Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: fr7wTAY.jpg]

I've got a lot of things to do on this but I run out of energy super quick when painting things I'm not comfortable with
[Image: eg3n162.jpg]

looks wild when the image is flipped
[Image: tumblr_p76qw1JPjm1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]

I did photography stuff today, I'll also be busy with that stuff tomorrow, couldn't squeeze out a ssketch today I taught I had an idea but it just didn't work out. lazy lazy
[Image: LDqpkJh.jpg]

[Image: tHiyzUP.jpg]

Coming up with an idea is so damn hard even when I have a theme and a general idea of what I want it still feels like a miracle when I get anything going. Anatomy / people in general is something I'm super uncomfortable with so painting a scene that's all about the figures not the environment is a nightmare. Also the weather decided to fuck me today and I couldn't get any of my photography projects for university going -,- I guess I'm skipping class tomorrow.

the color sketch thing is something I did real quick just to get a general feeling and so I don't start from nothing when I work on this tomorrow
[Image: 41Xjnt8.jpg]

needs less cringe
[Image: yu7u5QS.jpg]

I couldn't paint a lot today because of university but a little progress is better than none. There's still a lot of things that are bugging me about this image
Lame shit I've been posting everyday for what feels like an eternity
[Image: O9l0LMC.jpg]

just some idea brainstorming thing that is more interesting that the image above. I randomly remembered watching Oban star racers on TV when I was a kid and wanted to do a thing from imagination of how I remember the show.

[Image: FA85KmY.jpg]
[Image: hsCgM8p.jpg]

I never use green for anything other than trees and bushes so I want to try and make the focal point a green/blueish color I thinks its gonna be pretty hard. Still haven't collected any reference so I'm just winging it atm, I'll find some pictures tomorrow. Also did some more editing on the image from yesterday, nothing too interesting
Painting mechanical things is hard but strangely enjoyable
Loving, the red clouds against the deep blue sky on that race car scene mate. I like how you use colours. Keep painting dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(04-20-2018, 02:27 AM)Artloader Wrote: Loving, the red clouds against the deep blue sky on that race car scene mate.  I like how you use colours.  Keep painting dude!

Thanks! I think I got a little too carried away with the saturation / vibrance but it was a lot of fun to do.
[Image: pTj7WFe.jpg]

This painting ROCKS 
[Image: j0Vw5Xm.png]
[Image: tpEUcfW.jpg]

The idea I had for my photography class failed completely and I feel shitty all day because it. Started a study of a screen cap from the latest primitive technology video on youtube, not worrying about anything just having fun with this. I'll finish it tomorrow and also get some work done on the image from yesterday
Once you learn to control your saturation and contrast levels with a bit more subtlety the colours will really start to work. You definitely put pedal to the metal in that area. Not everything has to be high contrast high sat. A stylistic choice ofc.

That piece with the drink kiosk is definitely subtler and feels more together. Probably works better because It's more sytlised clean lines. It's neat

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
(04-22-2018, 06:00 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: Once you learn to control your saturation and contrast levels with a bit more subtlety the colours will really start to work. You definitely put pedal to the metal in that area. Not everything has to be high contrast high sat. A stylistic choice ofc.

That piece with the drink kiosk is definitely subtler and feels more together. Probably works better because It's more sytlised clean lines. It's neat

I'm trying to find a good balance but its really hard, I tend to tunnel vision and go super crazy with the colors because its just so much fun to do and then I try to tone things down a bit when I can see the image with fresh eyes x.x
[Image: 6t8EEXL.jpg]

did some work on this

[Image: WX6f1PS.jpg]

so today I went on a trip with some friend and I did painting from real life for the first time, and man its crazy. First time painting somethings thats not a flat graphic shape with gluache and it was hard. The things I've learned from oil painting I feel like only got in my way when making this :D also the light was changing super fast, it went from really bright and saturated to everything being in shadow in like 30 mins. We should have gone earlier in the day I wanted to do more studies. Painting like this from life is much more difficult than I imagined, all the bug crawling on me and holding my sketchbook with one hand while mixing paint on the ground, its crazy I have a whole new appreciation for James Gurney and other people that paint from life and do it so well.
[Image: 4yTPHzE.jpg]

picture of the same spot when before I started painting. My phones camera really burned the light -,- it was a lot more red. Hopefully I can make this a weekly thing I do for the summer but its hard to organize
the second photo has really nice color :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
[Image: uM8UVya.jpg]

[Image: ZNxbDERg.jpg]

did things very tired. also did oil painting but forgot to upload picture and I'm too lazy to do it now
[Image: 4B7n5q4.jpg]

A comic book artist was giving a lecture at my university today and of course I went to it, it was supposed to be about something like "Comic book language in the context of Bulgaria". So the lecture starts of with "This lecture wasn't about comic books originally but I think it makes sense to connect the two topics" or something like that and then he spends 2 hours squeezing his stupid political bullshit in to comics he likes and jerking of to how amazing some politicians are. I'm so disappointed, total waste of time, I just wanted someone to talk about comic art and show me some pretty pictures not to jerk off about being morally superior for 2 hours. T.T

Values on this image are a weird I haven't painted something lit this way before, I'm just kind of winging it
[Image: ERLGPDM.jpg]

I was hoping to get this image done today but a friend of mine got his first car and we went out celebrating. Still have a lot to do on this.
Also this happened 
[Image: cK3GqqV.png]

rip chair you will be missed and swiftly replaced
[Image: cJ78uSb.jpg]

[Image: 9uJtMU9.jpg]

made a self portrait today for a challenge over at , painting yourself is super awkward I don't like GETTA

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