Ash Sketchbook
Yay, you finished Inktober! (unlike me) You got some very original and personal ideas going.
What's your goal in November? I suggest some attitude studies in parallel to the development of the witch doctor, to refine the characters' postures, balance and anchoring into the scene.

Leo Ki, been a while ... great suggestions, and I can see I'm still struggling with the same things in my recent drawings... :-) Right now I'm working on getting a bit better in designing characters.
First drawing is the witchdoctor of diablo 3.

Attached Files Image(s)

Welcome back!!!
The harpoon fisher has an interesting gear - and might like some ground or ice to stand on, or at least cast shadows ;)
The witch doctor's stance is powerful. I would accommodate more breathing space to the left as an outlet for that projection of energy. I would also rework the feet and hands (more specifically the grip on the staff).

Would add a bit of realism if you would put a cast shadow under that character.Also help give a sense of perspective to the piece.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
COW entry, Creature from venus.

I made a small overpaint of the archer girl. It looks nice, but if you want the pose to feel convincing, you should find a good reference of a pose, and then try to analyze it carefully. 

Hope it helps in any way! Keep up the good work! :)

Hi Zorrentos, thanks for the overpaint! I appreciate it a lot!

I'm going to post my COW sketches, even though I won't finish this, it's nice to have everything in one thread.

I made a small overpaint of your last work. Basically, by trying to imagine the form more as a 3D shape, you could make the tube read more clearly. Hope it helps! :)

Zorrentos, thanks a lot, that's a very nice way to render the material!
My entry for this weeks chow, 'underwater assasin'.
I like the gesture of the first one, but overall I think I improved on some of the details with the second one.
And then a quick color scheme.

It's looking great! I like the color scheme and you placed the character very nice in perspective! Good job!

Zorrentos, thanks!!

These are all based on the previous CHOW, beastly botanist.

First try.

Second one.


Studies from reference (for the second time).


Had fun with this one.

Different design, less insect like.

And colors.

Trying first composition again.

Wow, wish you participated in the last CHOW, these concepts look great!

Looking good, some very cool creature designs here. I'm glad you're reworking your latest as that one I feel is the strongest of the set, looking forward to more progress!

Hey great sketchbook you have here! There is so much variety! I would love to see more paintings. Keep goings.
Hey Ash, long time no see...
Your crouching ant is brilliantly expressive!
The underwater assassin, I'm having a hard time understanding how the tail connects to the back(bone) though.

Jana, thank you! I think I started most CHOW and COW, but never had time to finish them, I'm happy I took some extra time to keep going with this one.
Cgmythology, thanks for the encouragement!
Kasatay, thank you!
Leo, welcome back and thanks! For the assassin, I think there's still too much separation between the human and crocodile part, although if I had finished it with painted scales on her body it might have been a bit better. Anatomy wise, I saw it as a thickened part on her back with lots of muscles and thick scales, that separates at the lower end of her back.

A little bit of progress, still a lot to do though.

CHOW: mad scientist

Hands, mostly to get better at digital sketching. I'll do some more later on.

Hehe, the mad scientist cracks me up :D
Are the hands from life or photo, perspective can differ between both. I like the ones with hatching the most. Also the second one on the last row is great minimalism while retaining a sense of volume.

Hey Leo Ki, those were mostly from photo, but I looked at my hands too, since it's so easy to start copying when it's a photo, instead of thinking of forms in perspective, like you said.

Some more hands.

COW: Unlikely familiar

COW 9: The great race

And I tried out some tutorials in blender (by Grant Abbitt).


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