The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Haven't been here in a while, but you always impress me when I stop by to see what you've been up to. And congrats on the job, man! Where is it, if you don't me asking.

Wow, it's awesome that you've been getting clients, and now a full time position! Congrats big time, man. Not even at 10,000 yet and your work is looking pretty pro. Keep it up! Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Nowio - Thank you :)

MrFrenik - Cheers dude, much appreciated. It's at a company called iSite TV.

Bookend - Thanks, yeah I've been a bit busy. Glad you think so, gotta keep cracking away at it :)

Hello again :)

Path of Destruction
[Image: Path-of-Destruction.jpg]

Monster Train
[Image: Monster-train.jpg]

Final Touches
[Image: Final-Touches.jpg]

Strawberry Madness
[Image: Strawberry-Madness.jpg]

Dragonfly Rider
[Image: DragonFly-Rider.jpg]

Planet Harvester
[Image: Planet-Harvester.jpg]

Window Shopping Witch
[Image: Window-Shopping-Witch.jpg]

Mechanical Arm
[Image: Mechanical-Arm.jpg]

Long Fingers
[Image: Long-Fingers.jpg]

Rocket Boots
[Image: Rocket-Boots.jpg]

Secret Door
[Image: Secret-Door.jpg]

Horned Child
[Image: Horned-Child.jpg]

[Image: Ides-of-March-Study.jpg]

[Image: Moon-Still-Study.jpg]

[Image: Inherent-Vice-Study.jpg]

[Image: For-A-Few-Dollars-More-Study.jpg]

[Image: D-List-Celebrity-Existentialism.jpg]

[Image: Sphere-Render-Exercise.jpg]

[Image: Filthy-Rich.jpg]

[Image: Glass-Whale.jpg]

[Image: Carrot-Cut.jpg]

Haha, great job man. The carrot's my fave, lol. Keep up the great work! Grin

I've took your example and I'm recording my hours too, just for fun. We'll see if anything comes of it. It's actually really hard to record my time, lol, I often lose track of it, so I have to make an estimate. Do you use a timer?


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Bookend - Cheers dude, gotta love painting inanimate objects with faces :)

A confession. I haven't been painting much. Or at least not enough. Or at least I wish I was painting more. Time seems to be going faster, and I seem to be getting less done, and it's a all a bit naff. However, in future I will aim to rectify that, by doing more, and slowing down time. In the mean time, here's some things what I've done:

Sketches and an abandoned thing
[Image: Sci-Fi-Media-Player-Thumbs.jpg]

[Image: Sci-Fi-Media-Player-Sketches.jpg]

[Image: Sci-Fi-Media-Player---2.jpg]

Some text
[Image: The-Fly.jpg]

[Image: Underwater-Breathing.jpg]

[Image: Newcomer-in-town.jpg]

[Image: planet-Surveyor.jpg]

Studying pulp fiction
[Image: Pulp-Fiction-Storyboard-Study.jpg]

A poorly executed idea
[Image: Exploring-the-Deep.jpg]

Fan art, I guess,
[Image: The-Brother-Comps.jpg]

[Image: The-Brother-Sketches.jpg]

[Image: The-Brother.jpg]

[Image: The-Brother-Wide.jpg]

A study, to prove to myself that I remember how to paint
[Image: Hand.jpg]

A venus fly trap drinking coke, of course
[Image: Venus-Fly-Trap.jpg]

And a fake book cover that I dicked about with for far too long.
[Image: Lost-at-Sea-2.jpg]

That's the lot :)

New Stufffff

Sketches and Spitpaintings
[Image: Lost-in-the-Woods.jpg]

[Image: Knight-Swing.jpg]

[Image: The-Aftermath.jpg]

[Image: Cropped-Gun.jpg]

[Image: Space-Castle-Corridor.jpg]

[Image: Desert-Walk.jpg]

[Image: The-Tree.jpg]

[Image: Horse-and-Sky.jpg]

[Image: Rocks2.jpg]

[Image: Flying-Hair.jpg]

Zombie Dude
[Image: Zombie-Caveman.jpg]

Abandoned Illustration
[Image: Crack-in-the-ice.jpg]

[Image: Sargent-Tie-Study.jpg]

[Image: Fishy-Studies.jpg]

And a new illustration (I finished something - woohoo!)

[Image: Fishy.jpg]

Passed 7000 hours here

Haven't posted in forever, so this is just going to be an image dump. Hopefully I'll get back into a routine of posting soon, then this won't happen.

