I'm starting this sketchbook to document my studies , my progress , the way I go...

I used to do my digital stuff with a mouse up until recently 

I began with gimp ,and then continued with medibang which I think is unironically the best program for mouse painting

[Image: john-dough-tombofshite.jpg?1536410645]
[Image: john-dough-unfinishednef.jpg?1536410662][Image: john-dough-sunsetnef.jpg?1536410657][Image: john-dough-screw.jpg?1536410643][Image: john-dough-milky-butthole.jpg?1536410651][Image: john-dough-lake.jpg?1536410658]

[Image: john-dough-alaptomb.jpg?1536416175]
[Image: voidman-cavenef.jpg?1544461261]

These two were made with tablet
[Image: voidman-valuestudy.jpg?1549736217]

[Image: voidman-the-damn-snow.jpg?1549736391]

Heres a little to planning
Nowadays and actually always choosing what to learn from was always a bit of a dilemma for me, and so I never really began... I started with drawabox which in the end wasnt a good beginning, and then bounced between tutorials and methods which really just kept me staggering...

So now I'll go through peter hans dynamic sketching , will probably post the homeworks.
other things to study:
-enviroment studies, focusing on detail like plants , trees etc. 
(I came up with a plan , but I forgot it ,and it came out like this )

So that's it for now ...let's see where this goes.

Nice start Aman007, I like your colours and values.

Heheh - I used to paint with a mouse in Gimp as well but then a got a tablet and bought Clip Studio Paint, both were an improvement for me.

I found drawabox very useful myself, but Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching is even more awesome in my opinion.

With the painting, one thing I've found useful is to try to think in terms of shapes. Paint big shapes first then go in a refine with smaller shapes. Hope that helps, please ignore if not.

Good luck - looking forward to your studies :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Hi and welcome Aman!
I like your work, wile your paintings might be not perfect technically, many of them convey mood and emotion which is a big deal.
Since you write about bouncing between tutorials, I'll refrain from recommending resources for now (but let us know if you need suggestions :) )
But I'm curious why Drawabox didn't work for you (did for me, but we all learn differently) and whether you find Peter Han's vids more helpful.
Artloader's advice is pretty much fundamental and is an approach used by most artists.
Looking forward to see more of your explorations :)

Thank you for the replies ,

Initially I found Peter's approach more intuitive and I guess I liked that approach more ,since I want to develop more of a natural sense of the fundamentals, but since then I haven't learned much due to work ,and realized that learning is a much more complex process than just learning and repeating...

although I can't say that the last months were uneventful
but Ive been really busy and I think I will be for a short while, maybe I will post something this month because I will have a 2 week break so I'll have a bit of room to get some fresh air and do some productivity

[Image: voidman-shaareisioncon.jpg?1558689620]

Here's my latest work ,probably the last before doing only study stuff, because ,the perspective, textures, and simplicity of scenes are now repetitive and I realized that I hadn't done anything more complex or different in any other way(lets not even talk about the perspective of the water reflection lol).... I gotta renew the next time I do a piece...
So here's to that .

On a second thought( a year long second thought) , drawabox might actually be the way to go for me, since its specific.
I haven't been completely honest, and I kinda despised drawabox for several reasons , but I kind of humbled in the past few years...and learned a bit about learning itself.
I did the first few weeks of peter hans dynamic bible, but got stuck at form intersections and then I just kind of went to hiatus for months
Sometimes I would grind basic stuff like cubes and organic forms and paint one or two but thats about it
It's really hard these days to concentrate on art due to the situation I'm in
I realized that promising something is possibly the worst thing to do , worse than a debt 
So I don't know...I may just stay a hobbyist, I might never post here again, or maybe things will get better and I'll be more prolific in the future....
So I'll post this desert for now, I'm working on another but I progress really slowly ...I'm hoping for better times
[Image: voidman-teneree222.jpg?1570003033]

I think what your scene cruely leak is a sense of depth.You also place your horizon line pretty much at the same spot on every piece you shown us so far.Put don't let those thing stop you. So you were right about repetition.

