Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: GoNqgLd.jpg]

[Image: DIo8CzK.jpg]

started sketching out pages and daaaaamn is it hard T.T I run out of energy super fast when doing stuff like this. Looking at this with fresh eyes actually this stuff looks super simple, don't know why its so hard to do in the moment
Images from the last couple of days
[Image: 6LZKKgd.jpg]
[Image: UQxU434.jpg]
[Image: W2PfEvD.jpg]

I would have made more progress but yesterday my car got a flat tire 
[Image: MkSrtmH.jpg?1]

I changed the tire the next day and it turns out the spring broke and that's what cut the tire... real life stuff like this really stresses me out and kills my productivity and also university starts tomorrow so free time is going to be a problem from now on -_- 
I hope its just the spring that's broken because a suspension spring for an e46 cost like 20 bucks here.
[Image: Q80oiiP.jpg]

this is getting ridiculous, I don't know how I'm going to paint all of this especially since its supposed to be night time...
[Image: DpgGJ5B.jpg]

[Image: IuIk8aY.jpg]

Power rangers poses are the best
[Image: GlSGNK7.jpg]
[Image: VRqdZ4G.jpg]

[Image: hENMBH0.jpg]

[Image: sEbX17B.jpg]

did really simple sketches today because I'm doing stuff on the side that requires a lot of brain usage and I run out of steam super quick if I try to work on multiple different projects at the same time x.x
Good work Coinhero! Great to see you tackling projects. The comic is looking very lively, I love the panel with the tiger coming loose from the carrying stick in partciular.

For the page with the hooded boy making a scene, consider coming back to it when you've not looked at it for a few days. I think that + flipping it to check will probably reveal that the poses are a bit off on that page. Panel 1, leftmost woman, for example, feels less surprised and more 'about to kick this little shit' to me. It's mainly small adjustments, but the lovely lines in your other pages tell me you can probably push that one further.
(02-10-2019, 08:45 PM)Prov Wrote: Good work Coinhero! Great to see you tackling projects. The comic is looking very lively, I love the panel with the tiger coming loose from the carrying stick in partciular.

For the page with the hooded boy making a scene, consider coming back to it when you've not looked at it for a few days. I think that + flipping it to check will probably reveal that the poses are a bit off on that page. Panel 1, leftmost woman, for example, feels less surprised and more 'about to kick this little shit' to me. It's mainly small adjustments, but the lovely lines in your other pages tell me you can probably push that one further.

Yea I agree the perspective is also nonsense :D I'll come back to it and try to fix stuff when I sketch out everything, only 4 more pages left and the painting starts.
reply to Prov up above ^

[Image: qiUxiz4.jpg]

lines from today, I need to catch up on school work T.T so if I don't make much progress in a day I wont bother posting stuff.
[Image: S6j5sbS.jpg]

I really love drawing these pages, it's super fun and all I think about but the moment I try to work on university stuff I want to fucking kill myself.
[Image: shjGR8o.jpg]

just remembered that I never made a back cover for the comic and since I'll be printing it because university project and stuff I'll need one. It's crazy foliage painting time :p
[Image: VLuJlWl.jpg]

needs to be cleaned up and stuff
[Image: pCYvkDn.jpg]

[Image: bUSoeSs.jpg]

finished lines and started painting. Not posting stuff so I can stay focused
images I'm working on

[Image: BEoOMWW.jpg]

[Image: uf8eAqv.jpg]
[Image: n2cEhdc.jpg]
[Image: JZXzNvf.jpg]

getting close to finishing the painting part and after that I'll do all the speech bubbles and focus on my photography stuff that I need to do for university... or I wont graduate x.x

top 2 images are pretty much done just need some tweaks to make faces look less terrible and other small things that take me way to long to fix. I went back to painting everything with just a simple round brush, it makes the most sense to me and I'm much faster like this. Last page didn't align with the others the way I wanted so I had to make it a 2 page spread, not that I didn't want to just wasn't the original plan.
I really want to go back and fix a lot of things but realistically I have like 1 month to do everything else that I need for graduation and then I'll be busy with printing/framing photography getting stuff approved etc etc
[Image: nxrW6Jo.jpg?1]

doing notebook scribbles like this is more interesting to me than all the painting I do daily, I just wanna draw busted up little girls but if I do it too much it might put me on lists lol.
[Image: OESqR7K.jpg]

finished all the bubbles, text and sound effects I'll be focusing on graphic design and photography now till graduation and then eventually post the comic online somewhere.
[Image: azioch6.jpg]

I really like this drawing, I wish I could paint like this
[Image: BiGRobg.jpg]

painted this just now and here is the reference
[Image: PwLwwtd.png]

I didn't paint it flipped but I like how weird it looks flipped, I spent like an hour or something painting this idk

[Image: wxyvpVD.jpg]

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