Jerry's Sketchbook ( Noooobie )
Finally back from driving interstate thank gawwwddd. Drove about 3500km ! but means i can get back into drawing <3

so not much, but some figures. Some from loomis some from imagination, basically made me hate life haha and a dog photo that explains me trying to get better at art haha

then just did some doodles and a quick speed paint with no ref out of frustration !

Learnt today: playing with hot and cold .. Jerry has no idea about torso or pelvic anatomy and needs to do some studies !

[Image: 601230_10150904888677913_783031105_n.jpg]

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[Image: update2-1.jpg]
Some more stuffffff from today

Gestures, then the rest from imagination, form in space practice, and then some perspective zombie stuff, Then a Study from a photo for hallways !

[Image: skethbooknew1.jpg]
[Image: sketchbookupdatenew2.jpg]
[Image: zombies.jpg]
[Image: perspectivestudy.jpg]
Just some painnnnttting studies today !
[Image: DailyUpdates.jpg]
Today just did some gestures and put a dint in that study

[Image: gestures-3.jpg]
[Image: knightpainting-1.jpg]
Finished the study, did a self portrait that made me want to destroy all life :(
but then a zombie speed study and also learnt how to make a custom brush ! so tried to make a super textured brush and use only that to paint something. Purely just to see what it was like !

[Image: gestures-5.jpg]
[Image: sp.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-3-1.jpg]
[Image: Zombiespeedpaintstudy-1.jpg]

[Image: KnightStudy.jpg]
Enjoying seeing your progress, that hallway study is particularly nice, need to work on perspective myself. Keep up the good work :)
(07-03-2012, 11:04 PM)thomasmahon Wrote: Enjoying seeing your progress, that hallway study is particularly nice, need to work on perspective myself. Keep up the good work :)

aw thanks dude, the same goes for you, I always look in at your sketchbook but i should leave a comment haha. your stuff is looking awesome !

as for today was pooooop pooop poop, Frustrating day and did not draw or paint much and anything i did just wasn't working out. I want to make up for it tomorrow though!

my dad laying on the couch, once from life then from imagination, then a wes burt doodle and a skin tone study that made me hate life

[Image: sketchbookupdate-1.jpg]
to quick 1.5 hour still lifes, just trying to see colour again. Then some guys from imagination, Just enjoying having a sketchy sketch day haha

I also looked at a art school in Sydney that i would really love to go to, except i just need to work out how to get the money for it ! but things will work out one way or another ill find a way !

[Image: Sketchbookupdate-2.jpg]
Amazing improvement man, keep at it!

(07-05-2012, 01:30 PM)atrenr Wrote: Amazing improvement man, keep at it!

Thank you for the kind words man :)! i dont think i can ever stop with my art now haha!
(07-05-2012, 02:23 PM)JerryActric Wrote:
(07-05-2012, 01:30 PM)atrenr Wrote: Amazing improvement man, keep at it!

Thank you for the kind words man :)! i dont think i can ever stop with my art now haha!

Go for it man!

(07-05-2012, 07:05 PM)BrotherOstavia Wrote:
(07-05-2012, 02:23 PM)JerryActric Wrote:
(07-05-2012, 01:30 PM)atrenr Wrote: Amazing improvement man, keep at it!

Thank you for the kind words man :)! i dont think i can ever stop with my art now haha!

Go for it man!

haha thanks Brother ! I hope your finding progress in your work also !

Here is some stuff from today, Tried some negative space gestures which where very hard, then did some paint on the linework from a few days ago. Trying to think about the light reflecting off the guys armour !

Then i day dreamed about going to the art school. Still not sure how, but i will find the money to go and live in the city there !.

then just some sketchbook dooooodles from imagination before bed

[Image: sketchbook2-9.jpg]
[Image: sketchbookupdate1-5.jpg]
so today i did not get much done,! eh i hate the days where i cant draw much haha.

but did some work on the zombie knight battle guy ! some more gesture stuff and a pin prick of the female loomis pages, also a few doodles from imagination just because there fun ! !

