The Art of Tyler Donnelly
[Image: das_fox_by_tddigital-d4dyzpq.jpg]

[Image: oldman_study_by_tddigital-d4e2b4z.jpg]

[Image: apple_study_by_tddigital-d4fkkso.jpg]

[Image: playing_with_light_and_the_human_form_by...4fkkui.jpg]

[Image: applestudy_2_by_tddigital-d4fkktb.jpg]

[Image: the_hatching_by_tddigital-d4fom4u.jpg]

[Image: 11_11_robot_day_3_by_tddigital-d4g8lpb.jpg]

[Image: samurai_by_tddigital-d4geppq.jpg]

[Image: bone_head_study_1_by_tddigital-d4gi90q.jpg]

[Image: fatty_final_by_tddigital-d4grz7j.jpg]

[Image: skull_by_tddigital-d4gsizo.jpg]

[Image: hands_by_tddigital-d4gsiyw.jpg]

[Image: stranger15_by_tddigital-d4gsj09.jpg]

[Image: 111511_1_by_tddigital-d4gwy4k.jpg]

[Image: studies_by_tddigital-d4gwy3n.jpg]

[Image: studies_11611_by_tddigital-d4gwy3y.jpg]

[Image: stranger72_by_tddigital-d4gwy2r.jpg]

[Image: bodies_by_tddigital-d4gwy2c.jpg]

[Image: highlands_by_tddigital-d4ilf9w.jpg]

[Image: mini_skirt_and_mesh_by_tddigital-d4ilf9z.jpg]

[Image: apple_by_tddigital-d4ilf9u.jpg]

[Image: the_rider_wip_by_tddigital-d4i8agx.jpg]

[Image: thefighters_12811_by_tddigital-d4ilfa7.jpg]

[Image: mma_frommemmory_by_tddigital-d4ilfa1.jpg]

12.12.11 Studies

[Image: studies_121211_by_tddigital-d4iy5wa.jpg]

[Image: studies_121211_with_artificial_light_by_...4iy7e9.jpg]

I'm not dead yet! Just working in the sketchbook for the time being needed a break from screens D:

[Image: sketchbook_by_tddigital-d4jsuzg.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_4_by_tddigital-d4jsuw4.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_3_by_tddigital-d4jsuuz.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_2_by_tddigital-d4jsuth.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_1_by_tddigital-d4jsufr.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_1_by_tddigital-d4jus3n.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_by_tddigital-d4jus2r.jpg]

Crimson Dagger Bloodsports Challege - Swamp Elder Progress and References.
[Image: Untitled-2.jpg]

[Image: swamp_elder_progress_by_tddigital-d4jyoe1.jpg]

[Image: warrior_by_tddigital-d4l5k4x.jpg]

[Image: stone_by_tddigital-d4l5k4m.jpg]

[Image: untitled_2_by_tddigital-d4l5k4u.png]

[Image: studies010112_by_tddigital-d4l5k4o.jpg]

[Image: bridgeman_123011_by_tddigital-d4l5k4h.jpg]

My Bloodsports Entry for the Swamp Elder:

[Image: bloodsports___swamp_elder_by_tddigital-d4ku398.jpg]

and my studies for it.
[Image: studies_by_tddigital-d4l5k4n.jpg]

[Image: gotyournose_by_tddigital-d4l8qfa.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_by_tddigital-d4l7fsn.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_1_by_tddigital-d4l7fr6.jpg]

[Image: sketchbook_2_by_tddigital-d4l7fs8.jpg]

[Image: deathline___rembrandt_study_by_tddigital-d4lcbuh.jpg]

[Image: noses1712_by_tddigital-d4ln0qg.jpg]

[Image: backtoback_by_tddigital-d4ln0ps.jpg]

[Image: purtymouth1712_by_tddigital-d4ln0r2.jpg]

[Image: faces1712_by_tddigital-d4ln0q5.jpg]

[Image: environment_spread_by_tddigital-d4lzz2q.jpg]

[Image: beauty_better_and_bad_by_tddigital-d4m6xvh.jpg]

What's this? Like 1 days work :P

(01-25-2012, 01:26 AM)rich4rt Wrote: What's this? Like 1 days work :P

Haha, I wish it was! This is my work since I started my Deathline!
O RLY? 2 Hr Still life. figuring out some lighting.
[Image: o_rly__by_tddigital-d4niold.jpg]

[Image: stilllife-012512.jpg]

Lookin good dude, keep it up.
Thanks Diarum!

[Image: shapes.jpg]
[Image: sphere.jpg]

[Image: thehillsarealive_by_tddigital-d4nr8ra.jpg]

[Image: ideal_by_tddigital-d4nr8r2.jpg]

[Image: mishmash_by_tddigital-d4nr8r5.jpg]

[Image: eyesfacenose_by_tddigital-d4nr8qy.jpg]

[Image: caesar_by_tddigital-d4o3qtv.png]

Looks good keep them coming..!

Comps for Bloodsports 5 Miyazaki
[Image: comps_by_tddigital-d4o7afc.jpg]

another lighting/ caesar study

[Image: caesar_1_30_12_by_tddigital-d4o7alt.png]

[Image: scuba_diver_deepwip_by_tddigital-d4p1nd0.png]

something i saw on way home, wanted to see if I could remember it.
[Image: cloudy_by_tddigital-d4p1ncw.png]

[Image: the_cave_by_tddigital-d4p1ncv.png]

[Image: anotherskull_by_tddigital-d4p1nco.png]

perspective and light from memory, trying to see if i can get shape and form down
[Image: shape_and_light_by_tddigital-d4p1nyd.png]

[Image: bod.jpg]
[Image: 3812-2-study.jpg]
[Image: 3812-study.jpg]
[Image: face.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
[Image: bodies.jpg]
[Image: 100-img.jpg]

to see a larger version of these images go to my blog @

Most of my new stuff is in my sketchbook which i haven't been able to scan in yet. Chances are I won't get to it for a while. I need to get back in to painting though. Also I will be updating this page with more "site/size friendly" images.

[Image: 031812-study.jpg]

[Image: 032012-ClothingStudy.jpg]

[Image: eh.jpg]

[Image: 042212-study.jpg]

[Image: 042212-study-2.jpg]

[Image: NewSB-p5.jpg]

[Image: waterside_7512.jpg]

[Image: hillside_1_7512.jpg]

[Image: Bear_7712a.jpg]

thats it man ! i can see you getting better as i scroll down :D !
Oh wow, really good start. Just keep nailing it!

Now that there is a good basis of my work on here. What do you all percieve as my strengths, and what should i address?

It's been one year since the start the Deathline.

I can honestly say I've made some progress that I'm proud of in some areas and not as much progress as I would have liked in others. It's been a strange year. I have switched jobs, Committed to a longer commute and have intentionally put a higher work load on myself. If i haven't excelled in illustration it's because I have excelled in my design work.

It's been a busy year. Let's hope the same can be said about next year.

Here is some of the pages/ details from my sketchbook which I have worked in religiously for the last few months during my commute. I must say I love having an hour a day to focus on my sketches. I just wish I had more time to focus on my painting :)

Again, Here's to a great year.

Here's a collections of the works from my sketchbook, in some form of order...

A very quick piece I did in the dead of night.

These posts can be found here:

New WIP.

Would love some thoughts.

More updates to the astronaut

with a gradient map. Not thrilled with this, will modify to suit my needs more.

<3 You rock. Keep learning! Like the colors on the last piece, very mucky.

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email

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