Ass Kick
Arteriorrhexis thank youuu you made my day <3 Nah just post at the next one I'll be waiting for you there :D  Feet are fucking hard but also fun just like hands O.O

Just a doodle lost in the city again and yeah fail. Tomorrow will be more!

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Todays stuff some anatomy and a life study. Drawing from life is so hard fuck I am gonna do another tomorrow >.< oh and im too lazy to scan the traditional stuff right now. Probably tomorrow or so...

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Stuff... really not exciting

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Sooo tired >.< some friends visited today so i wasted way to much time. I feel pretty bad about that. None of that shit tomorrow!

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the last girl looks good!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank you sir! Stuff from today. Mostly color stuff. And a doodle and a face before going to bed. I also worked a bit on the WIP but its not significant enough to post it here. And again too lazy to scan the traditional stuff.

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Today sadly not as much as I would have liked since I helped a friend at an art fair :/ but I got to paint a bit with his cintiq which was pretty fun and i met some cool new people ^^

Value studies, color, cintiq painting and I worked a bit on the WIP

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Cons are always a great experience, especially if you meet fellow artist
i like the stuff you're pushing out lately, all those value studies and more simple stuff.
It seems to improve you in a very fast manner.

i can only say keep the good work coming and don't be to harsh to yourselfe, in the and you are just there, doing art to have some kind of enjoyment. Do not take it from yourselfe or the journey gonna be rought

(i really love this ork <3)

Hey Anna!
Sebastian here from the art fair.

How dare you, not including the blue pencil drawing from yesterday? D:
It was just lying around on the drawing table for guests.
Random people took a picture because they were so delighted.
If I see you later I'll kick your ass. :D

It was so much fun meeting you. I didn't know that Dave Rapoza did a whole website after his Crimson Daggers thread on conceptart. And Permanoobs is totally new to mee...
You guys are destroying me - in the best way possible. I try to post stuff too.
So much memories are bubbling up.

You remind me so much of myself when I was 19.
Keep up the hard work! You're doing great!

Maybe we see each other later today. :3
Knopfkater thank you my dear friend <3 the orc is heavily insprired by marko djurdjevic but I think you can see that haha. He is just so good *.*
Sebawa Waaaaahhh awesome to see you post here <3 Sadly i couldnt come today cause i wasnt in cologne but in my little village visiting my parents:/ Im pretty sure you had an amazing time without me. Man your words are so motivating to me :3 Yeah post some of your jiucy stuff and we can improve together. I mean we need to catch up to hannes as fast as possible right?

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Not that much today... I feel kinda bad >.< more to come tomorrow

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I'll give ya a tip to kinda live by miss asskick!

So, when you study, what are we doing? Training observation; our ability to see things correctly.

There is a phenomena that as you improve and as the days go by you see more and see differently or "have fresh eyes."

So, take it from me and know that, just because you do a new study, doesn't mean your learning observation better. Especially if you only spend an hour or two on it. I think, the more you can observe in a study, the faster you'll grow, the same study.

Say like a photo study; instead of doing three new ones every day, take one, work on it for hours, trying to get it as close as you can. Then the next day, notice the mistakes, spend more time correcting it. Put it away for a week, come back and you'll see new problems, fix those. Because then you're not trying to fill a quota of just drawing a lot, but actually learning and improving observation skills.

So chew on dat ;3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank you zweety :3 You are absolutely right I need to think more about what and while i study. I will try a bigger one soon I promise! Its porbably gonna help me greatly with my patience haha^^

SOoooo not much today since I am back at my parents house this week and a friend is staying over for gamescom (its this huge gaming convention in cologne) so I played a lot of magic and yugioh today after work >.< hopefully more tomorrow but since the convention is starting tomorrow i cant promise anything...nah that would be stupid Im promising tomorrow Im gonna post much more and kick ass yeaahh!

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Weeellll... sorry for beeing so inactive for the last week but i kinda underestimated the nessecity of sleep after a gaming fair and overestimated myself :/ but now its over and work has started again...yay. So today i worked a bit on the WIP. Did a about 3h live study. And some legsssss.

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Thumbs Up 
The studies you are doing really kick ass bro. I like the way you do your anatomy studies and figures, they are obviously helping you out tremendously so kudos on you for that!

The only thing I can say is to take Fedodika's advice to heart. Look at your reference and just... look. Notice things like subtle value changes or angles and jot it down on a piece of paper if you want. Enhancing your observation skills will make your paintings look gorgeous.

I hope you find balance in your life again so you can get to do what you want again! See ya dude!

Thanks Vodoo<3 You are right I need to look harder. I am trying to spend more time on my studies at the moment. That way i can hopefully get more from them. I am gonna start taking notes too not just figuring it out in my head. 

So today a bit more work on the WIP... im kinda pissed at myself that i didnt get it done again for supersunday. But on the other hand i really like working on one piece for a long time instead of giving up after a few hours. I wanna make it as good as possible with my current "skills". Then a life study and a skin study. Cololring with flat shapes makes it way easier to choose the right colors. Its less of a guessing game for me that way. Oh and i did a few sketchbook pages too but i dont know how i feel about posting them... maybe tomorrow.

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Lovely shades!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank you sir :*

Blah bleh blub...

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HI! It is been a long time, i wrote here. I can see impressive progress in your stuff , especially with steel-life drawing . KEEP ROCKING
UKRAINIANWOLF97 Thank yoouuu<3 but I feel like i dont improve at all...

Stuff :/

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