Klinck's sketchbook
Photo study
[Image: EJNGO9wWsAEyeF3?format=jpg&name=medium]

Where the reference?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(11-16-2019, 02:04 AM)darktiste Wrote: Where the reference?


Nothing particularly out of place good job and you took some little artistic choose that actually enhance the overall piece.This is up to you but i feel like the hair is maybe the area where you didn't render as far as it could be but that just me trying to push your limit.Sometime putting soft where there should be harder edge.I also feeling like you lost that transition around the edge of the hairline that really give that transition from hairline to hair mass and some of that messiness of the hair but i think here it more of artistic choose to remove some of that messiness you didn't wanted to go for magazine look.It depend on what was your intention photo realism or photo pleasing.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Couple more studies
[Image: EKD4pyXW4AAtJLy?format=jpg&name=large][Image: EJ2dlaoXsAEucO2?format=jpg&name=large]

Looks like your fundamental skills are all rising together nicely! some great studies here, well done.

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
[Image: 72d7c40b6acdafd70cd2e15e9683ff92a1d8617f.jpg]

[Image: EM9MrtLX0AAkYCn?format=jpg&name=large]

[Image: barkmaker_champion_by_klinck_ddp1xeg-ful...T7jvxESyEY]

Loving your work Klinck! Your character design skills are wonderful!

You got any big goals you want to achieve with your art?

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(01-25-2020, 11:39 PM)Artloader Wrote: Loving your work Klinck! Your character design skills are wonderful!

You got any big goals you want to achieve with your art?
Thank you, I guess my overall goal right now is to get better at figure drawing - construction, dynamic poses, anatomy, stuff like that

Lovely work! I really dig that last gal! Looking forward to see where this thread goes!

[Image: 7c713acb457d2a915445af652e8c83524fef4f71.jpg]

Whoa, this sketch looks awesome, she looks badass. If the circle cut out on her chest were glowing, it would be kind of a steampunk Tony Stark.

Hey! This whole sketchbook is very inspiring. Interesting characters and color usage.
[Image: ddzogxr-7bf6647a-5bd5-4dc0-aa32-9fd1d66f...bHAvDLwxGA]

[Image: Eb8OiihWoAAmvDp?format=jpg&name=4096x4096]

Perhaps it would be intesting to add a strap to hold some of the weight of the weapon.It look nose heavy and i think you capture this well in the way she holding it but since i am not the creator i would as the viewer find it maybe strange that she able to carry something who look so heavy on some high heel i know we are in the search for the cool factor as artist but balance it with some realism and you get an even more convincing result.But as always great work

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: Efk_OU3XkAEiYeC?format=jpg&name=large]

[Image: 29ec0bd3cb5afb9acdceb09c505317b6a5fd9099.jpg]


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