Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: gnlPdxp.jpg]
[Image: hkmUrZZ.jpg]I have a feeling this is going to be a huge unreadable mess. Only one way to find out!
Its been a while watching you and wanting to comment but didnt know what to say.

My only crit (quite subjetive) I feel your colors very saturated. Above all when you have diferent hues in the same picture. I have picked some of your images and desaturated them and they all feel better to me.
Also you may try to be more monochromatic. Like, its ok to have saturation but lets keep all colors near each other.
Also I think you are not using warm vs cool on light vs shadow.

I think you are having a hard time with hard sunny light. Because of not having hard shadows and the cool/warm thingy.
While your overcast scenes feels much better, forests, cloudy sea and so on.

Could you show a bit of your proges? How often do you use reference? How long do these take you? Do you always do linedrawing first? How do you come with the ideas?

Have you think about pushing one image further? Or to have some spot on the image fully detailed.

I admire your confidence and dedication.

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
(06-27-2017, 04:17 AM)AlfonsoX Wrote: Its been a while watching you and wanting to comment but didnt know what to say.

My only crit (quite subjetive) I feel your colors very saturated. Above all when you have diferent hues in the same picture. I have picked some of your images and desaturated them and they all feel better to me.
Also you may try to be more monochromatic. Like, its ok to have saturation but lets keep all colors near each other.
Also I think you are not using warm vs cool on light vs shadow.

I think you are having a hard time with hard sunny light. Because of not having hard shadows and the cool/warm thingy.
While your overcast scenes feels much better, forests, cloudy sea and so on.

Could you show a bit of your proges? How often do you use reference? How long do these take you? Do you always do linedrawing first? How do you come with the ideas?

Have you think about pushing one image further? Or to have some spot on the image fully detailed.

I admire your confidence and dedication.

Hi tnx for all the feedback I'l try to answer everything as best I could. (English is not my first language) 

Yes I agree that I go crazy with the saturation and I'm trying to work on that. I think I use saturation to cover up incompetence or to skip out on rendering which is a pretty bad habit. My monitor is pretty crappy too.

I'm having a hard time with light in general :D like I don't really get it, maybe doing some black and white drawing would help. And yea overcast scenes are easier for me but they are not as fun to paint I like super bright and colorful stuff like this guys work

Its kind of hard for me to show my process because 90% of my drawings are done on 1 layer (2 if I have a lineart sketch). I use a bit of reference in almost everything I draw but if it takes me more that 5 min to find reference I just wing it. I'm not sure how long exactly these take me I kind of loose track of time but I'd say no more that 4-5 hours on most not counting coming up with the idea doing sketches etc. I only do line art on drawings that are hard for me to imagine. I don't like doing line art I think it gets in the way. Ideas just kind of pop up in my head like this painting that I'm doing now started out as a study of a volcano, but then I wanted to do an sky shot and yea this happened.

Yes I've wanted to do a "finished" drawing for a while now but the way I see it is all I do is paint turds and no matter how much I polish it its still a turd just a shiny one. I'm going to make a more rendered painting when I feel like the sketch is good.

fuck proofreading
I'm too exhausted to keep going[Image: EOJWiHp.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_os9iz4jOZh1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
Took me way too long to come up with an idea

[Image: repwSnM.jpg]I like this one too
[Image: kHBxKck.jpg]A restaurant where the main cook is a clown (and the food tastes funny)
[Image: 2N6noKY.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_osewwb4roR1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_osh28s9iJX1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: Q9AyiT3.jpg]
[Image: nnu4OqI.jpg]
lewd[Image: tumblr_osmidiHtD61suoh70o1_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_osmidiHtD61suoh70o2_1280.jpg]
Electricity stoped while I was saving and I lost my first attempt at this painting. I think this turned out alright tho[Image: tumblr_osoc5gYTsf1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_osq916clyw1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_oss3gsG8JD1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: EXd06Af.jpg]
I wasted too much time watching SGDQ vods like an idiot and couldn't paint a lot[Image: 09owjNb.jpg]
Nice! So inspiring! I've spent some good amount time on your thread, everything is beautiful.

Would you mind if I do some re-reading of your artwork for personal study?

I'm new to digital work and need some references to study. It's kinda hard for me to start something out of a blank canvas or even looking at a photo so I usually seek for some artists work to inspire and help me.

Check my art!
Cops, train whatever who cares. I started an oil painting of some pretty girl but I'm 90% sure its not getting finished I've used oils only once before (months ago)[Image: tumblr_osxlviLWZF1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
here is the girl sketch
[Image: 3tnNvms.jpg]
I never do this kind of stuff its gonna be fun

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