Laura_H's Sketchbook
Great work so far Laura. Try pushin out more of those characters like the one at the end. You can even use -->The Random Character Generator to get yourself a quick idea/vision, just so you know what to study or what kind of refs you might need to pull up. It's quick easy and free, haha. Keep fightin the fight.
Funny you should say that Dennis! Thanks for the kind words, was actually looking at the character generator the other day, it's a nice tool!

[Image: 387096_10150974352101361_1716741530_n.jpg]

Working on a CHOW entry :)

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I'm really eager to see how your chow entry will turn out. ;3

I'm dreading it :p

CHOW looks cool, I too am working on CHoW cept my stuff keeps coming out looking illustration-ee instead of concept Yeah that totally makes sense >.>
Interested to see how it turns out, it has a nice pose to it :)

Hey Laura, does that bard have a rocket launcher/didgeridoo strapped to her back?! Awesome concept! Every idea I had seemed to amount to some version of a keytar that doubles as a gun of some sort - a la Dan Luvisi's character Alice from LMS.

Anyway, your stuff is looking better and better. Keep pushing it!

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
Indeed she does, although I need to put the strap in (thanks for reminding me) everyone went Desperado with guitars and guns and the keytars and violins going on.

Thanks for the nice comments :)

Totally changed my idea for the CHoW. Dude got an eigenharp ^_^

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You did really good job on you CHOW piece. I like his face expression. You have some flawed anatomy here and there. So this is something you'd like to work on. Keep on working ;)

^_^ derrp

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Oooh sexy face laura! I LOVE the texture and lightning on it <3

Woo, thanks Sula! <3

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Mmm beards.

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Last 3 faces are looking mighty fine Laura! Keep pushing it! :)

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
Yeah, oh, ah, those are sweet sexy faces you have here. Any chance for colored ones? xd

heeey! keep pushing eeet! mmmkay?

more beards

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such manly man beards! I like the Asian girl a couple of posts ago, very innocent looking. Definitely getting better :)

Pierce: Woo thanks man :)
Kidult: Fiiight that uphill struggle ;)
Ramalooke: Damn skintones, I hate them, but I love them. Eternal struggle with them.
Jaik: There's nothing better than a manly man beard <3 Thanks for the comments!


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