Thanks Matt.

Been buried in freelance like I previously mentioned I would be! But I had a day off and decided to keep on trucking! Heres a continuation of my Adventure time series! Demon Cat and Scorcher!! To answer a question- no. This won't be Adventure Time Villains! This series is dedicated to characters I thought stood out, that I wanted to bring to my own version of somewhat realism mixed with characteristic. Cheers!

[Image: Demon_Cat.png]
[Image: Scorcher.png]

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Blastronaut and Goliad!
[Image: Blastronaut.png]
[Image: Goliad.png]

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Nice job on those fan art pieces man, some great brushwork, and you're splitting the value ranges of the materials really well. Keep it coming :).

Hey thanks Jake, your stuff is really rocking hard yourself! Keep on doing your own sweet thing! It's inspirational!

Here are some more!
[Image: Susan+Strong.png]
[Image: Donny.png]
[Image: Mr.+Cupcake.png]
[Image: Princess+Cookie.png]

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2 more Adventure Time Characters; A combo piece of Snow Golem And Fire Wolf, along side the Fight King! As you can see I went a little different route with the Fight King, having part of his sword go off screen and adding in a second light source. I got bored of the plane front light, it was fun at first but after 11 others just like it I began to really see that I wasn't pushing forward. Then I thought to myself, if I'm not learning then what's the point. And so I have a quick announcement. These first 12 are in their own category, from here on out the rest will be different, more engaging, and more realistic. I think I can push towards a more realistic and exciting theme with these. So see these first 12 as their own set and style, where as from here on they will be very extravagant. (if all goes to plan) Because I have a long long oh so long list of Adventure Time characters, that I've had set in stone for awhile now. All leading to a very specific character I've wanted to paint for awhile. So I'm still pushing forward, it may take more time to get to that realistic level, but it's something I hope to accomplish. I've even had some ideas of full illustrations, so who knows how big these will get, but for now I'd like to just start building up.
[Image: Snow+Golem+and+Fire+Wolf.png]
[Image: Fight+King.png]
[Image: Adventure+Time+Characters.png]

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Dude you have some crazy shit here. And in my book that is awesome.

@Crackedskull thanks man.

I hadn't done a self portrait in a long long time. Doing one with the theme of the season was too fun to pass up. I have been working a lot lately, as much as haven't had a chance to update, there is more coming. Lots more. Most of the recent work has been in my sketchbook, and also for my portfolio. Never the less I'll be updating more. I will also soon be updating my new DEATHLINE. So stay tuned for the next few weeks.

[Image: SP_Oct_22_2012.png]

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Work in progress piece. Coming soooooooon-ish.

[Image: Z.jpg]

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This ones taking some time, and without a doubt theres a lot more time to be spent still! I need to do a few face studies before I even press on! Trying to be the best I can be. Hope you like where it's going. If not, oh well, at least I do!

[Image: Z.jpg]

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[Image: Zelda+U.png]
Finished up my Zelda piece, looking forward to the next big WiiU Zelda game to arrive.

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yout style reminds me brad rigney, with his process of textures and 3d looking ! keep it up !

@Kikindaface Thanks! Thats a compliment! While Brad is indeed one of my all time favorite artists, I am attempting to be my own artist. So hopefully I don't look to much like him. He is a major inspiration, but the last thing I want to be is a copy artist.

[Image: Zelda+Process.png]

Here is the quite long process of my recently uploaded Zelda piece. As it is such a developed piece it took time, a lot of time, and effort. More than anything it was my will to study what I didn't know that lead me to my final product. Before this I had never painted a horse, my perspective wasn't really in mind, and my lighting hadn't as much practice as I would have liked.

So I spent the better part of a month in my sketchbook studying horse anatomy, playing with shapes and form, until I got results I liked. It's why you always see the horse more polished in the earlier steps, because that in itself was it's own piece that I wanted to get right before anything else.

That said I learned new ways to apply texture to stone, easy methods that came to be between step 5 and 6. These are quickly thrown together textures with basic brushes that come with photoshop and edited through filters and tricks. Through it all there was a large struggle and creativity felt short when it was just problem solving. All and all I came out liking more than I didn't and thats a win for me.

Though there are problems, and I will definitely attempt to nail those out in future pieces. For now this one is done! I hope you liked it! Heres to more things coming, and oh man is there a lot coming!

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Happy Birthday, and keep killing it! :)

That new Zelda piece is awesome!

@dhArt Thanks dude. I appreciate the kind words, you keep it up yourself!

Here is my last piece at the age of 20. Now onto being 21! It's honestly so nice to see how far I've developed, looking back to 1 year ago. Here's to a bright future and if you're reading this keep pushing.
[Image: Zelda_Character.jpg]

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Doing things moderately slow. Figuring out the armor piece by piece. Finally got a taste for it that I don't hate. Though I'm still working out the originality kinks. Reminds me a bit of an old bloodsport I did...
[Image: Zelda_Character.jpg]

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This is just getting to be way to much fun.
[Image: Zelda_Character.jpg]

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I'll end up finishing this one when I get time, almost there. For now heres as far as I have it. Been so busy at my day job as of late, but I'm making enough time each day to keep pushing it.
[Image: Zelda_Character.jpg]

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Nice rendering on the armor!

All set with this one. It really left me with a lot I'd like to study up on. Things I thought I had down really pulled quick ones over me. Back to my sketchbook for now!

It was very fun painting a well known character as something you wouldn't necessarily picture her as. I wanted her to best represent a strong lead role. I'm a huge fan of strong female's in general, much so over the damsel in distress! Zelda, as a character, has been pretty boring as a up until now. It was time for a change. Now this interpretation is wildly different from what you've seen up until now. She's has to hold her own now that there is no one protecting her! You just know that she's been through a lot, she's definitely not a princess anymore.

Hope you liked watching me make it!

[Image: Zelda_Character_Design.png]

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The detail in your stuff is amazing and I especially love the Adventure time pictures, keep it up!


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