The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Dude, crazy-hard work you have here! I'm impressed and inspired! I like the keeping track of hours spent - I've actually been timing myself while studying, too, and it provides a nice quantitative touchpoint and helps to keep me on task when the timer is running. :p

narcotics - thanks a lot man, means a lot. I'm not planning on slowing down any time soon :)

Autumnflame - Thank you, yeah it started out as a way to get myself motivated, but it's actually something that really interests me. And who knows, maybe in the future it'll be useful for somebody? :).

So, new stuff

Digital exercises
[Image: hands5thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: faces5thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: materials5thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: characters5thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: figures6thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: comps7thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: hands7thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: faces7thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: rocks7thmarchcopy.jpg]

Trying out this workflow with a longer study
~1hour from walking dead

[Image: rickcopy.jpg]
Likenesses are so hard.

Traditional stuff, getting a bit more confident now I think :)

[Image: 0303131-1.jpeg]

[Image: 0403136.jpeg]

[Image: 0403138.jpeg]

[Image: 060313.jpeg]

[Image: 040313-1.jpeg]

[Image: 0403131-1.jpeg]

[Image: 0403132-1.jpeg]

~1 hour hand study
[Image: 0403135.jpeg]

Portrait thing from imagination
[Image: portrait5thmarchcopy.jpg]

And some initial comp ideas for the new bloodsport
[Image: bloodsport13compositonsketchescopy.jpg]

Couple of notes,
Think I'm going to be dropping the "memory" exercise from the list, it's just such a hassle. Painting from memory's definitely a useful thing to do, after a study, but just trying to memorise a reference is more effort than it's worth. Also, if I stick to an hour per "sheet" that gives me 15mins per piece, which should allow me to slow down and think more carefully about what I'm doing.

Which brings me onto my second point...
I've been doing these quick pieces by basically trying to get my hand to move as fast as possible. And while it's useful, and pretty fun (definitely give it a go sometime!) I think I've been prioritising the wrong things. So, I'm going to be keeping the time limits short, but thinking more carefully about every brushstroke. Basically going to try and work 'efficiently' rather than 'chaotically'

So yeah, as always, any feedback's welcome

Hey man,

I just been through your thread and I really like how you've stuck to it and improved :)

I have some suggestions regarding the memory exercises. Seeing as to how you are prioritizing your studies, maybe you can do that with your memory exercises as well.

So instead of memorising the whole reference, stick to the characteristic parts of the image, hooked nose flanked by gaunt cheeks and thick lips...etc. so you only remember the volumes of interest? The rest of the details can be organized within these main volumes.

Just my 2 cents, keep up the great work :D

Passed 1500 Hours Here!!
I started this whole challenge thing on the 11th, last March, so I guess 1500 in almost exactly year. The next goal is to get to 4000 by Christmas I think, and 3000 hours per year from now on :).

anzhou - Thanks man, glad you think so. That's a pretty cool idea, might give that a go in a while. Atm though, I think I'm going to stick to the 4 exercises. It gives me a little bit more time so I don't have to rush quite as much. Think it's a bit more useful. Cheers for the suggestions though :).

Yesterday's stuff
[Image: Figures8thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: composiition8thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: hands8thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 0803131.jpeg]

[Image: 080313.jpeg]

[Image: 0403133-1.jpeg]

And fleshed out something in pencil for the first time in a while, pretty fun, but a lot of struggling, values are so hard.

[Image: icecreamguy.png]

Keep waking up late and not having time to post :/, gonna try and sort it out, and get back to regular updates soon.

Recent stuff

Paper ..
[Image: 1203131.jpeg]

[Image: 120313.jpeg]

[Image: 1103133.jpeg]

[Image: 1103132.jpeg]

[Image: 110313.jpeg]

[Image: 1003131.jpeg]

[Image: 100313.jpeg]

[Image: 0903131.jpeg]

[Image: 090313.jpeg]

[Image: 0803132.jpeg]

[Image: faces9thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: materials9thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: dragons9thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: teleport10thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Compositions11thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Figures11thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: faces12thmarchcopy.jpg]

Longer still life, trying to remember how to render ;)

[Image: stilllife9thmarchcopy.jpg]

And some bloodsports work

[Image: bloodsport13compositonsketchescopy-1.jpg]

[Image: bloodsport13compositoncopy.jpg]

[Image: MainDragonsketchescopy.jpg]

[Image: MainCharacterSketchescopy.jpg]

More to come :)

Hey hey, yesterday's stuff.

