Coinhero's sketchbook
(03-11-2018, 04:45 AM)Tygerson Wrote: The painting is looking good, although I can't quite get a read on that thing in her face. For such a small figure in a scene, you might want to leave it at a simple facial profile.

[Image: Nausicaa-1a.jpg]

its supposed to be the mask she wears while in the sea of corruption. I hate the way it looks but without it the image wouldn't make lore sense but would look much better, I wasn't sure if I should keep it or not and in hindsight I should have just gotten rid of it but I already uploaded the image to instagram and stuff so its kind of too late to edit it now =/
I was going to finish this all in one go but I went out with friends for "a few hours" and somehow those "a few hours" turned in to all day... so yeah

[Image: xSF7cdO.jpg]

posting something everyday mean I have to upload the embarrassing stuff too :)
No worries, it looks good so far. Nothing wrong with having a life, too.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Didn't have live painting class for the last 2 weeks or maybe 3 not sure its late and I'm very sleepy

[Image: vqy1XMu.jpg]
dark ass picture
I'm super out of it haven't look at old masters or any art really for the last 2 weeks painting loonie toons faces and shit 
going to sleep now
I checked my tumblr today and I saw that I had reblogged some scam website post, something like "sign up here to get a chance of x amount of money" -,- so yea someone has my account info. Something like this happened to my twitch account too T.T. Don't use the same password for multiple things ever
[Image: Sfct11V.jpg]

I like this image a lot, its cute.

[Image: 7PS2UzJ.jpg]

I wan't to do another Nausicaa painting, something with here gun ship and a bigger ship coming out of the clouds. I  haven't seen the movie in years but I feel like this is a scene from it? or maybe I've seen fan art like this before I'm not sure but I wan't to paint this so I'm going for it.
too often when I try to be nice I end up looking like an asshole 
[Image: fKg8nON.jpg]
gotta learn self control and when to stop

this composition is booooooring I think I'll do a follow up to this image
[Image: ooZnKME.jpg]

The only reason this is 'fanart" is so I can use more juicy tags when I post this around.
I need to get some of those super dark browns back in this painting the values are a little too light on light on light on light. I'll probably crop the bottom of this image out and make it a lot more wide, it looks much better that way I think but I'll keep this more square version too because instagram crops images with weird aspect ratio and adding black bars looks ugly.
Made my self a new super self righteous avatar in like 5 mins max, was sick of that bird
[Image: 0xj5tL2.jpg]

[Image: ld2nGX5.jpg]

I also started a mapcrunch "study" it was supposed to be just something simple to relax with but I got caught up in the moment too much and now I have this

[Image: 6XU6wBi.jpg]

[Image: 1YqoLLc.png]

no idea how I'm going to pull it of. The image is a huge eye soar and hopefully I can get the colors and values in check, I just wanted to get my idea down super quick and try to come up with an interesting composition.
Image was looking a little flat and I couldn't get the background to work so I painted over everything, this one is better. (edit: maybe its worst actually I'll try to move the guy?? from the foreground a but maybe get a full body shot going idk)
[Image: Soew1db.jpg]

image still isn't what I wanted to be but its getting there
[Image: EvPdpgQ.jpg]

I did background stuff today and then tried to figure out what the guy actually looks like. I want him to be like a really lame looking bosuzoku biker wanna be because it would be funny. His bike is intentionally too small for him but I'm not sure if its working I might have to change it a bit. I'll try to get some university work done now, I'm super behind on everything.
[Image: kkt3YzJ.jpg]

I forgot to take a picture after I was done for this session and all I have is this super shitty pic from about half way through the class -,- cropped out the face because its too disgusting. I'll make this good next week big problem is that my board is too small for this pose and I'm not good enough to paint complex things with few brush strokes, I'm struggling the whole time feels bad
[Image: LAIAyiJ.jpg]
[Image: 5EfhQZy.jpg]
Nice. i really do like the color you put on the last piece. Just keep in mind, to check where you want to put focal point. As I believe, the focal point should be that dude with a bike? As for now, the focus seems keep getting on the background cause of the same value as the biker







(03-22-2018, 02:52 PM)cicakkia Wrote: Nice. i really do like the color you put on the last piece. Just keep in mind, to check where you want to put focal point. As I believe, the focal point should be that dude with a bike? As for now, the focus seems keep getting on the background cause of the same value as the biker

Idk I think the values are fine, the background behind the head is darker than the light hitting the face and the hair is darker than the background so it should be fine. I wanted to make the background super crazy messy and colorful and then have the guy pop out by being a more sharp shape and a bit darker but its pretty hard to pull of.
[Image: esihR8V.jpg]

couldn't finish this in one go its too hard on my brain
[Image: tumblr_p61z8q1aXm1suoh70o2_r1_1280.jpg]
sleepy dragon dude
I didn't add any human figures because I wanted the painting to be all about the dragon and I only wanted to add a person so the scale is easier to read, but I cant squeeze in a figure and make it look natural like it should belong there.
Anyway I'm done with this image, just wanted to make random abstract shapes and turn it in to a painting that makes sense
[Image: b55nSso.jpg?1]

I have to do a million little details on this and then somehow make it all work... meh I'll do it tomorrow Ni No Kuni 2 is waiting for me
[Image: tumblr_p65htoEMfy1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]

[Image: dQRTzZJ.jpg]

sketch of a ni no kuni painting I want to do
started working on this [Image: Q886F0H.jpg]

oil painting
[Image: 7V24G2a.jpg]

gotta fix that face perspective

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