Great updates here, I'm a HUGE MK fan myself (MK11 is my current addiction, and I'm anxiously waiting for the new film!!) so I'm absolutely loving what you're doing with these portraits! They're very true to the character designs we're familiar with, while being unique at the same time with your own style and sense of design, a difficult task to accomplish but it seems it's coming quite natural to you.

I can't wait to see more of these portraits. I know you're planning on doing 60 so you'll definitely have your hands full, but hopefully it'll be worth it! Keep it going! :)

(12-08-2019, 05:12 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Great updates here, I'm a HUGE MK fan myself (MK11 is my current addiction, and I'm anxiously waiting for the new film!!)  so I'm absolutely loving what you're doing with these portraits!  They're very true to the character designs we're familiar with, while being unique at the same time with your own style and sense of design, a difficult task to accomplish but it seems it's coming quite natural to you. 

I can't wait to see more of these portraits.  I know you're planning on doing 60 so you'll definitely have your hands full, but hopefully it'll be worth it!  Keep it going! :)

There's actually 80+ maybe 100 if I include guest characters..
I'm 29 in though so.. i'll just keep going

here's the latest 2

[Image: ddlwndk-5029807a-1763-4f66-9e44-a32845e0...b4f9hD5Wek]
[Image: ddlwnlz-3dc6a455-cd71-4b6d-8632-75d17ff5...utKcZkSgYY]

not super happy with them but I just wanna keep the work churning right now and build some good habits.
I can always go back in and polish all these more so it's cool
practicing comfort with discomfort...

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Latest Paintings
I want to upload some more process things but for not just posting to try stay consistent and prioritize doing that actual paintings..

anyway.. I hope I can get to a better place financially in 2020..
I'm gonna work hard and see how it goes..

[Image: ddlyb4r-f3deaee4-359b-4d5a-a58e-f3d036d5...pR-X4gtqFc]
[Image: ddm1asy-608b96fd-a529-4de9-a768-c3040dea...UazYpNjAYE]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Couple more Symbiote thangs..
My Venom Silk got a daily deviation on deviant art so that's cool..

[Image: ddm5tl1-ad2af2f3-6cfa-4691-8f40-9757e5d4...9fQjXavs8A]
[Image: ddm8pu9-be2737ea-16de-4140-b030-532cad10...PAWjFDiYCo]

Continuing to plug away at back log of paintings I've wanted to do..
Working on comic planning.. concepting some costumes and roughing in story beats

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Nice updates, love the MK designs as always. The Venom illustrations are ace as well, really dig the dynamic poses and designs on those, very impressive stuff!

Those Venom paintings are so cool! I especially like the one where you can see part of her face.
So I've been working on my comic and finally got one issue done.
It's been quite a challenge and learning experience so far and I expect much more to come..

Here's a link if you want to take a look

I tried to make a few test covers and splash imagery for website banners and such

[Image: andrew-gibbons-desktop-splash-as-overlay...1577406138]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-re-cover-vol1-900.jpg?1577989411]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-re-cover-vol2-900.jpg?1577989482]

I hope I can keep pace and have 12 Issues done by the end of the year, but we shall see..

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Beautiful stuff man - I love how you have contrasted the violence with little breaths of tranquility like the peacocks and the coy carp.

Awesome work dude - keep it up!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Have been a bit absent from here again.

had a period of maybe productive things to a lull of what the fek am I even doing..

before a sudden busy period of commissions including a sizable licencing gig.. Sizable by my standards anyway.
so while briefly procrastinate from doing that work i'll just try to do a little update here to maintain some slight level of community interaction.

this piece was done for some charity event concerning the bush fires that were going nuts earlier in the year down here. I had been getting into spray painting more and without meaning to, one of my pieces got picked up by local and international news media. so that was cool for a moment.

[Image: ddz3kui-f6690e59-3925-4d5b-bb32-e73a71d8...3TLQ6UVtL8]
I did some more charity related things around this time
[Image: ddog82u-2489e858-b781-48e7-ab4f-6d1866ed...Y2Exw8-NLY]

 Got a few gigs spray painting after people saw the ones I did for myself

[Image: ddz3kyq-f1f2f023-cd38-477a-8f15-6a9dbe45...htaYbrD31Q]

[Image: inter_connectivity_by_andrew_gibbons_ddz...WWhKxC9i-M]

