I'm so happy I finally managed to save for it D: It's character design with Daniel Arriaga

those are some sketches from ref and aslo 2 memories I have from my childhood
one with my mom collecting raspberries at our garden, and she always made me walk after her with that big greenish bowl we had
and the other is me and dad one winter break when we went to the store in the snow and I remember his hand was so HUGE
[Image: PQH7DoD.jpg]

some crappy studies from Michael Hampton's book
[Image: 2RGgE4B.jpg]

and the week 1 assignment for the character design class, but I actually made it twice as I wasn't very happy with it

[Image: I8UObqU.jpg]

[Image: Tywcutq.jpg]

Love this sketchbook!! Can't wait to see more :)


here's another life study from today. I want to paint outdoors sooooo badly but I have a cintiq so I can't -.- and I'm stuck with painting those little objects at home which is a bit annoying AND boring. I might have to save for a bamboo..

[Image: D9XVyni.jpg]

that;s one of teh characters from the assignment, it looked sooo much like me as a kid (accidentally) and I decided to develop it to a sketchy painting .

[Image: KmHeD3I.jpg]

[Image: RaJZ7RC.jpg]

You can learn as much about outdoor painting by painting still life as you have been doing already. If you want to get closer to learning directly about painting outdoors, you can set up a mini landscape with stuff from outdoors. Your character works are really lively with good analytical studies. :)


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