Jerry's Sketchbook ( Noooobie )
Some more stuff from the last few days, days are so random, one day it feels like im getting better then the next it feels like im going backwards, Maybe its just me being tired today! but surely i must get better one day. So ill just keep going on!
doodles from imagination
[Image: lightshirtdoodle.jpg]
[Image: sketch-5.jpg]
[Image: trainstationsketch.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0270.jpg]

[Image: anatomystudies-1.jpg]
[Image: clothesstudy.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0268.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0271.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0272.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0273.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0274.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0275.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0276.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0277.jpg]

[Image: stilllife-4.jpg]
[Image: shirtstudy.jpg]
[Image: still.jpg]
[Image: study-2.jpg]
Hey man. Nice stuff. Your working hard, that's for sure. And I can see some really nice improvements. Keep it up! xd

(08-28-2012, 04:44 PM)ramalooke Wrote: Hey man. Nice stuff. Your working hard, that's for sure. And I can see some really nice improvements. Keep it up! xd

thank you very much :)

Here is some stuff ive been doing the last few days, its kind of repatitive to say but still trying more things. Seeing how far i can get with things at 100 opacity, i actually think it is nicer to paint like that for some reason haha. felt some progress with my enviroments to ! first one that i didnt completley hate ! i also worked out that i learn SO much better by creating my own methods for drawing things versus following an instruction book. Like loomis and such, all there mehtods i kind of put aside and created my own that work for me.over the next month ill be focusing on getting my wacom drawing better, and my values. thanks for looking :)

so ill start off with some pencil stuff, working out forms that i can use
[Image: IMG_0381.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0384.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-4.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-3-2.jpg]
from life with a mirror
[Image: IMG_0383.jpg]
some hands from life
[Image: IMG_0387.jpg]
anatomy stuff
[Image: IMG_0382.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0385.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0386.jpg]
[Image: noses.jpg]
some sketchbook stuff to chill out
[Image: IMG_0388.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0390.jpg]
lousy attempt at drawing standing up from a mirror
[Image: IMG_0069-1.jpg]
feet from imagination using shapes i worked out during studies
[Image: feetimagination.jpg]
quick study
[Image: Update.jpg]

trying to paint on the ipad while i played babysitter for my neices ... mmm hard haha
[Image: IMG_0379.jpg]
[Image: IMG_0378.jpg]
poop and seeing how far i could get with 100 opacity
[Image: Untitled-2.jpg]
[Image: figure-1.jpg]

quick studies trying to use value scales then from imagination using my own shapes
[Image: torsostudy-1.jpg]
[Image: torsofromimagination.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1-2.jpg]
lame doodle
[Image: sketch-6.jpg]
perilious pie :D
[Image: piesketch.jpg]
study for
[Image: meatpiestudy.jpg]
another one that made me grumpy haha
[Image: mozziesketch.jpg]
trying to do some materials
[Image: materials.jpg]

placing things in perspective
[Image: moreperspective.jpg]
[Image: perspectivepractice.jpg]
nuutthhaa doodle
[Image: handsketch-1.jpg]
realiazing im terrible at design so will need to practice !
[Image: helmetdesigns.jpg]
warmup doodles
[Image: headdoodles.jpg]
poopppy poop from imagination
[Image: applyigstudy.jpg]
[Image: enviroment.jpg]
then from imagination
[Image: enviromentdoodle.jpg]
feet studies
[Image: fwe.jpg]
hand studies
[Image: hands.jpg]
then some 60s Gestures!
[Image: 1111.jpg]
good studies, keep pushing!

that hand out of the water is incredibly creepy...

(09-08-2012, 09:09 PM)Saraiza Wrote: good studies, keep pushing!

that hand out of the water is incredibly creepy...

thank you very much for the kind words :)

Stuff from today, spent ages doing this 5 point perspective, and some quick value stuff

[Image: mmmhmm.jpg]
[Image: valuestudies.jpg]
stuff from todaayyy

[Image: clouds.jpg]
[Image: cloudsfromimagination.jpg]
[Image: valuewithcolour.jpg]
[Image: valuepractice.jpg]
[Image: attempt3.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2-1.jpg]
oop and this one haha
Feels like you did more than me this week! I gotta work harder :(

Tons of improvement, especially anatomy, way to go :)
good work. keep it up

great studies :D Love the hand tentacle haha :P
Keep up the good work ^^
thank you everyone :) It means alot for you to look at my sketchbook and say all the nice things ! i will return the favour if i have not already :)

value practice in the morn, ( these are helping me alot, Trying to identify values with numbers, then whenever i look at things in life or in painting i try to say what number it is )
[Image: morevaluestudies.jpg]

So this come out crapppp as, but i actually learned some things off it !, i read some theory about colour ( australian spelling haha )

but basically i had been desaturating colours as they go into shadow because i figures less light less colour, However the way it works is that so long as the light source is constant, the chroma will stay constant to, only the value will change. according to huevaluechroma, . Unfortnatley i learned this at the end of the study haha

[Image: stilllife-5.jpg]

creature sketch that i started and loved, but ended up flattening it :\.. next time will be better
[Image: amphibiouscreaturegoin123123gon.jpg]

some panttssss ill study because i have no idea how they form on the body and where the tension points are

[Image: pantsstudy.jpg]

thussss is all for today !
Hey Jerry, hard work as always. :D One thing I noticed with your skin textures, especially on that skin're making the pore texture way too apparent. Pores and little imperfections in skin are really subdued, it's like background noise. Anyway keep it up man. ^_^
good stuff, your workin hard - keep at it man

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Do you own any of Andrew Loomis' books? They are mostly what I study out of, so awesome. (pretty sure they are free online cause he's dead: )
Doing a ton of work man. And it's clearly paying off. Getting so much better. Only thing I would say is your textures sometimes seem kinda heavy handed. Like with skin and stuff. Keep it up though, looking good so far :).

