Rotten's Pocket
I really like the flying insect type character
I stole time from other responsibilities to get back on the computer again. Conveniently my desk faces a wall and I don't have to look at the piles of documents and other shit that needs sorting. Aaaand may or may not have taken up drinking on weeknights again... 

So yeah, most things I've done are either dodgey because I was more than tipsy and the rest are traditional and the scanner is currently buried. Here's a thing. Pray for more things.

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So far I'm doing OK, trying to practice regularly. I don't get enough hours free but I've managed a lot of pencil sketching and one or two digital sketches each day. The trouble with late-night-drawing is I forget things I think about as I'm drawing that I want to ask here. I need sleep.

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Discord: emnida
Aww I love the direction youre going style wise and your anatomy seems to keep improving with each new drawing! Feel like you could actually already start producing portfolio pieces, your more applied pieces are really great! And a bunch of ''finished'' sketches a day is already a lot... takes me days for one thing cause I'm so slow ;_;

Thankyou. I do need to take the time to do completed works, I can be slow mostly because without a clear idea I tend to doubt and just play with what I think looks good.

Until then just another sketch after work.

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Discord: emnida
Urgh, I am over working multiple jobs... Holiday season is making things even more unpredictable, I can't wait until it all settles down.

I've very little opportunity to do projects so I'm back to square one, just trying to find my flow. I seem to do my best work when I'm not thinking too much about it, and then find it more helpful to go back and analyse it. 

So far I'm still not keen on purely digital art - it's just so devoid of the texture and sculptural qualities of traditional media. I am beginning to appreciate it in regards to giving my drawings form. I used to only really use dodge and burn, using only whatever tones I added before scanning. Now I'm going ahead and using paint to tone and colour them. The end result looks a lot more solid and less airbrushed. The main thing I think I now need to do is refrain from using so bold a line. 

Anywho, this practice turned into an alright xmas gift for a chick I know who's mermaid obsessed.

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Discord: emnida
Cool mermaid, keep it up :D

Good job on the mermaid, must've made her real happy :) Also don't worry about the dark line as long as it works with the rest of the image - which it does. If you want to experiment with the dark outline, you can try tint the outline the same color as the image, just darker. So for example the part of the line work that goes with the green tail, make them dark green, etc.

The mermaid looks fantastic, great details.

Thanks for the props guys,

and I see what you mean @meat, I was thinking about that and how I should isolate the lines as people have suggested and colour it separately. 

A little too wiped for drawing tonight but i have been playing around with making my own brushes. Can never find ones i like so i though i can do it easy. just need to clean up the shapes because I'm getting that halo thing happening. All from fudging around with ink blotches but i see scales. teeth. fabric...

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Discord: emnida
It might save you time to redraw the line on a separate layer, by tracing the old one.

When making your own brush, use hard edge shapes with no fall off, that should get rid of the halo.

Yeah I went through a remade them all. 

Holiday season is making everyone go spaz here, I haven't had much time to draw, and the forum looks a bit slow too, but here's somethin.

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Discord: emnida
Happy Holidays folks. 

my eyes are going t shrivel up soon but here's a pic. I haven't liked much that I've done this past month so most of that is all deleted.

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Discord: emnida
fun fact: all my character drawings look how I feel. very tired and slightly pissed off


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Discord: emnida
Always pleasant to come see how you've updated. You continue to improve with your values and details, and it's just encouraging to see that with consistent, hard work, there will be improvement for the rest of us too.

I'm hoping to see you branch into colours soon, if only a colour overlay to experiment. Grin Keep it up, RP. Thumbs_up


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Great SB RP, I like the consistent style you got going! That last one doesn't look tired or slightly pissed off XD Changes changes!
@Bookend Thank you kind sir! And encouraged ever further to hear such words. I should definitely do colour variations/studies... New year. New goals?

@dodeqaa Ch-ch-changes! ♫ ?


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Discord: emnida
This afternoon's digi-doodle: a googly-eyed, cave-dwelling drake. 

Not fussed with finishing - want to get back to traditional.

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