@Mindwrack Thanks! Yeah I still have to study more color/value. But I'm working at it. One thing at a time, ya know?

Squid Studies, practicing the materials.
[Image: Squid_Studies_Jan_31_2013.png]

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Heres a thing from my head, need to do a couple rock/snake/fire studies and come back to it all knowing.
[Image: Dragon.png]

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Just had a thought. Maybe study Lava too? And tint it bluuue. Could be realllly coool

@Tyler Yeah maybe. Sounds nice.

Some early rock studies. I'll do a few more of these, and some snake studies, then fire/lava. And then go back to the dragon piece.
[Image: Rock-Studies_Feb_2_2013.png]

More rocks, from my head.
[Image: Rocks_Feb_2_2013.png]

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The last sketch of this rock... WHOA! Lighting work great here !
And I like what You did there, with usage of red color in the middle. I just adore details like that <3

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

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YEAH! Looking sweet man. The textures on this page so far all look great. The rocks are awesome, squid's look quality. Keep it coming dude.

Edit: Regarding the alien head, I don't know if you watched the critters streams when they were on, but Dave talked about that kind of portrait in one of those, a while ago. Like how to pick a focal point and stuff. I know that one was quick, but might be worth taking a look at for next time. I like it btw :) The eyes look great.

Double edit. It's this one, starts at around 55.00 mins

i saw your last updates of facebook man, that squid studies are among my favourites.
And good job with the rocks too!

@Mannequin Thanks. haha, it was really just a quick sketch though.
@Jake.B Thanks for the support man, yeah I did watch that way back when, I should go back and rewatch it though, thanks!
@Eduardogaray thanks thanks thank :D

Holy crap this was way out of my comfort zone. Snakes are very difficult to paint. Scales mainly. And theres SO many different kinds of snakes. I'm going to have to do some more of these haha.

[Image: Snake_Studies_Feb_3_2013.png]

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Some moreee studies. I'll redo that dragon soon!
[Image: Rocks_Imagination_Feb_4_2013.png]
[Image: Lava_Study_Feb_4_2013.png]

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20 minute lava sketch before work. I want to do some fire stuff later.
[Image: Lava_Study_2_Feb_4_2013.png]

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Some dragon variants from my pose that I posted a few days ago.
[Image: Dragon_Studies_Feb_5_2013.png]

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Nice work man. Really like the bottom right dragon. And if its glowing, the light could be fun to play around with if you're gonna oush the full illustration. Cool approach btw, nice to see you pushing the design. Might have to try that some time. :)

@JakeB Well thanks!.... but I wouldn't recommend it. I don't even like it haha, it's just a method I've for some reason stuck to. I mean it helps, but it makes me not want to look at the piece at all.

Update, reworked the composition a bit more. Still working out kinks. I'll try to move onto something else by the weekend at the latest. Just not happy with it yet.
[Image: Blue_Dragon.png]

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Looking good, I can see you've put those snake and rock studies to use.

Have you figured out your lighting yet?

update on the serpent piece is great, keep going!
@Archreux Thanks, yeah it's from a cave so theres the sun outside and then the dragon's back.
@Kevin hah thanks, I kinda don't really want to push it any further.

Guess This ones done, I just feel like it is. Can't see anything I'd really love to change about it. Onto the next piece!... unless you guys have anything to say.
[Image: Blue_Dragon-1.png]

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Hey Chris. I did a quick painover on your piece.
I think you should not keep the edges the darkest tone cause it flattens the form. And also the head should be done more in perspective.

cool dragon! In my oppinion this picture missing hero, who standing in front of dragon. no?)

@Raz Good advice man, I definitely should go back and adjust it a bit like you said. Thanks!
@Nikt ah I totally agree. I was thinking the same thing through out painting it. But now it's so late I don't think I could successfully add it to the piece. I think maybe on this next one, for size comparison sake, I'll do a small figure.

I've had this creature in my head and I can't shape him out just yet. I know I want him to be massive, maybe like 20-30 stories high. And I like the idea of arms that are just too damn long. So here are a few silhouettes. Been stuck in a snow storm hah, so I'll have some larger updates tomorrow when i get back home! :D
[Image: 30_Sketches_Feb_9_2013.png]

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Quick sketches of a few of those guys I liked from yesterday.
[Image: Giant_1_Feb_10_2013.png]
[Image: Giant_2_Feb_10_2013.png]
[Image: Giant_3_Feb_10_2013.png]

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