CGMythology's Sketchbook
Oooh cooool!! :D This is gonna be a good one. I definitely agree with Jephyrs suggestion of not only rotating the scythe so its pointing left, but definitely the change with the bow and that arm position looks better and more intense. In the initial sketch it felt just a bit awkward. The scythe and the bow and even the guys sword all follow an arch that I think is very satisfying. Also, it could be just a personal preference or opinion and you can totally disregard it of course (as with any critique) but if they are in the woods, to me it's a bit odd that the scythe girl would wear stiletto heels. It seems quite inconvenient and somehow for a fantasy piece like this kind of pushes me out of that fantasy and immersion just a bit. I totally get that a heeled shoe gives the leg a feminine and graceful gesture, but maybe that's something you could have even with something that fits the fantasy a bit more.

Really excited to see how this one develops, it's quite an ambitious piece but the sketch is starting to look really solid.

Go go go! :D
The feet of the elf suggest that they aren't one the same plane of existence as the character in the foreground yet there is nothing to indicate there a change plane.Why would the archer aim so low that doesn't make much sense i would have to argue against Jephyr on that but something you can get away with stuff like that for me it just a no no because i try to make sense of what isn't shown.

I would say the guy crotching is left weapon what going on there... i can't tell if he holding a rock or a dagger or something else...

Be mindful that it might require extra work but just drawing a quick test sketch to see if your character are colliding in space help make them more believeable.If i would be you i would use a 3d poser set 3 character(just the bare minimum) than put the camera low and than i would be able to see better how they overlap and what space they can realistically occupy it would also gave you extra how that foot would rest on the plane.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
CBinnsIllustration:  Thanks!  I reworked the pose significantly, hopefully it works better now!

Jephyr:  Your post was ridiculously helpful, thank you kindly for that!  I reworked the image significantly based on your paintover and feedback, I was it works better now!

ItsAllHam: Great input, I agree about the heels as well so I reworked them for something more natural.

darktiste:  Thanks!  I reworked the pose of the archer so it works better now I hope!  Great point regarding the dagger as well, just added it so it doesn't feel so empty.  Hopefully the feet work more natural now as well!


I reworked the image significantly based on the great feedback I've received.  Below is the final image followed by the steps for those interested;  Of course there's still time for some changes if necessary, so if anything feels off please feel to let me know!  Thanks again to everyone who offered their help!

The pose on the archer is much improved although the foreshortening could be pushed a bit more it’s looks good. My current problem is the the bow and arrow itself. The arrowhead appears to not be centered on the shaft, the bow string being a solid black line could maybe benefit to just be a subtle line highlighted only by the light from the arrowhead to make it blend a bit more, but just personal choice. Also the the flights on the arrow don’t appear to be there, or atleast not the same as the arrows in the quiver, and the last thing would be where the hand is clutching the back of the arrow feels like it should be more interlocked with the fingers and not out by the knuckles but maybe I’m just seeing it wrong. 

That being said the piece looks nice! I like the clean armor on the main character and the arrow light kissing all the characters is cool. Great work keep it up!

I don't know how you conduct the way you work... but if i can make an advice it probably to have more project rolling at the same time because this way you can recieve feed back in a manner that is more space out in time this way instead of receiving advice in stage where thing are more settle ( i would say after value are set thing are really starting to shape up normally) before that stage where you want to recieve the most comment .

Of course certain fundamental can only be adress at certain stage so it good to have a slower pass i would say for illustration.Because you work on piece for alot longer than let say a concept artist would.

You don't need to go crazy with the amount of side project but i think it good to have other project you can use in between.It also help you refresh your artistic eye to be working on something else if you work for to long on one project you can tend to be come blind to certain inconsistency.

If i understand your situation right now is you are doing most your own personal stuff and selling it on your own website. So i think since there isn't deadline this would be possible for you.Correct me if i am wrong or let me know your thought on that.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Cgmythology: I like the rendering on the last piece, it looks very polished. How long did it take you?
CBinnsIllustration:  Thanks, and great feedback as well!  I might revisit the image in the future and apply some of your input, but right now I've decided to move on to  a new image!

dartiste:  Thanks!  I'm also working on commissions but I can't show anything due to NDA.  In general I only post personal pieces on my sketchbook in which I have an infinite time to work on.  I should post more frequent updates, problem is a lot of the feedback I get during the painting process are things I plan to do or change that is mentioned, so it feels like the sketch phase is the most important part to receive input.

Kilillan:  Thank you!  I worked on it for the last few weeks, it took quite some time, especially the environment.


Time for a new sketch!  This time I wanted to concentrate on one character.  Was in the mood to paint a strong warrior woman, and for reference I had this great photo which you can view here.  I did my best to recreate the general pose, while coming up with a new character design so I didn't want to be a complete slave to the reference.  Any input before I begin the painting process would be welcome!

Where the sword sheath?I think she need some kind of jewelry(ring i suggest would be an nice addition)

I think your armor need more definition on the right side of the breast

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-16-2022, 12:31 AM)cgmythology Wrote: darktiste:  Thanks for your input.  Great point about the butterflies, just fixed the issue as well as the tiger paw, hopefully it works better now!

one_two:  Thank you, always great to hear that!  I'll keep my eye out on edges during the painting process as well!