[Image: Colliseum-Fire.jpg]

[Image: Broken-Dome.jpg]

[Image: Forest-Monument.jpg]

[Image: Rocky-Path.jpg]

[Image: Knight-Swing-Studies.jpg]

[Image: Hampton-Heads.jpg]

[Image: Trenchcoat-Magic.jpg]

[Image: Framed-face.jpg]

[Image: Hampton-Gesture.jpg]

[Image: Castle-Car.jpg]

[Image: SketchBookDA063247-DE9F-40F8-9238-9852DE9B776B.png]

[Image: SketchBookDA063247-DE9F-40F8-9238-9852DE9B776B.png]

[Image: SketchBookDA063247-DE9F-40F8-9238-9852DE9B776B.png]

[Image: SketchBookDA063247-DE9F-40F8-9238-9852DE9B776B.png]

[Image: SketchBookDA063247-DE9F-40F8-9238-9852DE9B776B.png]

[Image: SketchBook2E1F840C-862C-495D-ACE2-BEAB9ED80D72.png]

[Image: Foggy-Ruins.jpg]

[Image: Volcano-Top-Down.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7380.png]

[Image: IMG_7379.png]

[Image: IMG_7378.png]

[Image: Inglorious-Basterds-Storyboard-Study.jpg]

[Image: SDfsdfsdf.jpg]

[Image: Chimney.jpg]

[Image: skyfall-storyboard-study.jpg]

[Image: Process.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7385.png]

[Image: Sketching.jpg]

[Image: IMG_7387.png]

[Image: IMG_7386.png]

[Image: Star-Wars-SB-study-All.jpg]

[Image: Tree-ruins.jpg]

[Image: Skyfall-Storyboard-Studies1.jpg]

[Image: Skyfall-Storyboard-Studies2.jpg]

[Image: Skyfall-Storyboard-Studies3.jpg]

[Image: Portrait-Practice-Lines.jpg]

[Image: Drive-Study.jpg]

[Image: Drive-Study.jpg]

[Image: Face-Practice.jpg]

[Image: Baubel.jpg]

[Image: Inglorious-Basterds-Brad-Pitt-Study.jpg]

[Image: Martian-Storyboard-all.jpg]

[Image: Gesture-Practice-2.jpg]

[Image: Sketch-study-and-Apply.jpg]

[Image: Circld-comp-study.jpg]

[Image: Sketches-and-Studies.jpg]

[Image: Pyramid.jpg]

[Image: Gestures-31-dec.jpg]

[Image: Hampton-Landmarks.jpg]

[Image: Gesture-Practice-040116.jpg]

[Image: Dinosaur-painting-study.jpg]

[Image: Sunken-Ring-Sketch.jpg]

[Image: Modern-Magic-2.jpg]

[Image: Abduction-Study.jpg]

[Image: Gesture-050116.jpg]

[Image: Volcano-Escape-Sketch.jpg]

[Image: Hampton-Connecting-Forms.jpg]

[Image: Figure-Practice.jpg]

[Image: Cargo-Take-Off.jpg]

[Image: Mercenary.jpg]

[Image: Cargo-Take-Off-Thumbnails.jpg]

[Image: Sketches.jpg]

[Image: Guard.jpg]

[Image: Modern-Magic.jpg]

Wow... so much stuff, i'm loving your pose studies, you can see the improvement in every page, you sir are a inspiration, thank you for sharing with us.
ThatDudeIsaGhost - Cheers man, means a lot :)

Passed 7100 hours here

Sketch Studies

[Image: Water-and-Rocks-Sketch-Study.jpg]

[Image: Portrait-side-light-sketch-study.jpg]

[Image: Jack-Sparrow-sketch-study.jpg]

[Image: MAn-with-dog-in-Grass-Sketch-Study.jpg]

[Image: Blindfold-Sketch-Study.jpg]

[Image: Foggy-Trees-Sketch-Study.jpg]

[Image: Green-Sky---Study.jpg]

Misc studies
[Image: Dice-Study.jpg]

[Image: Eye-practice.jpg]

[Image: Highlights---Reflectivity-vs-Specularity.jpg]

[Image: Leathers.jpg]

[Image: Local-Value---Specular-Highlights.jpg]

[Image: Part-Traced-Hand-Study.jpg]

[Image: Reflected-Colour.jpg]

[Image: Reflections---Reflectiviyt-vs-Specularity.jpg]

[Image: Side-profile-op-knot-study.jpg]

[Image: Sword-Practice.jpg]

Unfinished thing
[Image: Obelisk-2.jpg]

New stuff

[Image: Car-on-Yellow.jpg]

[Image: Footprint.jpg]

[Image: Plughole.jpg]

[Image: Dark-Knight.jpg]

[Image: Car-night-sky.jpg]

[Image: Crash.jpg]

[Image: Trains.jpg]

[Image: Ship.jpg]

Passed 7200 Hours Here

New Stuff
[Image: Police.jpg]

[Image: Shrunken.jpg]

[Image: UFO.jpg]

Sketches and spitpaintings
[Image: Your-Next-Door-Neighbour.jpg]]

[Image: Scribble.jpg]

[Image: Dirty-Feet.jpg]

[Image: Bunny-Boss.jpg]

[Image: Star-Gate.jpg]

[Image: Cloud-Ship.jpg]

[Image: Sunset-Sketch.jpg]

Hey Jake, lookin' good as per usual <3

I was wondering what your feelings were toward your progress - having just passed 7200/10000 (congrats btw!)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Man awesome dedication! You have a really interesting way of tracking your work and creating accountability with your 10000 hr blog. This sketchbook and your work ethic have inspired me. Great stuff!
smrr - Cheers! I'm never sure. I definitely think I understand stuff better now, but I don't know whether that leads me to make better images or not. I'm not stopping though, and always trying to get better, so that's got to count for something right? ;)

Legion Brewer - Cheers dude. Glad you think so. It's sort of a fun idea that got way out of hand and now I can't stop lol ;)

New stuff

[Image: rocks-1.jpg]

[Image: rocks-2.jpg]

[Image: rocks-3.jpg]

[Image: Space-Shipyard.jpg]

[Image: AstroRobot-1.jpg]

And WIP - Any feedback on this would be much appreciated :)
[Image: AstroRobot-Painting.jpg]

New Stuff
[Image: AstroRobot-Painting.jpg]

WIP - Any thoughts on these, which composition works best?