(09-11-2012, 11:59 PM)Psychobuddy Wrote: Hey Jerry, hard work as always. :D One thing I noticed with your skin textures, especially on that skin're making the pore texture way too apparent. Pores and little imperfections in skin are really subdued, it's like background noise. Anyway keep it up man. ^_^

Thank you man, and you are so correct about the textures, haha i cant believe i didnt realize that, but i guess you cant see whats wrong untill you know it ! thank you :)

(09-12-2012, 08:31 AM)Jonesoda Wrote: good stuff, your workin hard - keep at it man

Thank you man, huge progress in the last few weeks from you !

(09-12-2012, 08:49 PM)ssgibson Wrote: Do you own any of Andrew Loomis' books? They are mostly what I study out of, so awesome. (pretty sure they are free online cause he's dead: )

Hello again ! i do but i actually dont use them anymore, it sounds crazy but i feel like i learn things much faster and stronger by making my own methods. I used Loomis and all that originally though!

(09-12-2012, 10:56 PM)JakeB Wrote: Doing a ton of work man. And it's clearly paying off. Getting so much better. Only thing I would say is your textures sometimes seem kinda heavy handed. Like with skin and stuff. Keep it up though, looking good so far :).

Thank you :) it seems everyone is working hard and getting better and better, its exciting ! but once you guys said about the textures it was so obvious to me haha, i've tried to back right off and just imply that the texture is there from now ! thank you :)

so here is some more stuff, Seems like i was procrastinating a little too much, so i wrote my self up a schedule and im going to see how that goes starting from today

Doing value scales every day to try and get better
[Image: valuesd8.jpg]
[Image: tryntoundestandlight.jpg]
[Image: day7value.jpg]
me trying to find my own method for determining values haha
[Image: valuestuff.jpg]

frantic sketching of working out a shape to draw heads, seem i feel more comfortable building them out of square to find the jaw angles and placement. Works alot easier for me

corell painter doodles, just trying it out
[Image: Untitled-3-3.jpg]

Sp that was better then the last but still poop
[Image: day10portrait.jpg]

after talking to brent i tried a few ways of applying texture
[Image: texturestuff.jpg]

painted from life
[Image: anatomystudies-2.jpg]

then from imagination
[Image: armfromimagination.jpg]

Then painting some arms from imagination , but i HATE the valueso n these, all flat poop
[Image: hands-1.jpg]

Landscapes, from imagination and study
[Image: landscapestudy.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-2-3.jpg]
[Image: imaginationlandscape.jpg]

Before any studies :O
[Image: moredoodles-1.jpg]

palm treeeeess
[Image: Untitled-23.jpg]
[Image: applyingstudy.jpg]

[Image: textureworkingout.jpg]

and there is the linework to an illustration ( hence the palm tree studies haha ) but its still vomit and i need to work on it :)

[Image: Untitled-2-4.jpg]

oops forgot this guy haha
So much work and so much improvment.
I took 1 hour of break, I already feel guilty !

(09-18-2012, 03:10 PM)Fincks Wrote: So much work and so much improvment.
I took 1 hour of break, I already feel guilty !

a 1 hour rest with more hours of hard work, is better then hours of lousy work and no 1 hour rest , if that makes sense haha ! but i know the guilty feeling. for some reason we all ways feel lazy no matter how much we do ! ! but thank you for the kind words ! :)

some legs studies
[Image: legstudies_zps7f4e946d.jpg]
then really quick from imagination, excuse the poor quality of drawing but was just trying to apply it quickly
[Image: legsfromimagination_zpsf5803b0e.jpg]

note to self, Never skype, and livestream and do a still life at the same time again haha
[Image: stilllifefromhell_zps23d9375e.jpg]
[Image: fromlifeonion_zpsd568a858.jpg]

[Image: snowlandscapestudywithnotes_zps20ce1f75.jpg]

[Image: figurepage_zps861f27bb.jpg]
[Image: figure2_zps491e48a3.jpg]

Then from imagination
[Image: flattenedconstruction_zpsd3b33fe4.jpg]

i have some things im doing from imagination, but they literally look like turd, so untill i polish the turd some more no one can see haha !
The snow study is very good !

Does values scale really help you ? (yeah weird question, of course it helped you)

Smashing it man. Again, hard work's paying off.

I like that you're taking the time to sit down and make notes on your work. I know it's kinda dull, but it always seems to help the information sink in. For me anyway.

Keep it up. Looking good. :)


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