Here's some of the other spray paint murals I did

[Image: ddz3k91-a13a5c87-ea07-4ad8-b9ba-0e9da91c...Z5je50Dlq0]
[Image: ddz3kgw-127a3523-9579-4cc2-8551-7827c0c4...KY7liOJLkM]
This one was me trying to adapt one of my digital paintings into spray paint.
[Image: ddz3kim-a2dc4677-1944-460b-bcba-a6f0c1b9...6OPqAyiMTQ] [Image: dbwyrui-85ef9206-b118-42fe-9a69-7457f83d...xw-PdfLxrY]
Satisfied for the time and experience level i have with sprays..being very low lol

My friend asked me to come out and paint with him, and it was super fun so I kept going

[Image: ddz3kl2-85b38447-5f63-499e-94da-cb8ac2e4...QQzCQVDGoY]
Practices some portraiture in black and white to keep it simple with the number of cans

[Image: ddz3ko6-4e31aeba-6ed8-47a5-b32a-06162ae4...To99vqx0iw]
this one was pretty small compared to the others. just for the challenge and I showed up late when my friends were painting.

[Image: ddz3l5h-d3c0d5d7-7060-4e61-b006-36c4af24...rIqDRKXvsI]
one Charater from my IP real eyes

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
and some digital shiizz I did in the past few months too..

[Image: ddplct8-50994ec9-8112-43b3-872f-4ad4114c...YcLa2lYFOk]
bit of portrait practice
[Image: ddpo2qs-ae588b2f-7bdd-4ba4-84fa-40df496a...yaoHj2xmis]

[Image: ddrmlha-060207b9-e5d6-4929-a7d6-bab8b633...H-fRm6oz3c]
Playing with pushing of features and just a little something for a friend

[Image: dds6hyv-3f24daaa-de8a-4652-bd1b-895a0fea...EAExzmtoVQ]

Art related to my IP RealEyes.. Want to turn this into a figurine maybes

[Image: ddtaj3q-c1cb315b-c695-4dfd-b5bf-449d8f3d...--L1-MEzUQ]
adding one to the symbiotes series I've been doing for a while

[Image: ddxpvpp-15db121e-d562-45c9-ab84-7bff0962...E2QG8ChU0E]
A quick contribution to the sailor meme

and I'll be getting back to work now
Just a quick msg to ya'll on the grind..
keep at it, keep working on improving your skills and body of work and it will pay off

things have been growing for me pretty much as I had predicted based on what I had gathered from listening to people in various stages of their art careers. I had some periods of slow down for personal reasons but just as it starts to feel like you're in some sort of limbo. bam.. opportunity approaches.

I've not done much searching for clients.. My focus has just been to build my skills and make things I personally like.
It's going ok so for now im going to keep on that path and encourage you to do so too should you feel so inclined.

you can do it
and if you need some help regarding painting, can reach out to me
maybe on instagram will get a faster reply @andrewgibbonsart

be good all

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Welcome back; it's great to see old timers pop in, even if briefly. Glad to hear you're getting some decent work and exposure.

Lots of cool stuff. I've never done spray painting so you may as well be a wizard to me, LOL. The designs are quite striking and executed well. I'm admiring that roo with the donut swim ring.
(06-10-2020, 10:04 PM)Pubic Enemy Wrote: Welcome back; it's great to see old timers pop in, even if briefly. Glad to hear you're getting some decent work and exposure.

Lots of cool stuff. I've never done spray painting so you may as well be a wizard to me, LOL. The designs are quite striking and executed well. I'm admiring that roo with the donut swim ring.

Spray painting is super fun and the general art skills carry over so you work in any medium you'll be doing yourself some good. despite the fumes it's still nice to be outdoors painting once in a while.

on a side note, Mural work can pay pretty decently and gather jobs quite well by word of mouth
I've only dabbled in paid mural work so far but was already having the potential to do more just before the pandemic hit

thank you for the complements
I'll try to pop in with some frequency
I still like this place ;)

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
these are fabulous dude! its always the weirdest things that end up getting work...

Yea when you can do a decent digital portrait nobody cares but blow it up on a wall and BAM you got jobs, i had a similar effect doing street caricature. Can draw a cartoon online? no one cares, can you draw my family in 2 minutes with a half assed marker sketch? bam 20$

great on gettin work its a good feeling, the journey never ends, but man once you get that work its hard as hell to find time to study

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(06-10-2020, 10:55 PM)Fedodika Wrote: these are fabulous dude! its always the weirdest things that end up getting work...