My personal favorite when it come to solving composition problem would be the book.
Hamm - Drawing Scenery Seascapes And Landscapes

You will soon realize that shape and there position in space make or break a piece.

I know it boring but we all overlook it but simplying your approch to just simple geometric composition can actually help you solidify your understand of the principle of art.

If i was not clear enough you don't need alot to learn about the fundamental of art you just need to learn how to setup a ''still life''exercise an example of object you can find in a ''still life'' are basic simple 3d geometric form for the sphere an apple can do.For a box you can take a cereal box unopen.For a cylinder a cane of food.With that you got 1 organic form and 2 man made object.You got 3 different texture and you got a variety of color that can change everyday if you change the object.

All that remain is how to properly learn to do ''still life'' for that i encourage you to go seek out an atelier so that you can learn on location how to properly observe your subject.One of the critical aspect of a still life is you point of observation it critical to remain stationary and to maintain your head at the same level you did initially.It why it recommended to do still life will standing.But enough of me explain i am sure there better people than me to explain it to you.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: voidman-aman-amdikar.jpg?1584900941]
these times are trying , nevertheless I made this painting in the last few days . I used a reference this time ,or well I actually copied it . I kinda feel a bit guilty, because I didn't create this scene myself without the help of anything but in the end I'm not even on the level to create legit and whole scenes so I guess it's alright. I kinda structured the process of painting the robe and the hood so I think that was kind of an improvement and a nice experiment.Also paid attention to the focal point, I decided to detail out the clouds to the left  near the hood... I hope it'll work..
The posture isn't exactly the same, the original is kinda more bent,hunched forward ...
I think this was also the first work I thoroughly analysed and fixed the little mistakes that bothered me too much...
What else to say
Well there it is  

Also : the reference , its from a videoclip called "Amdikar" by Meteor Airlines
[Image: e41d1e5c8a4e2f310df80579b79e3c07.png]

Your observation is going up that for sure doing photostudy.You manage to copy fold in an impressive way even if it no that exact of a copy they are still believable fold.I think you scene is overall less bright than the original.The dark on your cape are wash off when they should be stronger.You took some artistic liberty but the question are you trying to redesign or are you trying to learn to observe?Make your own goal as clear and precise as you can to make your artistic journey progress.Sometime of course you might be lost to what should be your next goal so in those time it ok to experiment to expand your comfort zone this way you will uncover area that need to be work on in your fundamental.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Originally I wanted an update in 2020 but I was progressing so slowly with everything...
Even now I still have 4 pieces unfinished, and I'm working on one nowadays in the same snail pace. But I'm still here... I didn't give up.

This year was hard.
I didn't make much progress, but I discovered quite a lot of things regarding learning , and I can apply that studying art, the fundamentals now.

Things started to make more sense now. The first thing that I discovered was that order improves my work quite a bit. Even though
I'm still lacking in fundamentals, organizing all parts of a project really improves the quality and the workflow. I wasn't really aware of this until this year, that it's all specific. When I looked at other artist's seemingly incredibly complex works, I thought that they simply sense it out, and use their skills passively, but it's the opposite.
They plan all parts out, go from the largest parts to the tinier details, with construction, colours, rendering... or so that is the most effective method for me I found. Learn a skill actively to be able to use it attention is important.

I had quite a few projects by summer, but couldn't finish them... I have to make some changes in my life soon
so I don't even know when I will continue my art studies.
But I have a plan, things make sense now... I know I can do it. I'm optimistic, now I only have to find a routine or make a free time to do the studies.
I have a future plan to make some more of these full copies, perhaps a few studies to it, then make a full switch to drawing and fundamentals only.
So here are some of my WIP's from last year:

[Image: rLd892A.png][Image: 1bgTOQv.png][Image: aOwX5pS.png]

Nice work Aman007! It seems like there is quite a bit of improvement in your recent work. It also seems like you made some important discoveries in workflow and such this year, which is a big step forward!

Hope you will consider posting this year and build upon the progress you've already made! :)


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