Zodd Sketchbook
Value simplification exercise:

Would be nice when you do master study to post the reference your losing a ton of feedback in my opinion.I would also suggest you stick to a big round brush to focus your energy on those value.Edge don't matter in those study you can work on that later.

Here a website i recommend


just scroll a bit down and you find those 3 video i recommend them.

Part 1: How To Isolate Shapes & Two Value Notan:
Part 2: Three Value Notan
Part 3: How to Paint a Four Value Notan

If your interest in shape simplifation i also recommend this one


My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
"Hunt season" - I've done this illustration to study in the process, it has very fun! And i've started a Artstation portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/italomateusart

Not feeling the flow of this piece those pillar lead the eye out of the composition in my opinion.There a thing that also bother me with the creature hand being hidden behind the arm it can be confusing to the viewer.One other thing is how you also have hide the other wing once again creating confusion.If you know anything about wing you know that those wing don't enable flight.That tail also is oddly cylindrical where it should be merging with the rest of the body.

Other then that it a challenge to show an aerial combat from a top down view and i think you did pretty well on that point.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(07-13-2019, 04:39 PM)darktiste Wrote: Not feeling the flow of this piece those pillar lead the eye out of the composition in my opinion.There a thing that also bother me with the creature hand being hidden behind the arm it can be confusing to the viewer.One other thing is how you also have hide the other wing once again creating confusion.If you know anything about wing you know that those wing don't enable flight.That tell also is oddly cylindrical where in should be merging with the rest of the body.

Other then that it a challenge to show an aerial combat from a top down view and i think you did pretty well on that point.
Thank you very much Dark! There's just one wing, he can fly because he's a magic beast, the hunter isnt magical, tha'ts why he's jumping. I've tried to make some soft edges and gradient on the pillar, but i think that didnt worked xD
Drawing with shapes, 1 min each, i need to improve a lot so i'll do this exercise daily

That how you problem solve now we talking!! Try to draw some wing just for fun and some claw.Study some bird foot and bat wing so that it always anchor down with real anatomy for extra point.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
More random shapes

Here some video i think can supplement you for those type of exercise there sometime in form of critic but she also go on and explain her process




You should have enough information i think with that.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
A sketch for fun, inspired by Caravaggio, Zorn and Sargent xD


I guess two questions. 1 Why are all the edges hard and 2 Why don't you try to match the values better? Seems like you decide on the values before even looking at the subject you're drawing.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
(07-19-2019, 04:42 AM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: I guess two questions. 1 Why are all the edges hard and 2 Why don't you try to match the values better? Seems like you decide on the values before even looking at the subject you're drawing.
For this type of study edges is not so important. I'm searching for masses of values, because of this i need to squint my eyes to get out of details.
I still don't understand why edges aren't important. Certainly if a mass of value fades into another in a subtle way, that's worth paying attention to, no? If you create a hard edge where there isn't one, you've invented a shape that does not exist.

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
(07-19-2019, 05:03 AM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: I still don't understand why edges aren't important. Certainly if a mass of value fades into another in a subtle way, that's worth paying attention to, no? If you create a hard edge where there isn't one, you've invented a shape that does not exist.

I'm just using 3 values, if you squint hard you can see that i'm just searching for general masses of values. I like to study edges when i'm dealing with details.
(07-19-2019, 05:03 AM)Tristan Berndt Wrote: I still don't understand why edges aren't important. Certainly if a mass of value fades into another in a subtle way, that's worth paying attention to, no? If you create a hard edge where there isn't one, you've invented a shape that does not exist.
Plus, if you search for graphic style paintings you will immediatly understand that edges is not more important than value.
Wip, trying to start in a different way, i want to paint this in chiaroscuro. Tomorrow i'll improve the final sketch.

More progress, tomorrow i'm gonna work on the colors and more adjustments

You should not use pure black and white they do not exist unless that handle is made from of black hole.There always a really small amount of reflected light.Seem like is ears is kinda big.I think you could also introduce some value in that background to indicate the direct of the light.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(07-20-2019, 04:21 PM)darktiste Wrote: You should not use pure black and white they do not exist unless that handle is made from of black hole.There always a really small amount of reflected light.Seem like is ears is kinda big.I think you could also introduce some value in that background to indicate the direct of the light.
It's not pure black and i'm doing chiaroscuro, not LDR light

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