Coinhero's sketchbook
Well, I like the determination that you have to keep on going with your paintings even though you have another responsibility you have on your shoulders now. And honestly, as long as you are leveling up your brush work, don't worry about copying from artists or doing uninspired stuff. You gotta work on getting into that mindset of simplifying first.

Oh and your paintings are still  Thumbs_up

Today I started doing a masterstudy of Sargent I have no idea how to draw faces so I taught copying from a master might give me some direction. I feel very strange doing it, like the artwork is so far from my level that trying to copy it is an insult :D. Face is a little too yellow and values are still very off but I'm too tiered from uni to keep working on this.
[Image: WHwnEOL.jpg]
(10-02-2017, 10:58 AM)AfricanVoodoo Wrote: Well, I like the determination that you have to keep on going with your paintings even though you have another responsibility you have on your shoulders now. And honestly, as long as you are leveling up your brush work, don't worry about copying from artists or doing uninspired stuff. You gotta work on getting into that mindset of simplifying first.

Oh and your paintings are still  Thumbs_up

Thanks man  Thumbs_up
Couldn't get much done today I was hanging out with a friend I haven't seen in a long time 
[Image: pO7nn68.jpg]
Haha copying sargent always feels like an insult to him xd Maybe try using bigger brushstrokes other than that keep rocking!

I love Sargent.

Have you read these yet?:

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
(10-04-2017, 11:10 PM)John Wrote: I love Sargent.

Have you read these yet?:

Oh wow thanks for the links I haven't read anything on Sargent I'm gonna check them out.
And I'm pretty much done with this painting. It didn't turn out very well but I learned a bunch.
[Image: tumblr_oxazodGw201suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: D671T4Hg.jpg]
I have to take some architectural photographs for uni, I'll finish this tomorrow and then probably copy a Sargent painting.[Image: NtYAajV.jpg]
Ooooooo a new dominos opened close to where I live and I got 2  pizzas for free because it their first day (and did some painting )[Image: tumblr_oxgl44AmY51suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
I spend most of the day editing photos / driving around town and couldn't get much done when it comes to drawing, but at least I got a start.[Image: PHzPbn3.jpg]
I'm not happy with how the painting part of ^ that thing above is turning out but today I finished my still life oil painting that I did in uni. We have only 1 class where I get to paint and its only 2 hours a week :c This is my second time using oils still have no idea what I'm doing.[Image: qSMneNA.jpg]
[Image: q8T6ZHh.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_oxnzgwpiun1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: DO2BHHn.jpg]
Nice work here Coinhero, I admire your grasp of colour and values.

If you ever want to work on your head construction, try reading up on Loomis Drawing the Head and Hands. Great teaching on head construction. Proko also has some great stuff on his YouTube channel on drawing the head from different angles.

Keep it going!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Yea I know that stuff when I get more comfortable with just making a human silhouette and have it look not broken I'll start studying specific stuff like faces and hands etc.

I've been in a crappy mood all day and forcing my self to paint little girls jumping around doesn't work. I'm just gonna try to chill out.
might as well post what little I got done
[Image: 84rUmsW.jpg]
hope your mood improves soon!
Sargent study looks good and handling the foliage stuff real good

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Since I didn't pass my history exam last semester I can enjoy studying gothic architecture again! its super fun and not the last thing I want to do :-))))))))
[Image: tumblr_oxtl2gcNHE1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]

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