The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Craig - Cheers man, Yeah, loomis has got a lot more fun for me since I started doing it in pen rather than digitally. Not sure why, guess it just makes a change lol.

New stuff...

So... think I've finished Mordred
[Image: file-357.jpg]

Just for comparison's sake, and stuff. Here's the 4 finals
[Image: file-291.jpg]

And my first attempt at Arthur, from October (I redid him after Merlin).

[Image: file-1857.jpg]

[Image: file-360.jpg]

[Image: file-406.jpg]

[Image: file-2364.jpg]

[Image: file-545.jpg]

And studies
[Image: file-2176.jpg]

[Image: file-792.jpg]

[Image: file-969.jpg]

[Image: file-341.jpg]

Mordred look's really cool man, the rendering on the armor is really nice. as for your last post on studies, I think it'd be good to do imagination stuff as you said. After I'd just really look at what you've come up with and ask yourself what aspects you want to improve/need to (arms, legs, etc) study those things then try a few more from imagination

Been doing that for anatomy and I find it's working out well, feel like I'm learning a lot more and improving those certain things faster.

You've got a good pace going, keep pushing it :)

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Jonesoda - Thanks man. Yeah, I'm going to try to apply stuff more now. That sounds good though. I did a little this morning, with the facial muscles. Basically drew it out, until I could draw it without looking. Seems to work, just hope it sticks ;).

Pretty chilled out Sunday, back to it properly tomorrow :)

Trying to memorise facial anatomy, and applying it over a photo
[Image: file-567.jpg]

[Image: file-1371.jpg]

Today's character
[Image: file-629.jpg]

And a sketch
[Image: file-1902.jpg]

You're throwing out so much work i can barely keep up! Its awesome, well played :)
Loomis stuff is looking so tight now, clearly all the work has payed off and its also day to tell when looking at the imagination stuff you've been doing as well
Some of those studies are awesome, as always :)
The daily characters have been wicked, great idea, keep doing them. let your imagination loose bro! :D

keep working hard dude! that facebook compression is brutal but mordred looks so much better on here, solid portfolio piece for sure.
Dan - Cheers dude, actually gonna mix it up with some bridgman now I think. Thanks though :)

Ben - Ah yes, the curse of the facebook compression. Tbh, I think I just put waaaaay too much texture in his face for it to be displayed small. My bad. Glad you liked it though, thank you :)

Wahey, yesterday's stuff

[Image: file-2091.jpg]

[Image: file-1721.jpg]

[Image: file-1699.jpg]

For Isra's class on Crimson Daggers
[Image: file-1580.jpg]

[Image: file-1824.jpg]

Daily Character

[Image: file-936.jpg]

Been kinda ill and in bed for a lot of today. Got some studys and an environment done though..

[Image: file-2498.jpg]

[Image: file-304.jpg]

[Image: file-1930.jpg]

Quick update before bed.

Yesterday's Character
[Image: file-2016.jpg]

[Image: file-2252.jpg]

Studies from this morning. I felt gross, so was working super slow. Here they are though. I try not to discriminate about what I post here, no matter whether I like it or not. So yeah..

[Image: file-2431.jpg]

[Image: file-1696.jpg]

Today's character, was pretty happy with this

[Image: file-1878.jpg]

And today's environment - still need to work on these so much!
[Image: file-1049.jpg]

I think I'm going to alternate each week, between doing daily environments/characters, and just pushing one for the whole week. Should help me get a balance of quick ideas, and expanding my visual library, and at the same time, I'll still have to push stuff to a finish regularly. Not sure if that makes sense.. So tired. That's the plan though :)

Passed 1200 Hours Here

I just deleted my timetable. It's been working pretty well, and for just starting out having some regiment is really useful, but I think I've been trying to follow it too rigidly, and that's been stopping me from tackling the right stuff. So yeah. We'll see how it goes. I'm still going to be studying every day, trying to apply stuff, etc, it just won't be at set times. Tbh, it probably won't make a lot of difference to what my posts look like. Just thought I'd mention it.

So, today's stuff.

[Image: mountainroadstudycopy.jpg]

Kinda applying it
[Image: rockfallcopy.jpg]

Studies and a character
[Image: Scan1.jpeg]

And anatomy
[Image: Scan.jpeg]

Last coupla days

[Image: Scan3.jpeg]

[Image: Scan5.jpeg]

[Image: Scan2.jpeg]

[Image: Scan4.jpeg]

Gestures. Started doing these from videos on youtube yesterday. Way more fun, so far anyway.
[Image: Scan-1.jpeg]

[Image: Scan1-1.jpeg]

Pushing that idea a bit further, gestures from a fight scene
[Image: ned-stark-and-jaime-lannister-fight-scene.gif]

Working on an Attenborough Portrait. Experimenting with the Zorn Palette digitally. Pretty fun

[Image: DavidAttenboroughPortraitLines.jpg]

[Image: DavidAttenboroughPortraitcopy.jpg]

