Awesome stuff Iggy, I didn't realize you had a CD account. So that is sweet. This is grilled chicken btw.
(01-09-2015, 02:39 AM)lillysparks Wrote: Awesome stuff Iggy, I didn't realize you had a CD account. So that is sweet. This is grilled chicken btw.

hey grilled nice to see you here too, yh ive had one of these for awhile now, gonna start posting here again.

see ya round :)

(01-09-2015, 01:32 AM)Caisne Wrote: Holy fuck...

hahaha thanks Ihor, u rock too bud.


Man, this gifs is that for a study purpose? if os then ins a new level of doing productive study. i got to try something like that myself.

Damn .... those gifs are sick. You understand their form so well.

(01-11-2015, 07:45 AM)Caisne Wrote: Man, this gifs is that for a study purpose? if os then ins a new level of doing productive study. i got to try something like that myself.

thanks man, Well i want to also be a animator so learning animation+ anatomy= two birds with one stone :)

plus i wanted to understand the movement of the bones for a prosthetic arm im designing.

(01-11-2015, 06:10 PM)Adrian Wrote: Damn .... those gifs are sick. You understand their form so well.

thanks adrian, it was hard but worth it.

Pheww... crimson daggers is still here.

painting practice

Very impressive stuff! Im gonna have to use your arm gif for my own study haha!

(01-14-2015, 05:41 AM)Adam Lina Wrote: Very impressive stuff! Im gonna have to use your arm gif for my own study haha!
GO FOR it :)

something for now.
much more on the way..

Dem animations, I didn't think about it before but that looks like a cool thing to do to learn anatomy at different angles.

Your other stuff is pretty tight too.Keep up the awesome work man!
(01-20-2015, 11:56 AM)Mylqin Wrote: Dem animations, I didn't think about it before but that looks like a cool thing to do to learn anatomy at different angles.

Your other stuff is pretty tight too.Keep up the awesome work man!

yh its great but its pretty hardcore, its all about concentration and consistency from frame to frame or itll transform into something else lool.

What you didn't see was the 50 odd structural drawings i did on paper of every angle and part then invent angles of view from imagination. Ill post them when i get a good scanner....soon ish hopefully.


Figuring shit out n then some

Dude i cant wait until you start painting out mechas and shyt, when are they coming? Looks like you are getting really good with your gadgety things.

Please bring us more imagination things!

(01-23-2015, 07:54 AM)Kimonas Wrote: Dude i cant wait until you start painting out mechas and shyt, when are they coming? Looks like you are getting really good with your gadgety things.

Please bring us more imagination things!

whoa thanks man, your in for a treat next week
your stuffs dope too fam don't you dare get lazy :D


this was for a challenge i ran out off time on DA and as you can see its unfinished for 3 reasons.
One i am incredibly stupid, two the contest requirements state that it must be 3 meters tall (15 feet). Now the smaller the mech the more the pilot grows in proportion to the overall design. Which means you have to reconcile the mechanics with the ergonomics of the human figure. Long story short i spent literal days trying to figure out how the mech could move without permanently Maiming, disfiguring, dislocating and decapitating the pilot. Now if it was 30 meters Gundam size or 60 Evangelion size i would have finished days ago but well...

oh and the last reason is im slow, because im incredibly stupid and it comes full circle.

Thanks for the 3rd image in the last post.
(01-31-2015, 03:30 PM)Dennis Kutsenko Wrote: Thanks for the 3rd image in the last post.

ha thanks dennis

Goddamn! Your drafting is so clean, and your rendering sense is fantastic. I love how clean your shapes are. Keep it up!


trying to step it up a bit

Are you even serious...

(02-08-2015, 09:30 AM)Vicianus Wrote: @Iggy
Goddamn! Your drafting is so clean, and your rendering sense is fantastic. I love how clean your shapes are. Keep it up!

thanks vici i appreciate it !

i post the mech stuff earlier to show how ugly it all looks in the beginning, its just a process of refining.

(02-12-2015, 06:21 PM)Gliger Wrote: Are you even serious...

Gligs :D !! Weres your updates fool!

its bout to get real serious in a few days!


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