The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Warburton - Hold up now, I wouldn't dream of using a pencil. It's biro lol. But yeah, pretty fun. Gonna have to do more :) And thanks dude, really appreciate it. Haha yeah, my shitty attempt to paint a rolled cigarette, I guess it's a joint now. ;) Maybe that adds to the story?

Not a lot to show, been doing some client work the last couple days, back on it soon.

Got some studies though
Jean Leon Gerome
[Image: 5th-feb---Gerome-Study.jpg]

My main man Rockwell, such a fan boy
[Image: 6th-Feb-Rockwell-Study.jpg]

And a spit paint from a couple days ago - Secret agent
[Image: Secret-Agent.jpg]

Sheeeeeit, man. The more I see updates, the more I'm seeing what such a sick style you're developing. I'm becoming a fan of your tasty brushwork. Please paint some food so that I may eat it, hahaha.

Really though, your stuff is looking great. Wonderful inspiration! Do keep up the great work, Sir Jake! :D

Archreux - Haha, I appreciate it man, not totally sure what I'm doing, but getting a little more comfortable each time lol. Ps, there was totally an olive in a recent thing, if you're looking for food ;)

Sargent Study
[Image: 7th-Feb-Sargent-Study.jpg]

Water and rocks and stuff
[Image: 7th-Feb---Sea.jpg]

Digging those two studies man, love seeing the improvement here, it's inspiring and shows hard work pays off!

You're gaining so much xp Jake, I can't even keep up. Keep going!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Passed 3800 Hours Here

Mayenla - Cheers, glad you think so man :)

Egbu - Haha, thanks dude, Imma try ;)

Just studies again, trying to get on top of client stuff so I can bust out some personal work soon. :)

Completely and utterly dicked this up. Was playing around with process, brushes, all kinds of stuff. Didn't work lol. Ooops

[Image: Feb-8th-Study.jpg]

Studied a mountain today though, not gonna lie, pretty fun :)

[Image: 9th-Feb-Mountain-Study.jpg]

Hey, so not posted in a while, been working on client stuff, trying to get it under control. But here's what I've got :)

[Image: 11th-Feb-study---Forest-Path-.jpg]

[Image: 10th-Feb-Landscape-Study.jpg]

[Image: 13th-Feb-snowy-path-study.jpg]

Tried to do this one morning. Basically got a bunch of refs, and tried to smash them together into one painting. Didn't really work. Maybe it has potential as an exercise, not sure though.

[Image: 12th-Feb---Multi-Ref-Viking.jpg]

The refs
[Image: viking-rerfs.jpg]

And then just spit paintings - Trying to do these more regularly, they help a ton, and it's kinda hard to make an excuse when they only take half an hour ;)

Flaming Rose
[Image: Flamin-Rose.jpg]

Old Barbarian
[Image: Old-Barbarian.jpg]

Aztec Temple
[Image: Aztec-Temple.jpg]

The red tree
[Image: The-red-tree.jpg]

I liked where that old warrior was going! Nice spit paints too~ Keep up the hard work and I hope you can show the client stuff soon =)

atrenr - Cheers dude. I dunno, maybe something could've come out of it. Wasn't really feeling it though. Yeah, should be able to show a little bit soonish :)


Study - Approached this one super methodically, more fun than it sounds :)

[Image: 14th-Feb---Car-Study.jpg]

Scary Canyon
[Image: Scary-Canyon.jpg]

Big Foot Prints
[Image: Big-Footprints.jpg]

Dark Flock
[Image: Dark-Flock.jpg]

Sweet study man! You got any tips for that ability for your simple shapes to describe so much? It's probably just discipline and practice, but any insight would be cool, always looking for those secrets and easy answers you know :p.

hey man,

this sketchbook is awesome to look through, you are really improving. especially your brush ecomony is inspirational.

Keep up the great work :)

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

Loving the edges man! Rock on! :D

ImSkeptical - Umm, I kinda bullshit it lol, glad you think it works though. One thing that's been helping me recently is to focus on big shapes. Like really really focus on them. So I sometimes draw trees in without branches initially and just render the trunk, or paint mountains as just a big white shape to start with. Then gradually adding in the detail a bit at a time. It's not perfect, but it kinda works. When I remember to slow down, and take my time thinking about the shapes, that seems to help a ton as well. Always catch myself noodling away at stuff without thinking though. More practice needed ;).

Flo - Thank you, I really appreciate it :)

Ursula - Ah, thank you. Still struggling with them, making progress though :)

So, some stuff from yesterday

[Image: 15th-Feb---Forest-Study-.jpg]

Spitpaintings - Little Hitman
[Image: Little-Hitman.jpg]

Dead Valentine
[Image: Dead-Valentine.jpg]

And some stuff from today

[Image: 16th-Feb---Mountain-Study.jpg]

Spitpaintings - Fallen Teeth
[Image: FallenTeeth.jpg]

Helicopter on Fire
[Image: Helicopter-on-Fire-.jpg]

Cargo Ship D2
[Image: Cargo-Ship-D2.jpg]

Forest Fire
[Image: Forest-Fire.jpg]

Having fun with these now, starting to come up with an actual workflow, I think lol.

[Image: 17th-Feb---Cloudy-mountains-study.jpg]

Scary (This one wasn't for the Facebook group, just a random word)
[Image: Darkness.jpg]

Death Bed
[Image: Death-Bed.jpg]

Ice Breaker
[Image: Ice-Breaker.jpg]

Clay (wo)man - screwed this one up :/ Ah well, better next time :)
[Image: Woman-of-clay.jpg]

that work ethic is inspiring, thanks for continuously encouraging all of us. keep putting in all those hours!
BenFlores - Cheers man, I appreciate it. Gotta get my shit together and do some proper personal stuff again. Going loopy.


Alligator Fight
[Image: Alligator-Fight.jpg]

Flower Thief
[Image: Flower-Thief.jpg]

Half Man Half Animal
[Image: 111111.jpg]

Black Fur
[Image: Black-fur.jpg]

[Image: Knockout.jpg]

Really Really Big Train
[Image: Really-Really-Big-Train.jpg]

Surrounded By Paperwork
[Image: Surrounded-by-Paperwork.jpg]

And a client piece for a short story :)

[Image: SugarandSaltWater.jpg]

Passed 3900 Hours Here

[Image: 22nd-Feb---Boat-and-Mountain-Study.jpg]

[Image: 23rd-Feb-Grey-Sea-Tree-Study.jpg]

[Image: 24th-Feb---Forest-Ruins-Study.jpg]

Process for that last one. Working a bit differently atm. Nice to mix things up a bit :)

[Image: 24th-Feb---Forest-Ruins-Study---Process.jpg]

[Image: Caterpillar.jpg]

Tribal Earrings
[Image: Tribal-Earrings.jpg]

Killer update Jake!!

Those studies are gorgeous and your spitpaints are insane!

Also, congrats on the 3900 hours :)

Keep up the hard work!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
smrrfette - Cheers, having a lot of fun with the studies atm, spit paints are still a struggle though, so glad you think so lol ;)

Today's Stuff - Study
[Image: 25th-Feb---Grey-Lake-Study.jpg]

Spitpaints - Snake Demon
[Image: 25th-Feb-Snake-Demon.jpg]

Dying World
[Image: Dying-World.jpg]

And just a random sketch
[Image: 25th-Feb-sketch.jpg]

Man, almost halfway there to 10000! You've been on fire lately, keep up the pace Jake. Diggin your nature studies and the spitpaints.


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