Visual Library stuff
[Image: 1203132.jpeg]

[Image: 1203133.jpeg]

[Image: Materials13thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Comps13thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 120313-1.jpeg]

[Image: Hands13thmarchcopy.jpg]

There ya go :)

congrats on 1500 hours man :)

I love the variety of your studies man, I gotta take a page outta your sketchbook and do more!

Keep hitting!

anzhou - Cheers dude. Yeah, the variety's fun, give it a go :)

Yesterday's stuff

[Image: 120313-2.jpeg]

[Image: 1403131.jpeg]

[Image: 140313.jpeg]

[Image: Hands14thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Comps14thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Figures14thmarchcopy.jpg]

Other Pencil stuff
Imagination faces
[Image: 1403133.jpeg]

Longer study
[Image: 1403132.jpeg]

Still life/kind of a self portrait/shiny ball study thing
[Image: stilllife14thmarchcopy.jpg]

ahh good stuff :) is that ellen page? first thing that came to mind :)

dunno if you heard this before, but this is for you
keep it up champ!
anzhou - Haha nope, just from a random photo on tumblr, can kinda see it though ;)

podcod - Yeah, heard it recently. Really getting into macklemore recently, awesome stuff. Cheers man :)

Last couple of days :)

[Image: faces15thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Leather15thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Characters15thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 150313.jpeg]

[Image: 1503131.jpeg]

Other studies
[Image: Longformportraitstudy16thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 1503132.jpeg]

Pencil Page
[Image: 160313.jpeg]

Still Life
[Image: glassstilllifecopy.jpg]

great work all around man! loving your still lifes :D
BenFlores - Cheers dude, they've been really fun to do. Glad you like them :)

New stuff, last couple of days :)

[Image: Figures17thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Comps17thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Hands18thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 180313.jpeg]

[Image: 1703133.jpeg]

[Image: 1703132.jpeg]

[Image: 1703131.jpeg]

[Image: 170313.jpeg]

Stuff from yesterday

Digital Exercises
[Image: Faces19thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Trees19thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Barbarians19thmarchcopy.jpg]


[Image: 190313.jpeg]

[Image: 1803132.jpeg]

[Image: 1803131.jpeg]

Sargent Studies
[Image: 1803131.jpeg]

Sort of applying them with a screencap study from homeland
[Image: homelandstudy19thmarchcopy.jpg]

And a page of imagination faces
[Image: 1903131.jpeg]

Man your study method is pretty awesome, and it's totally working, keep it up!

jneumann26 - Cheers dude, yeah I think it's helping at the moment. Going to mix it up again at the end of the month I think.

Recent stuff

[Image: figures20thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: comps20thMarchcopy.jpg]

Sargent Hands
[Image: hands20thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Faces25thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: fur25thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Photo2013-03-25040152PM.jpg]

Wes Burt Hands
[Image: Photo2013-03-26045035PM.jpg]

[Image: Photo2013-03-26023831PM.jpg]

[Image: 1903132.jpeg]

Other Studies
[Image: study23rdMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: birdsilhouette26thMarchcopy.jpg]

Pencil page from imagination
[Image: Photo2013-03-26092236PM.jpg]

Still life
[Image: mannequinstilllife26thMarchcopy.jpg]

that still life study looks fantastic, overall i ttink your economy of brush strokes is what i like the best, something i need to work on.

keep on trucking
podcod - Thank you so much lol. That's exactly what I've been working on. Still got a long way to go, but sometimes it seems to click, and that's pretty satisfying lol.

Passed 1600 hours here

Yesterday's stuff

[Image: 2013-03-27130228.jpg]

[Image: figures27thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-27161849.jpg]

[Image: Comps27thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-27190115.jpg]

[Image: JJhands27thMarchcopy.jpg]

New stuff

Ripping on Rockwell faces
[Image: RockwellFaces28thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-28140223.jpg]

[Image: Armour28thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-28170724.jpg]

[Image: priests28thMarchcopy.jpg]

Pencil Study
[Image: 2013-03-29124324.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-29193810.jpg]

Going to be trying to finish something every day from now on. So, smaller updates, with less images, but I'm going to push each one further :)

Recent stuff.
[Image: figures29thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-30114659.jpg]

[Image: comps29thMarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: 2013-03-30164056.jpg]

[Image: Portrait30thmarchcopy.jpg]

[Image: Portrait31stmarchcopy.jpg]

April Fools
[Image: clown1stAprilcopy.jpg]

Peace Offering
[Image: cakeguy2ndAprilcopy.jpg]

And some process
[Image: cakprocesscopy.jpg]

Any feedback/thoughts, would be much appreciated. Just trying to make as many mistakes as possible and push myself as hard as possible this month :)

Edit: and a brand new page to go with it, awesome :)


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