Flow's Sketchbook (Updated March 19th 2016!)
Hey guys,
I am Flo, 26 and I study Design in Germany. I want to be a professional Illustrator.

Here are some current sketches, paintings, drawings, doodles of mine.

I'm kind of inbetween very graphical Illustrations and Concept Art-ish Illustration. Love them both. :)

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Welcome to Crimson Daggers, Flow. I must say that I am impressed with the apparent versatility in what you do. I particularly like that first one of the fly. Let's see more!
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. Yes, this is the kind of style I guess I want to work in later on when I am artistically well rounded enough.
Welcome Flo! "Virtual Design" sounds interesting. I was also impressed by the fly illustration. The hand studies are so useful, it's a great idea to practice that. Do you only work digitally when you're drawing?
Hey thank you, glad you like that one.

No I work digital and besides I do a lot of scribbling just on printing paper or in one of my sketchbooks when I'm on the road with pencils or pen & ink (I am travelling at least two times a week in a train to my university and draw almost every time).

Virtual Design is cool so far, we do a lot of 3d and architectural stuff (not really anything you could call Illustration or Concept Design) which are not really what I am interested in. In the first place I try to learn as much about the industry and about Illustration and Design as I can, because I mean composition, color etc are all things related to every creative field. And I know a lot about 3d and recently learned zBrush which is awesome. But I just love to be a dude, with a pen or pencil or wacom - connecting to the rest of the world with drawing/painting. :)

Studies: some composition thumbnails and a Albert Bierstadt painting study I did (1-1.5 hours).

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Some studies and landscape paintings, slowly I get more depth but I need to work on perspective, edges and values a lot more :)

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Hey man, welcome to daggers. You got some great graphic illustrations.

@crackedskull: thanks mate, I appreciate you like them!


Here are some concept drawings, just going to get a bit more comfortable drawing perspective freehand drawings and shapes. And a further WIP of my landscape I began two or three days ago. :)

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November is my environment month, december will be character/anatomy.
Here are my studies from today, I mainly focused on depth and analyzing some compositional things, just observing nature. :)

Edit: added the latest version of my Castle Painting, still WIP and I would like to hear your opinions :)

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Hey guys, I haven't been uploading here for months... so I thought it was time to get back on track and finally make some new friends here so we all can push ourselves further down the road to become professional!

These are parts of my new years resolution: paint everyday, with monthly focus on one subject.
This month it is environment painting, but turns out I have so much fun, I'll probably just continue with it in February. In fact, I'm really thinking about taking Maciej Kuciara's Learn Squared Class about Environment painting that starts Feb 17th. 

Oh and the head painting was a Sargent Study that I just added on top of the other painting that day. :)

Let's roll!

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Nice studies keep it up! altough watch out for those local values in the grayscale images  too strong a contrast can really mess with the illusion of reality.

Hey guys, this year so far I've been working hard on getting my compositional skills better. Here's an overview. :)
And some abstract things, too!

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Soooo... quite some time has past, things have changed, my life is completely different from what it was a year ago. I finished my Bachelor degree of art, got an in-house job at an advertising agency and do pretty much visualization and motion graphics/3d animation.
But while I love technical stuff I am at least in the same way loving painted and drawn art and sculptures. Really, I had to be multidisciplinary for my university alone.
So here's a little new stuff I've been studying and working on.

I know I'm really all over the place, my focus will be on figures and getting better at finishing stuff that I started, leading to more discipline and better output in general. 

Critiques are always welcome guys. Thanks. :)

Also, there's a cover of a single from a band of friends. I drew and painted this one. Critique highly welcomed!
hey Flow! I think it can be good to do a variety of things, as long as you have goals and are working towards those too! I love the mix of traditional and digital stuff, good to keep yourself from getting stuck in one medium! The record cover is awesome too, real 80's vibe going on! I don't have any crit since I think it does the job really well!

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