One thing that really interest me is light and value's. I want to learn more about them! because my stuff looks very washed out and chalky because i do not understand value enough yet. Im going to paint a butt load of stuff from life and read some theory on colour and light.

[Image: sketchbook1-8.jpg]

[Image: SKETCHBOOK2-11.jpg]
anatomy day ! some stuff from loomis, but looking up each muscle on so that i can really understand it. I have trouble determining all the information from the drawing, the origins ect. So using the 3d model i can really understand it !

also i want to get nice linework in photoshop, so ill focus my drawing in photoshop for a few days

then some figures from imagination to test what i really learnt !

[Image: anatomystudies.jpg]
[Image: gestures-6.jpg]
[Image: headanatomy.jpg]
[Image: Untitled-1.jpg]
Wow, You have been working really hard. And I can definitely see improvement . Keep it up. The only thing I would say is to try some environments. Its really good to try different things.
the internet decided to go down for a day, So here is the stuff from the last two days :)
Wanted to learn about ues so i studies some works, trying to focus on the values and not the details ! . I noticed that there are lots and lots of variations on every part of the form. If you dont allow for the value changes the object looks flat, interesting but now to try and put it in practice !
check him out his amazing if you have not already!, one day i will be able to do things as nice as his work :)

I also found my first still life :O... its nice to see my painting and sight has gotten better since then

[Image: africs.jpg]
[Image: stilllife-2.jpg]
[Image: waterbottle.jpg]
[Image: valuesketch.jpg]
[Image: sketch.jpg]
[Image: rapozastudy.jpg]
[Image: gestures-7.jpg]
[Image: gestures2.jpg]
[Image: fromlife.jpg]
[Image: frazettvalue.jpg]
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[Image: snapshot-4.png]

(07-08-2012, 11:20 AM)Passhunate Wrote: Wow, You have been working really hard. And I can definitely see improvement . Keep it up. The only thing I would say is to try some environments. Its really good to try different things.

thank you man ! and thats very true, i need to avoid getting caught up on one thing ! :) ill try to paint some today !
bleh ! one of those days that nothing looked good ! but some imagination doodles, some back anatomy, and a skin tone chick study. except i did the study at the end of the night rather then before my imagination doodles :\ Going to wake up earlier tomorrow and draw harderrerererr!

[Image: snapshot-5.png]
[Image: snapshot-6.png]
[Image: sketch-1.jpg]
[Image: nudestudy.jpg]
Stuff from today, Just trying new stuff out and doing anatomy and skin tones that scare me from how un natrual they look :O

Faces from ref

[Image: speedscape.jpg]
[Image: doodle-1.jpg]
[Image: ehsketch.jpg]
[Image: torsostudy.jpg][Image: torso.jpg]
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[Image: snapshot-10.png]
Just stuff from the last 2 days, tried my hand at zbrush, but about a 15 mins blooobb haha but i would like to learn to use it more ! Really loving drawing and painting more then anything these days !

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[Image: hummmgguhmhuhmsketch.jpg][Image: negativespacedrawing.jpg][Image: passionfruit.jpg][Image: sketch-2.jpg][Image: zbrushupdate.jpg]
todayyy, Gestures, 100% Opacity block ins to train my eye to see color. and finished that sketch, about 4-5 hours all up, and no reference. Also had the chance to try and do some painting on an Ipad, Its really hard but i would like to keep practicing

[Image: 30sgesturesnew.jpg]
[Image: anothercolourstudy.jpg][Image: colourstudy3.jpg][Image: colourstudy4.jpg][Image: colourstudy.jpg][Image: Update1-1.jpg][Image: IMG_0006-1.jpg][Image: snapshot-16.png][Image: snapshot-17.png][Image: snapshot-18.png][Image: snapshot-19.png][Image: snapshot-20.png]

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