Coinhero's sketchbook
(actual post for the day previous one doesn't count)
I don't know how to paint people and don't really understand how foreshortening works, so I'll try to figure stuff out for a week or two and see what happens. I want 2 things, a painting where the focus is on a person and a dynamic scene with lots of foreshortening.

started off with some woody lady, I'm thinking a little monster hunter + me not being good enough to pull it off. Pose is super boring, and stiff, and doesn't make sense why she would stand like that, and the legs are fucked etc etc I'll try to fix it.
[Image: fKM5ufW.jpg]

as for the dynamic scene I spend a long time just getting anything out but I think I have a pretty clear idea in my head now.
I like how the first sketch flows but I can imagine how it would look like a lot more clearly with the red line sketch. I'll try to combine them and actually figure out a bit of the background setting and stuff. ( also the figure is not supposed to be the same girl I'm thinking a more "loli anime girl" type of thing for this one and a more realistic look for the other one
[Image: JWDXsld.jpg]

[Image: Xf6IShR.jpg]

Anyway I'll go have diner now and maybe keep working on these after
I tried very hard to make the original pose work but its just to difficult for me to figure out so I re-made it entirely and I think it makes a lot more sense now but I think I made it more boring.
[Image: HU0O1PT.jpg]

for the background i was thinking that maybe she's just from a tree but I'm not so sure about the colors I think making it a winter scene would be better maybe?
[Image: Om0fW7e.jpg]

I didn't work on the other drawing, I think I'll leave it for later because I have a bunch of university related things to do and I'd rather spend my brain energy on this drawing instead.
Eyy. Like the design of that character! If you're struggling with stiff poses, take a look at this

Sure, general gesture practice always helps but I find that thinking a lot about which shapes can overlap in a dynamic way really helps to create more dynamic and solve some of those pesky foresshortening problems.

Thanks for the resource! When I get back to working on the character I'll have another look at that post. Right now I'm super caught up in making this painting look good. I gave up on the tentacle idea because it just didn't make much sense. Original idea was to have the scene be in a dungeon and maybe the girl is falling in a trap hole where the tentacle would be but it was too complicated for me to pull off.

I'll fix the yellow snow later just don't eat it
[Image: D6c1T0o.jpg]
I think I'll actually take my camera with me next week I'm getting pissed of at how much my phone fucks with the colors.
[Image: d7Ce7VZ.jpg]

I know there's a reverse perspective thing on the face but I have only 2 hours to work on this and you can only fix so much. I'll get it right next week
[Image: POhwQTe.jpg]

I'm too exhausted to finish this properly made a sketch for an idea I got yesterday
[Image: BzrT3bp.jpg]
I think I'm done with this image 
[Image: tumblr_p0juizBBSY1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]

also did a bunch of hand studies but every time I fill up the page I delete the layer and start over so I've only got the last bunch I did. I never post when I do stuff like this because I sketch random studies in my notebook and its too much of a pain to take a picture and upload it -,-
[Image: IsBkrvP.jpg]
[Image: ImOsZkc.jpg]
Today is a university student holiday thingy so I was out celebrating instead of painting \o/
[Image: 8fEyMrI.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_p0pbfl849l1suoh70o1_540.jpg]
I can't make myself work on that sketch with the girl standing in the snow with some big axe on her back, its just not fun
[Image: XwT22fO.jpg]
made this orange sketch instead
Anders Zorn study on a 8x8 inch board 
I'll try to finish it tomorrow 
[Image: xg5oOmM.jpg]
God damn it I was too caught up in end of semester stuff and forgot to u0load what I painted x.x Also lost my streak over at Anyway I worked on this painting and just when I started re making the eye class ended. Paintin is not as yellow/grey just my phone[Image: Ik1psKX.jpg]
[Image: RoxlFOg.jpg]
Finished up the Zorn study and also made this thing
[Image: 10xOzt3.jpg]
I think I'll change the dinosaur thing to a giant snake and maybe do something with the other animal so I can get a more mystical type of painting.
I did very little digital painting today and its not a lot so instead I'll post some of my more interesting drawings of random art I like that I draw on the back of my notebook instead of listening to the lectures. (I mostly just copy art I like or draw people around me while in class and try to draw from imagination when I get back home)[Image: oEylxAh.jpg]
I have to study for a test tomorrow and its making me want to end my life
[Image: 7Oq7LKQ.jpg]
edit : I think the image would work better croped like this[Image: FP2wD9T.jpg]
and then space them out a bit more but I'm not sure, or maybe make the snake bigger? idk
Cool concept!

I think the recrop is definitely better. I'd also suggest to have them occupy more different spaces. Currently they both share the same vertical third:

[Image: 2qjggo4.jpg]

You might want to compose something like that if the image is in portrait orientation, or to suggest a close relationship of some kind between characters.

If you're trying to suggest a confrontation, or some kind of distance in their relationship, moving them apart could help that. I did a quick paintover in the gif below to show 2 possibilities. One might let you show the snake winding on itself in a different way, the other might show the scale of he snake and close off the edge of the composition more tightly

[Image: 6tle9z.jpg]

Thanks for the feedback :) after I posted the edit yesterday I played around with making the image vertical but its just too painful cropping out more than half of the image. I think the tail coming out from the left side like its wrapping around the image works best for the composition but photoshop doesn't agree lol 
[Image: 8aeea8315f.png]
so I just went with cropping it a bit, moving this around and finishing up here and there 
[Image: tumblr_p10f7vn4Tg1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
for an image that started out as a sinix style paintsploration I happy with it. Also I think my test went pretty well today but i have to wait till Friday to find out my grade -,-
edit: Decided to make a full version also [Image: tumblr_p10f7vn4Tg1suoh70o2_r2_1280.jpg]
Anime as fuck[Image: NldQZvJ.jpg]
Oh yeah,

Hey Coinhero, so i'm finally here to comment on this wonderful sketchbook.

I love your drive to tell stories, the painting themselves have so much life in them and it's fun to watch your rather rapid learning curve ^,^

The only thing i have to add is that id might be interesting for you to really finish a painting.
I#m confident in you knowing your mistakes in color, perspective and anatomy, and that they will decrease over time but i keep seeing you to work some time on a painting, until it looks rather defined and readable and then going to work on the next one.

Try to really finish one of them, is all i'm saying, just because it might help you long term.

cya around

Yea I agree I'll try to get this one to a more finished look 
[Image: N4hkHsu.jpg]

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