Grotessive's sketchbook
Well here's my first post here ^^ I really like this community. Some feedback will be appreciated!!

My sketches are ugly haha they're not meant to be shown

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As always sorry for my english :D
Ooh!!! Great stuff, really cool!
I especially love your faces, the expressions are neat and the level of detail in your sketches is perfect, just enough. Keep posting, I want to see more!

(03-06-2015, 03:56 AM)Vicianus Wrote: Ooh!!! Great stuff, really cool!
I especially love your faces, the expressions are neat and the level of detail in your sketches is perfect, just enough. Keep posting, I want to see more!

Awww you don't know how happy i am now ^^ Actually i saw your sketchbook today and it made me want to post some of mine. Yours is awesome and i'll be waiting to see more ! <3 And thanks a lot !!

As always sorry for my english :D
Well i'm working on a drawing for a contest on DA

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As always sorry for my english :D
Good start to your sketchbook :) Keep it up!

(03-06-2015, 04:06 PM)pnate Wrote: Good start to your sketchbook :) Keep it up!

Thanks for commenting ^^

As always sorry for my english :D
Wow, great thread brewing!

Where are you pulling those heads, studying from photos? Awesome angles/perspectives.

Eager to see more!

“There is no substitute for hard work.”
Thomas Edison

CD SketchBook
(03-07-2015, 03:21 AM)nphill19 Wrote: Wow, great thread brewing!

Where are you pulling those heads, studying from photos? Awesome angles/perspectives.

Eager to see more!

Thanks a lot ! i saw your DA. Watching you already, you've got some awesome artwork.
Actually the heads aren't from photos. I'm using the Sinix method of drawing the things that i'm not good at until they look ok, in fact i got so frustrated with those heads that i punched my tablet and went out to get some fresh air. The thing is that i can't figure out how to draw those angles from photos. I've searched "people looking up" on google but when i see them i think "i already know how the face looks like from below " but still i cant take it to the paper so i'm using this method. Not the most technical but i expect it works eventually.

As always sorry for my english :D
I have a lot of trouble drawing people looking up too. Looking down is easier for some reason. You'll get it eventually I'm sure. Then you can teach me how :D I like your drawing style BTW

Great sketchbook here, really pleasing designs to your faces. Extreme head angles can be frustrating... The down angle one looks good but the up angle ones are getting that stretched face syndrome - mine end up like that a lot too. In your case you're really under exaggerating the bottom plane of the jaw, and are squashing down the nose. In an up angle it really points high and often covers the far side eye. You can draw that bottom plane as really flat and boxy to get it locked in, the bulging out part of the chin is only really on the front of the face, doesn't wrap around under so much so from below you don't see that and the angle of the jaw line would be horizontal or angled up.

You kinda got it in most of them, just a little under exaggerated - need to push away your instincts to straighten it out .

The nose on the female ones looks ok since petite noses and stuff look nice but the male ones really push it up much more than you think it should go. Maybe these references can help to see it in a more simplified way than a photo shows: https://artwithmissgriffin.files.wordpre...ective.jpg and

Great stuff though! Keep posting ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Adam Lina: Haha thanks, I hope so!
JyonnyNovice: Thanks a lot for all your constructive criticism. I checked that out and i'm learning from it. I worked more on those upwards looking heads and also on my male noses.
And thanks to Vicianus. She's being very kind and helpful.

Still need to work harder but now i feel like reaching something.

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As always sorry for my english :D
Yeah!!! Rocking it!

Looking awesome now ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Thanks guys !
More sketches. This time for fun

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As always sorry for my english :D
Doing some portrait color study. I focused on her face but as usual my f***ing washed out colors striked again. And also idk why her face is more towards us in my study and also bigger eyes and all that. Maybe some style? xD. Anyway my main focus here was to get those colors. I failed.
I'd appreciate some critiques and don't worry about being harsh!

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As always sorry for my english :D
Nice sb .. you seem to be improving so fast. I'm quite jealous now ... haha.

Keep at it :)

Wow, The faces you paint are so beautiful!
Nice sketchbook btw :D keep up the good work, you are doing great!Thumbs_up
Adrian: I think i have not improved much but thanks !!
Ernanda Souza: Aw your nice words made my day ^^ Thanks a lot!
I've been sketching to warm up and i ended up having a lot of fun. Also listening to tool while doing perspective things is so relaxing. But this is not work so i might do some study today

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As always sorry for my english :D
Awesome style and energy , keep it up :)
Thanks for your support art44!

I'm experimenting with more saturated colors and i kinda like how this one turned out. Well her expression changed u.u Anyway.

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As always sorry for my english :D

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