Hey guys, i hope i can finish this shit, at first i thought i would draw Trump and Clinton, which would've been fun, but i didnt feel satisfied painting that, instead i decided on something else, that i thought would be fun to do for me. So yeah... uh, here goes nothing.
For now, just, some sketches.. of shit..
I've no idea why the forum is uploading the second pic flipped on its side, the original is not like that, is weird, but, whatever i guess. Its a composition i like.
oh...I like where this is going. Push dat shit. Teensy crit on the comp. It's a little centred and static, you could try playing with POV a little, like looking up at the main character a bit, with a more diagonal swoop or S curve of the creature thing in front of and behind him. Just a thought. the comp as is works ok, but it might not hurt to play a bit with it.
Thanks Amit! I hear ya, I'll see what i can do about that angle. I like the comp tho, it might stay as is. Wish i had more time to fuck about with it... having an actual day job sucks.
Anyways, here is a quick study of Jason, and i drew my character next to him, just to apply a bit, what i painted just before.
Nice work so far, i would say the background needs some sort of variation right now its almost a flat value with nothing going on so play around with the background.