Isra's sketchbook
A couple of quick character designs from last night and this morning's livestreams

[Image: knight.jpg]

[Image: bullsharkteacher.jpg]

sick sketchbook man ! , i love all your bloodsports peaces :p
thanks dontfeeddrirk!!

More stuff:

[Image: char4.jpg]

[Image: cchar5.jpg]

[Image: week11studies.jpg]

Back to the Miyazaki challenge

[Image: mononokefinal07.jpg]

Another WIP of the Princess Mononoke Illustration I'm working on. I'm a bit tired of it so I think I will take a break and switch to another stuff for a few days before finishing this.

[Image: mononokefinal09.jpg]

[Image: forestcreature.jpg]

Another creature

[Image: flyingcreature.jpg]

aww yeah creatures

I was 2 days in bed the other day sick and today I have guest at home so my plan of finishing those unfinished 4 illustrations in these two weeks look bad XD

I wanted to update the sketchbook with the studies from the last week at least, and hopefully I can post other stuff some of you already saw on my livestream soon :)

[Image: week12studies.jpg]

Lovely studies man, sorry to hear you've been sick, that always sucks!

Personal works are looking solid, keep improving!
Thanks a lot Alex! You can see here how I applied my architecture studies :)

[Image: cathedral.jpg]

All the process was recorded in my livestream channel, it's been a bunch of hours dedicated to architecture but I really learned a lot.

good job isra

Wow, speechless about the castle man. Im currently watching the streams of its construction from the beginning as I am having the same problem leveling up my perspective and architecture. In the first vid you showed 2 books, what 2 were they? I couldnt get the names.

awesome man

I like the cathedral, did you draw it traditionally or modeled it in sketch up?

Thanks a lot for the comments!

Jamesxwu, sorry I forgot to say that in this post, it's all done in Photoshop CS3, NO 3D.

Jaik, the two books are:

- Great architecture of the world by John Julius
- The grammar of architecture by Emily Cole

To be honest I didn't start reading the books yet, and the point would be reading them to know how the buildings and monuments were built, the meanings of the different styles and ages, differences, details, etc. For this time I only used it to take a quick look through the different styles and to have a reference of some famous buildings.

damn that cathedral must have taken ages, respect! and not only is it done well, it looks cool too!

Thanks Rich4rt!! I think it took me about 3 days.

Here's a speedy I painted in about 3 hours for the Chilingo's challenge

[Image: firecreature3.jpg]

Another creature design from my livestream

[Image: decahorse.jpg]

Last night I was streaming for 7 hours refining my Max Marnsten entry (you remember it?) Actually if I wasn't that sleepy I would finished it in half of that time, and at the same time if I would spend more time it would look better, but meh, I considered it finished at this point

[Image: maxmarnsten2099.jpg]


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