Environment Design Mentorship call for interest
Hey all,

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the intro stream today. It was very awesome to chat and show a bit of my own development, answer questions and run through a summary of the next 8 weeks.

If you were wondering about my "pirate" look. I had an altercation with a piece of pork crackling that was being a total hard ass and knocked my tooth out. I will be getting a replacement soon...I've actually become kinda accustomed to it. I went to superfical as f*ck hollywood with that look....let me tell you that was a hoot ! ;)

You can watch the stream recorded here.


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Thanks for the stream Amit, didn't get a chance to catch it this morning, I signed in and was 5minutes late :) I watched it all this afternoon, it was cool hearing about your story, and struggles. I loved seeing your art improve and evolve over the years.

Oh and thetooth/pirate look was awesome! You should totally get an eye patch and roll with it! ;)

Thanks Mayenla! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and yep, I have a bandana and a cutlass in the cupboard..perhaps I can be the enviro design pirate, plundering bountiful shores for concept booty. :P

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Hahaha I will paypal contribute just to see that on stream! :P

Thank you. You are very kind giving us you knowledge and time.
Your 2-3 years progress is inspiring.
Not beeing on the 50s I will follow the course as I can.
Looking fordward for next lesson.

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Sorry Amit for not being there, I actually thought it was today. But yeah, I got the grasp that your 20th on the morning is my 19th on the night :P

Great great video! I had a heartfelt feeling as you talked about how much you pushed yourself. I feel that happens a lot, and it also happened to me months ago and I had a hard time. I like that you have the objective to push people, but also let us learn that there's kinda of .. limits.

I'll probably look into values things this week, atleast to see how they are and how can I practice them. It should be very interesting.

Thanks for the video again Amit! I'm looking forward :)

would you like me to improve? check my SKETCHBOOKKiss
I had to watch it a day after, but I'm still dedicated. I'll be a good student, promise! Thumbs_up Thanks for the intro, Amit!


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@Mayenla, haha, well perhaps that is a subscriber reward...Pirate Crit Sessions!

@AlfonsoX: Thanks so much! Please follow along in the streams and interact on the class thread. Everyone is welcome! I just might not be able to give you direct crits depending on time.

Don't feel bad about missing the live streams!
Do feel bad about missing any assignment deadlines though.

I may look harmless, but I will chew on you a little if you don't submit on time. haha. But seriously, meeting deadlines are a huge part of growing your skillset, especially if you want to be freelancers, so I am going to be harsh on this one.

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Hi Amit,

Great intro talk - very inspiring to hear how late you came to art and how quickly you progressed. I was in a similar situation to you with the physics - ended up in an IT career I hated for almost 9yrs. But finally realised and making steps to change that :)

The fundamentals slide was really clear too. I've heard lots of people stress _how_ important they are, without actually outlining _what_they are!

Hey all, sorry I totally deleted the class thread in a fit of idiocy. The new thread and first post is now up here: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6851.html

@Barry. Thanks! Actually I was also working loosely in IT for at least the last 5 years as a senior technical analyst. Worse than that, it was for central government, so it was a double-mawed multi-fanged soul sucker!! We probably have a lot in common there :)

Sometimes the most obvious and basic things are ignored, because people assume you know them, so I'm glad this was useful!

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I suppose I missed this. Can I access the recordings Sir? Thanks :)
Hey Brandon, you can still join in. Just read up on the first post in the class thread http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-6851.html. All the course resources and demos are public still, and can be found collected here https://sites.google.com/site/edrocks2015/

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I would love to learn environment design from hands on mentor, be it via skype or posts on CD. Is this still open?
Heya Inagada, welcome :) Well it's open in the sense that people are still doing the assignments and posting results in the class thread here on the forum. All the demos and critique videos are still available so you can work through all that content yourself. I can't offer video crits or guaranteed crits any more though I do sometimes give some feedback in the EDrocks class thread.

I am open to mentor on a more 1-on-1 basis if you want that guaranteed feedback on your work for the class. Just PM me if you are interested in that. There will be a bit of cost involved in that.

Check out the post directly above yours for links to most of the material and the class thread. :)

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