[Image: Rocks-and-Foliage---Options.jpg]

Great stuff here! For your last comp i really like the second one i think that the empty left side make the rock look bigger. Also it took me a whil to see that there's a guy climbing there!

Love the environmental sketches with the rocks. As for the compositions in the last post they all seem to have different issues. Think the 2nd one is the best one. You could add some sample title menu text and see if it would work :)

Laco - Cheers man, hopefully the climber's a little more obvious now. Moving on from it anyway.

CrackedSkull - Cheers dude, had a lot of fun with those. Yeah, I know what you mean. I went with that one in the end, might take another swing at it at some point, but calling it quits for now :)

New Stuff

Finished this
[Image: Rocks-and-Foliage---Revised.jpg]

[Image: Overcast-House.jpg]

[Image: What.jpg]

[Image: Castle-Hill-2.jpg]

And a new WIP. Any feedback, C+C much appreciated :)

[Image: Flatcap-Lines.jpg]

[Image: Flatcap.jpg]

New Stuff

[Image: SteamPunk-Airship-Painting.jpg]

[Image: Snowy-Mountain---Golden-Hour.jpg]

[Image: IMG_8036.jpg]

[Image: Artboard%201.jpg]

[Image: Lumberjack.jpg]

[Image: Lumberjack-Golden-V3.jpg]

[Image: Superheroes.jpg]

[Image: Skater.jpg]

[Image: Scribbles2.jpg]

[Image: Selfie-150516.jpg]

[Image: Robo.jpg]

[Image: Overgrown-Shoe.jpg]

[Image: Landed---Render-2.jpg]

[Image: No-Idea.jpg]

[Image: Mug-Test.jpg]

[Image: Mug-Test.jpg]

[Image: Female-Knight.jpg]

Passed 7500 Hours Here

Look, stuff! :)

3D tutorials

[Image: screenshot001.png]

[Image: screenshot003.png]

[Image: screenshot002.png]

[Image: 2%20-%20Textures%20Only%202.jpg]

[Image: 1%20-%20Textures%20Only%201.jpg]

[Image: screenshot000.png]

[Image: Concept-Lighting-Source-01.jpg]

[Image: Cartoon-House.jpg]

Misc 3D

[Image: Helmet%20ZBrush%20ScreenGrab02.jpg]

[Image: Helmet%20ZBrush%20ScreenGrab01.jpg]

[Image: Helmet-Sketches.jpg]

[Image: ZBrush%20ScreenGrab02.jpg]

[Image: ZBrush%20ScreenGrab01.jpg]

[Image: Lamp.jpg]

[Image: Lamp-Concept.jpg]


[Image: Forest-Run.jpg]

[Image: Mountain-In-Distance.jpg]

[Image: Rocky-Arch.jpg]

[Image: Water.jpg]

[Image: Blue-BG-heads.jpg]

[Image: Tasche.jpg]

(Photo study, with photo textures)
[Image: Matte_Concept-Photo-Study---Flat-2.jpg]

[Image: Heads-Brushwork.jpg]

[Image: Alien-Mobster.jpg]

[Image: Alleyway.jpg]

[Image: Guy---With-Process.jpg]

[Image: PHoto-Comp-Landcape-Test.jpg]

[Image: Thumbnails-03_08_16.jpg]

[Image: Fire-Through-Ice-Sketch.jpg]

[Image: 04_08_16---Fire-Erupting-Ice.jpg]

[Image: Tube-Train-Slime.jpg]

[Image: 05_08_2016-Bridgman-Practice.jpg]

[Image: Artboard%202.jpg]

[Image: 04_08_2016-Bridgman-Practice.jpg]

[Image: Artboard%201.png]

[Image: Top-Heavy-Superhero.jpg]

[Image: Self-Portrait-03_08_16.jpg]

[Image: Phone-scribble.jpg]

[Image: Coffee-Glass.jpg]

[Image: Foggy-Trees.jpg]

[Image: Boat-Water.jpg]

[Image: Chair.jpg]

[Image: Space-Style.jpg]

[Image: Mountains-in-Distance-2.jpg]

[Image: Lake-Hosue-Flat-Final.jpg]

[Image: Glasses-Portrait.jpg]

[Image: Tent.jpg]

[Image: Mechanic.jpg]

[Image: Mechanic-Process.jpg]

[Image: Obelisk.jpg]


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