Kir's Sketch Book
(06-29-2015, 01:26 AM)Zearthus Wrote: Hey Kir,

One thing I can say is, don't be afraid of darker values. On some of the images, the sketches appear too light, to the point where it becomes flat.

Aside from that, you're heading in the right direction, and good mannequin sketch you have there. Keep it going!

Thank you, i'll definitely work on that. I appreciate the input ;D

Aspiring visual development artist for Nintendo!

Constructive criticism and opinions are always appreciated, please check out my Sketch Book.

Hey thanks for stopping by my SB. You're finished drawings are looking nice but as someone said work on getting some darker darks in there. I like to find the terminator(aka core shadow) and define the border of the light versus dark side. Pay attention of course to the different types of edges created by the shadows. Hard edges from a cast shadow soft from a form shadow. After I define the shadows outline I fill it with a medium tone and go back and darken the core shadow. Its better to darken the core shadow to create the effect of reflected light than to try and erase out where the reflected light is.

Also with gestures try to use one confident line instead of a bunch of scratchy lines. Take a little bit more time before you lay the line down to imagine what the line should look like. Quick gestures arnt about drawing fast. Its about making the right decisions the first time.

And dont worry about getting the contours correct in quick gestures. This video explains what I mean.

where the posts at bro!? <3


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