And a character WIP, although I think I might stop working on this here, after realising he's literally just a square.
[Image: knightcopy.jpg]

[Image: knight1copy.jpg]

yeah, the knight guy looks like a square, but thats nothing you cant solve morphing it with Ctrl + T a bit.
And cool animation and gesture studies, i will say, keep them coming! :P

Eduardo - Cheers man, yeah I could probably have fixed it with some work, but tbh, it's just practice, may as well move on lol. :)

New stuff

[Image: Scan6.jpeg]

[Image: jorah-vs-qotho.gif]

Sketchbook stuff
[Image: Scan7.jpeg]

And a new character WiP - Witch Doctor
[Image: witchdoctorcopy.jpg]

[Image: witchdoctorlinescopy.jpg]

This page alone is a trove of useful areas of study I had not considered before, and then to see how you've applied those lessons have inspired me to seek what you sought with them. I think its important that you've stated that you try not to discriminate your work and post up what is, being honest both with yourself and the rest of us is admirable.

I really appreciated your advice on the portrait - though I've yet to use it, I'll post up the results soon.

Michael - Hey, thanks man, glad you could get something from it. I've been following your work, and really like it, so that means a lot. Yeah, I guess it's more so I can look back in however many years time, and see what my work used to look like. That's kinda why I'm tracking the hours as well, figured it'd be cool for people to be able to put an actual number next to different stages of progress. Who knows lol.

Today's stuff

[Image: Scan-2.jpeg]

Iron Man gestures
[Image: ironman-flight.gif]

Study, playing with focal points and stuff - big blurry brushes
[Image: maskstudycopy.jpg]

[Image: maskstudycrop.jpg]

Tried to apply it, but after a 2 hour break - didn't go so well
[Image: applyingmaskstudycopy.jpg]

[Image: Scan1-2.jpeg]

And Witch Doctor progress
[Image: witchdoctorcopy-1.jpg]

I really like your idea of creating figure studies from fight scenes. You've inspired me to perhaps try something similar but with wrestling matches, take freeze frames of wrestling moves being done and that. Could be cool, and very useful, so cheers for that. :)

Also, If we were currently on Reddit, I would give all my upvotes to your David Attenborough portrait. :D

so much great stuff in here . the pencil work and the old knight stands out for me. as for criticism, the witch doctors head looks flat. think of the heads form in 3d space maybe even draw quickly the forms around the skull and for the mask. keep up the work ethic!
Craig - Cheers man. Actually, yeah I've been meaning to do it with MMA or something, wrestling's a good idea though. May have to try that out. They're pretty fun. I tend to do them just with a youtube video. Pause it, then use the arrow keys to go through frame by frame. But tbh, that's might be a little slow, you could learn more by jumping a few frames at a time. Depends on the movement I guess. I'd love to see someone else's take on the exercise, either way. :)

Ben - Thank you, yeah I've started trying to think like that, in 3d, but I'm still finding it difficult, and I just forget sometimes. Cheers for the reminder, I'll work on it. :)

Today's stuff

Bridgman Studies
[Image: Scan2-1.jpeg]

Applying it
[Image: Scan3-1.jpeg]

Finished this perspective exercise for Isra's class - draw your room in 1 point
[Image: Ex2-Roomcopy.jpg]

Marker Studies
[Image: Scan4-1.jpeg]

And Applying them
[Image: Scan-3.jpeg]

And some more work on the Witch Doctor. Getting there
[Image: witchdoctorcopy-2.jpg]

some solid practices in here, keep it up man!
Kevin - Cheers dude :)

Finished that witch doctor dude, but been in a kind of slump since then. Gonna power through it tomorrow and get back to it. woooooo

So yeah, the final
[Image: WitchdoctorPostcopy.jpg]

A Daarken study I did for it
[Image: daarkenclothstudycopy.jpg]

Marker stuff
[Image: Scan-4.jpeg]

[Image: Scan2-2.jpeg]

Self Portrait
[Image: Scan3-2.jpeg]

Some design studies
[Image: Designstudies8thfebcopy.jpg]

Character sketches
[Image: charactersketches8thfebcopy.jpg]

Much better day today. Seem to have randomly done a load of pen and paper stuff, which makes a change. But it's all good.

Bridgman Studies
[Image: Scan-5.jpeg]

Imagination poses
[Image: Scan4-2.jpeg]

Pose studies from professional's work, there's some daarken stuff, and some from spectrum in there
[Image: Scan1-4.jpeg]

Applying from memory
[Image: Scan2-3.jpeg]

[Image: Scan3-3.jpeg]

Pushing them a bit
[Image: Thumbnailing9thFebcopy.jpg]

Design studies
[Image: Scan5-2.jpeg]

And, again.. Applying from memory
[Image: Scan6-1.jpeg]

Oh, and this happened... Get it? It's a fork. And it's in the road. Like a fork.. in the road. Fork in the road? I'm sorry

[Image: forkintheroadcopy.jpg]


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