Jerry's Sketchbook ( Noooobie )
(09-21-2012, 10:34 AM)WoofyDesigns Wrote: This is awesome man! So much improvement! That still life turned out a lot better than what it looked on the stream :) In the imagination piece of the girl, the rib cage looks too far away from the pelvic region, you may want to check that for yourself. Keep going!!

haha thanks man! i tried to do an interesting pose with the girl and ended up just breaking her spine in the process :( Ill come drop by your SB !

(09-21-2012, 02:28 PM)Fincks Wrote: The snow study is very good !

Does values scale really help you ? (yeah weird question, of course it helped you)

THank you :) and they really help ! for me that is. Try to look at things and name what value they are, that way when you are trying to determine the colour of something you aim for the correct value number rather then going in blind

(09-22-2012, 09:13 AM)JakeB Wrote: Smashing it man. Again, hard work's paying off.

I like that you're taking the time to sit down and make notes on your work. I know it's kinda dull, but it always seems to help the information sink in. For me anyway.

Thank you :) ! and you are very right ! by writing it down it sort of become real knowledge in a way haha, its like applying it .. but in words ! works well !

Keep it up. Looking good. :)

some stuff from last few days, Tried to sleep less, but ended up biting me in the ass and i overslept, Makes me so mad that i suck at working when im tired!

value stuff
[Image: morevalues_zps82379da2.jpg]

hands from photos, Trying to start without lines, Id like to get better at it :)
[Image: handpage_zps6acd9701.jpg]

Then some hands from imagination, one from line the other without lines
[Image: handsfromimagination_zps1c1b8774.jpg]

same deal, photo dem foootsies
[Image: feet_zps7969fd8d.jpg]

Then battle from imagination
[Image: imaginationfeet_zpsad62c699.jpg]

Frummm duurrr fuuutuuu
[Image: torsodoodles_zpsd3071fa8.jpg]

Frummm duurrr maggg eee naashhoonnn
[Image: torsofromimagination_zpsb8ef9f3a.jpg]

WIP of a little man trenching through a snow storm, because he is badass and fears no storm
[Image: snowydoodle_zps260e5a4b.jpg]
Some nice hands, getting better xD. I think maybe you need to look at larger graduations in form though? Not sure, but i think a lot of the studies are missing that bigger gradation, like stand back and blur your eyes, top half is getting more light than bottom half of entire thing. You can do that stuff at the start with soft brushes and gradient tools then color picking, or at the end with soft brushes and layer/brush modes to keep the edges and texture. Hope i made sense and it helps! You know what to do anyway, keep on getting there :D.

Some stufffff, stupidily i have deleted a page of 5 arms studies i have done, but i have the ones from imagination , except they are poop haha

[Image: landscape-1.jpg]
[Image: legstudies.jpg]
[Image: legsfromimagination.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-2-5.jpg]
[Image: lionheadstudy.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1-3.jpg]
[Image: armsfromimagination.jpg]
[Image: 483101_359149204167542_1545337931_n.jpg]
[Image: skeletondoodle.jpg]
Your killing it dude! Really like the last piece, great time of day really contrasting with the macabre of the figure in the image. Keep it up! :D

(09-27-2012, 08:16 AM)Jaik Wrote: Your killing it dude! Really like the last piece, great time of day really contrasting with the macabre of the figure in the image. Keep it up! :D

Jaik thank you very much for the kind words !

over the pat few days i have been a little lost, questioning what i actually want to do with my future and if it is actually the painting side of games and film, I have been interested in studying physics but also interested in 3d modelling. So i decided to test both of them and see how i feel. I have done alot less painting over the past week and i had started to teach myself some maths and some 3d, at the expense of sleep haha. I wonder if i do decide to switch to 3d if i can continue posting in the dagger sketchbook, but of my 3d progress. Oh well enough with the depressing stuff. Here are some not very good things ive done or am working on.

