Here is my base sketch. Still juggling around ideas and stuff for the main composition and such. Very very early on.
[Image: Eric.png]

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Sketches from life, photos, studying artists, or just imagination. I'm trying to learn things. Just drawing in one of my books. Dedicating this one more to pen work at this time. I have a lot of other ones but I'll upload them another day. For now heres what i've done over the weekend.
[Image: Sketches.png]

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Some more studies and practices from my sketchbook. Also the beginning sketch for a X23 piece. It originally was full body but I like the composition more with this ratio.

[Image: sketches.png]
[Image: X23.png]

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some awesome studies in here man! cool to see you're still cranking it out!

@Heliux Non stop man! Thanks :D

Moving this more and more. Spent a lot of time redoing the face over and over and over. Jeez. All these studies have made me very picky.
[Image: X23.png]

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Doing something like this was sort of nice. I love characters and I need to do more. As simplistic as this was, it was very good to go back to a front view like this. Play with proportion, I went also through several versions of the face before I found myself at the final one. They aren't included in the steps because I never saved any of them.

[Image: X23.png]
[Image: X23_Steps.png]

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Been sketching around with poses and stuff when I finally got to logan. I moved a lot of things around, played with a couple different body types. I like this one. Still not 100% on the pose and I definitely need to revisit the shapes. But Here's where I'm at thus far.
[Image: wolv_sketch.png]

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So with my last post I noticed my knowledge of leg anatomy was a bit off, so I took to studying the forms and balancing them. Heres where that led me! I also changed the composition a bit and added in some snow. It's currently snowing here so the reference for that was too good to pass up.

[Image: wolverine.png]
[Image: Leg+studies.png]

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Polished up some of the values and forms, continuing my process. There is a lot more to go on this one. I'm going to spend as much time getting the forms right before converting it to color.
[Image: wolv_sketch.png]

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Earthbound: Starmen Sketch.
[Image: Starmen.png]

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Yeah I'm still keeping busy, this whole december-january has been filled with family events and so I haven't posted anything. Even right now I'm unable to be at my desktop, so heres a sketch while I'm on the road. Doing character poses for CYCLOPS. Boo ya!

[Image: scott.jpg]

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[Image: scott.png]

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Pretty much done with this before coloring and such. Still think I'll do the other two.
[Image: scott.png]

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Working on these some more. I redid some of the poses and costumes. Nothing is done yet.
[Image: scott.png]

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Great sketchbook man! I love how you model your forms.

Hmm well I guess I've just gotten a way I like to do it. It's more of something I just do than a conscience decision. But yeah thanks, frame work is important and junk.

[Image: scott.png]
Finished the first 2, started the third!

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Oh I mean "modeling form" as the way fine arts teachers refer to the way light falls across a form, creates shadow and shows its shape. Its a confusing term :D

I just call that lighting, but okay!

Done with these 4 I think maybe I'll do some small tweaks here and there, but this is it.

[Image: scott.png]

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Trying some things, feels like being thrown into the ocean not knowing how to swim. No idea what I'm doing, yet! But thats what these are for.
[Image: Sci-Fi_Girl.png]

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Learning from my errors of the first, also referencing real stuff. That helps.
[Image: Sci-Fi_Guy.png]

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