Crowbit:  Thanks, much appreciated!

Jephyr:  Thanks, glad to hear it!  I made some final changes to the image based on your input, hopefully it works better now.  Great feedback as well, very much appreciated!


I finalized the image based on the input received, attached it below.  I'm calling this image done for now!


Next up I worked on a new fantasy-inspired piece, this time of a Goblin in a swamp.  Always wanted to illustrate a goblin so I just went ahead and done so.  I had a reference for the general pose of the figure here as well, courtesy of The Pose Archives.  Below is the sketch, any input before I begin the painting process would be hugely appreciated!
This huntress piece is insane man that is so good. Did you use a mannequin first for the pose and sketch the details later?

Don't be shy and message me if you have any questions.
darktiste:  Good point, will add the sword sheath on the next update.  I added some jewelry as well, good call!

prince0-100:  Thank you!  I had a photo reference for the figure for that illustration.


I did some changes to the line art and did some quick color tests as I didn't have a strong idea for the colors this time, so I chose to do some tests to try out different options.  Ironically the first one I find the weakest, so it's a good thing I did them.  My personal favorite my far is C, I feel it has the strongest colors and values.  Any input would be appreciated!

Really love your progress on the rendering so far. For the woman warrior, I actually like B because there are some greenish looking like background forest from a far. The blue as the light source came from the sky. Anyway, can't wait to see how you take on it to finish







cicakkia:  Thank you, I went with C but will probably add some greenish tones as I progress!


Here is the current progress, still has a long way to go but I'm happy with how it's turning out so far.  Any input appreciated as always!

One thing that is popping out to me right now Is the hard line under her right breast but smooth transition on her left. Is the chest piece/armor symmetrical? If not no worries, but if it is then you may want to remove the hard line and put a smoother gradient in her right breast, or vice versa and give the left breast more contour/edge. But since this is a progress pic perhaps you were going to handle that in rendering anyways :)

Just my two cents, keep it up, looking good.

I think i would go for an other color for her hair that contrast the color of the scene to give more focus toward the head.It hard to find the right balance of harmony of color and contrast to lead the eye where you want it to be.Atleast you didn't put leaf behind her head which help to create enough contrast that it just a nitpick at this point.A bit of a smilar point for the glove they might clash in readability with the brown of the tree trunk but i think the texture difference might be enough to separate them.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
CBinnsIllustration:  Great point, I'll revise the chest area and armor as it's still a bit early.

darktiste:  Good idea, I might introduce some more warmer tones to the hair to help the face/head pop out more.  I'll keep an eye out on the glove as well so it doesn't blend with the tree!


Current update, worked mostly on bringing life to the environment.  Pretty pleased with it.  I'll resume painting in the figure now as it needs a lot of refinement, but it's getting there surely.  Any feedback is welcome!

I think some elements (tree,flowers) in some way break the ilusion of depth. i made some changes in reality just basic stuff im sure you already know (shape design, organic,etc).  Thumbs_up

Attached Files Image(s)

'The best way to have a good ideas is to have a lot of ideas ' Linus Paulingth
(07-15-2022, 03:05 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Jephyr:  Your post was ridiculously helpful, thank you kindly for that!  I reworked the image significantly based on your paintover and feedback, I was it works better now!

I reworked the image significantly based on the great feedback I've received.  Below is the final image followed by the steps for those interested;  Of course there's still time for some changes if necessary, so if anything feels off please feel to let me know!  Thanks again to everyone who offered their help!

The trio turned out great!  Glad you found my paint-over helpful!  [Image: tongue.png]

Love what you did with their poses - and adding a cool intensity to their faces that wasn't evident to me in the original sketch.  Great job!

Your Huntress pic is looking very good — and it looks like you're getting some great input on it. I think Abnormal offered some excellent design ideas to consider.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

ouuh really great inputs by Abnormal. You're definitely dipping your toes in creating some depth especially with having those forground plants there but as Abnormal has said it can be pushed even further by having some of those flying leaves be different places in space and not just on her level in space if that makes sense. Why not throw a few leaves overlapping her as well, right now they are all kind of spaced away from her silhouette equally. Same thing with the green plants to the right, potentially some of those could overlap the thigh a bit. Gonna be exciting to follow its journey
Abnormal:  Thank for your input as well as the paintover, extremely helpful!  I made some changes to the image based on your feedback.

Jephyr:  Glad to hear it!  Thanks again for your help and support, really appreciate it!

ItsAllHam:  Thanks, I implemented a ton of Abnormal's feedback and the image is stronger for it I hope!


I resumed working on the image and made some changes to the composition/environment and refined and detailed everything even further.  I think it's pretty much done at this stage, quite exhausted from working on the image for so long.  With that said, please feel free to offer any input if something is really off as there's always time to improve it if necessary!  Below is the final image:

You're really productive CG, kudos to that. Maybe i might try to use a simple hard brush for fill-in, shading e.t.c. Like cross-hatching. But that's just me, do as you find appropriate.


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