[Image: doodles.jpg]
[Image: torso-1.jpg]
[Image: swampydoodle1.jpg]
[Image: handsfromimagination.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-12.jpg]
[Image: handz.jpg]
[Image: hands-2.jpg]
[Image: figurestuff.jpg]
[Image: figures.jpg]
and a doodle i started
[Image: noodle1.jpg]

thanks :)

[Image: staffthing.jpg]
(10-01-2012, 04:36 PM)JerryActric Wrote: over the pat few days i have been a little lost, questioning what i actually want to do with my future and if it is actually the painting side of games and film, I have been interested in studying physics but also interested in 3d modelling. So i decided to test both of them and see how i feel. I have done alot less painting over the past week and i had started to teach myself some maths and some 3d, at the expense of sleep haha. I wonder if i do decide to switch to 3d if i can continue posting in the dagger sketchbook, but of my 3d progress.

Sounds troubling xD. Sometimes i wonder how anyone decides what to do with life. The best advice i can give is the idea of 'its not what you do but what you dont do' that i picked up somewhere. It would obviously be fun to learn and do everything, but to go about actually doing something, you have to give up a lot of things that are important to you.

Regardless, i can't see how learning 3d would detract from drawing, it certainly improved my ideas about simplifying things, and coming from a science background, physics and especially mathematics are way more related to art that I think most people realize. Its just about getting good at identifying problems and learning the tools to solve them. So at the very least, I wouldn't worry about wasting time xD.

Keep working hard! At least your improvment shows :D.

my sketchbook has had some dust build up as my internet connection was slowed to dial up speed over the past week or 2, but i have been doing some 3d ! i enjoy the process more then painting so i will push to improve at this rather then illustration i think ! but continue to draw and paint for my own enjoyment !

[Image: dump1_zps9dca60ed.jpg]
[Image: dump2_zps499a8fd3.jpg]
[Image: dump2_zps499a8fd3.jpg]
[Image: dump4_zps01c562fa.jpg]

Hope everyone has been good ! and once my internet is fully functional I will start livestreaming some 3d pooooopppppp!

todays poop dump

[Image: morehead.jpg]
[Image: glasses.jpg]
[Image: moreheads.jpg]
[Image: 11.jpg]
[Image: ZBrushScreenGrab01.jpg]
[Image: zbrushhead.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-2-7.jpg]
i tried to upgrade to windows 8 last week, however windows 8 had a different agenda and decided to make my laptop poop itself leaving me to reformat... Twice. but things seem to be working again and i have some more things.

[Image: Alien.jpg]
[Image: barscene.jpg]
[Image: mr_grinnns_by_jerryactric-d5jlt5b.jpg]
[Image: tank.jpg]
[Image: watchrender.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1-5.jpg]
Ill try to keep things slighty relevant , Illl keep the boring modelling stuff away and just include the zbrush things !

[Image: zbrushsketch.jpg]
[Image: creatureguy.jpg]
[Image: frogstudy.jpg]
[Image: fattysketch.jpg]
[Image: Picture3.jpg]
anatomy study
[Image: hand.jpg]

Trying to learn how to control edge loops
[Image: sphereexcercise.jpg]

Trying to use edge loops, failing
[Image: Anotherattempt.jpg]
[Image: headtopology.jpg]
[Image: Morestuff.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-2-9.jpg]

Drawing topology on
[Image: Loopguide.jpg]

First attempts at alpha maps
[Image: alphapractice.jpg]
[Image: hairpractice-1.jpg]
[Image: Hairpractice.jpg]
[Image: anotherhairattempt.jpg]

some doodles
[Image: Untitled-2-8.jpg]
[Image: morningdoodles.jpg]
some more learning from today, made bases for both in 3dsmax, trying to understand loops more and more ! will continue the dragon bird guy tomorrow :)
[Image: AnatomyPractice.jpg]
[Image: base.jpg]
[Image: dragonsculpt.jpg]
learnt a Ton today!
[Image: dragon.jpg]
[Image: WOOOHOO.jpg]

and a real time !! :D

[Image: WOOHOO.jpg]
[Image: Bust.jpg]
[Image: Bust2.jpg]
Failed poop
[Image: Beforeistartover.jpg]
Spent forever trying to texture and rig this, but didnt end up too well
[Image: dude-1.jpg]
Started to try a full body again
[Image: figureagain.jpg]
[Image: 1dredd_zpscc328a3f.jpg]

And an enviroment challenge im working on , super early WIP :)

[Image: textures_zps9505045d.jpg]
new one
[Image: walkingshrunk_zps4656982e.jpg]
[Image: DEATHPROPHET_zps83e5ff90.jpg]

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