Yea when you can do a decent digital portrait nobody cares but blow it up on a wall and BAM you got jobs, i had a similar effect doing street caricature. Can draw a cartoon online? no one cares, can you draw my family in 2 minutes with a half assed marker sketch? bam 20$

great on gettin work its a good feeling, the journey never ends, but man once you get that work its hard as hell to find time to study

Cheers Fed,
Yeah definitely a strange gap with digital and more tactile mediums. It's cool though, I get it
I still like digital allot for it's work flow benefits.
working on a licencing contract now that should buy me some temporary freedom to purely do what I want so
hopefully I can work some studies into that time. Always want to improve my anatomy skills

Still managing to study in the work itself though so it's not too bad.
trying to attempt a migration to clip studio for painting
photoshop pen pressure bugging out too frequently and it's so so stressful
clip studio definitely has some good points

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Here's some book characters and Covers I did last year that I don't think I shared here yet

I know I post mostly finished work but it's because I sorta learn primarily while doing the pieces
lots of struggles..

That said, once I'm through some client work on hand, I'd like to get back into doing a bit more studies
particular anatomy and clothing stuufff

[Image: andrew-gibbons-jh-character-line-up900.jpg?1595029138]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-andrew-gibbons-cover2jh-r...1595028528]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-josh-hall-book-cover.jpg?1595028411]

Pretty busy with a couple of client things at the moment.
working on a bunch of images for a licencing deal while also doing some smaller commissions
pretty drained..

looking forward to revisiting personal work.
continuing to develop my graphic novel story and continue grinding on some pieces I've been painting for yearssss

Hope yall well and healthy
dont get caught up in the conspiracy theories too much.. the earth is not flat

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Comissions sounds exciting though, but I hear you... Sometimes one just wants to get those over with so that there can once again be like a personal creative outlet in doing your own things. Really cool stuff, keep it coming and let us know what you're up to :D

(07-21-2020, 12:24 AM)Uiriamu Wrote: Comissions sounds exciting though, but I hear you... Sometimes one just wants to get those over with so that there can once again be like a personal creative outlet in doing your own things. Really cool stuff, keep it coming and let us know what you're up to :D

Yeah the commissions coming in have all been pretty good honestly, theme wise very much within my interests
which may attest to the perks of putting out work of the type you would be happy to be asked to do.

At the moment I've got some illustrations going for the same Author as I just showed,
A bunch of Animal illustrations for a gift wares wholesaler,
A banner illustration for a bike shop
and some kids portraits, gif animations, small stuff for friends
and potentially a sizable mural job thats like 115 meters squared. but still in talks for that one

But I snuck in some time to make a start on some character art I've been wanting to do
for my novel I am very slowly writing.

I'm going with the paint pushing and work it out along the way, cos I can and it's fun
That said I'm looking forward to putting time into drawing.
potentially will attempt to do inktober if my jobs arent too hectic at that time

[Image: de1seqw-9eadd59c-3443-43cd-aa99-b86a6836...TLXJ-tk8Rg]
some words of encouragement for you all painting hard..
It's hard sometimes, just keep touching it till it feels good, when it hurts, take a break
yol Have a nice day

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Hey Andrew, your portraits are looking awesome. The spider Gwen painting in particular is badass. The spray painting looks super fun. My friends and I sometimes draw portraits on the side of the mountains when we go hiking using charcoal we would find —as close to spray painting size wise I’ve gotten haha. Im glad to hear you’re getting commission/contract work! Also, I appreciate your paint over, thank you.

I would love feedback on my Sketchbook
Still going on client work I'm not supposed to post publicly yet..
here's a couple pages from my sketchbook cos it's been a while and I want to include more than dumps of finished work.

I'm not good at keeping too many habits at once   Bomb 

My sketchbooks are mostly pretty ugly and I just fill the space..
In this particular session I was just trying to remember some anatomy moments
not after any real accuracy here
working on developing my own understanding of structure and anatomical relationships cos i find it hard to get into the establish ones taught by others, that said I take from them what works good for me and add it to my own way..
i guess...

[Image: sketchbooo_by_andrew_gibbons_de2f8cn-pre...vVKR14y2mE]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
If you want your own methodology you gotta study different artist the rest is just happy accident as they say.I heard your better of learning to draw through object as if they are transparent with basic  3d shape than do a ton of line drawing where it only surface detail i find that nothing stick when your overloaded with information.But when you know where thing attach of a sphere or a cube it become much simplier to invent.So to me the key to learning to draw anatomy is mostly learning about boney landmark on the body to navigate and find specific point to elaborate as you go.The rest is proportion relationship sprinkle with knowning what are the surface muscle and how they change form depending on the action of the character.

I have added a few image to illustrate what i am talking about if you find it take to much space just send me a pm and i will delete the post for your sketchbook if it not useful to you.

Attached Files Image(s)

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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