Ognjisha's esoteric studies
Wow wow wow wow wow. I have nothing to add; just came to praise.
Your color choices work so well together. D:
Thanks Jackson! :D 

Here's some portrait studies from photo reference, not too happy with some of these's likeness, but im getting there slowly 

[Image: etcWwaO.jpg][Image: Ry1qkFm.jpg]

Some comp studies from movies 

[Image: VeASigt.jpg]

[Image: s9qiG3x.jpg]

And the finished Doctor dude!

[Image: w0OeEMI.jpg]

Drain gang
This is awesome! Your paintings are actually inspiring to me. Although I feel like with the design, you actually have so many good ideas that would work on their own, I almost feel like if you hadn't included half of them, it would still stand as a good character. Like you have the plague/gas mask, Aesclepius' staff, leeches, a red cross... I think it works, but it would still work even if some of the references were more subtle or vague.

Thank you Joseph! Yeah, I have a tendency to pack the designs and sometimes it goes a bit to far, but I think it's generally not a bad thing

Drain gang
really cool stuff and well rendered too
I think the way his shoe offset from this leg is a nice touch
just something to consider is the amount of attention several elements vie for attention
the glowing eye, respirator filter that resembles an eye and effectively acts as one in terms of attention grabbing power, the candle and to a lesser extent the cross
all have a similar amount of attention pull for me

this is just a possible way you could go
taking the glow from has eyes may help the feel of anonymity
he at the moment has quite evil looking eyes that feel more appropriate with a mindless look or enraged, less thoughtful as i feel the rest of him portrays as this doctor character.
its very subtle but i tried to wrap the blue rim light in a bit less uniform way
i think you could craft some of the shapes within the element a bit more thoughtfully
looking at it now, i would also add a touch of blue glare off the glass tube also. the blue light direction
looked a bit inconsistent, not such a bit deal maybe but the benefits of a bit more attention i think would be worth it.
the staff, legs and tube strap are all super skinny, cool but gives it little bit less shape contrast that overall reduces interest points

Just my thoughts, if my critiques get annoying just say so and i will refrain lol
I think you could have a really nice portfolio with these designs.
keep up the good shiiiet
[Image: poogn_by_andrew_gibbons_de23tjr-pre.jpg?...PDNnIS_IqE]

[Image: de23tjw-793a68b1-e5f9-406f-95c1-c7ea304d...IPlHWZMPwM]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Thank you dude, by no means annoying! I had Joseph comment on the number of elements and it's nice to see you showing a way to resolve it while still keeping them all in the design. Imma do what you suggested there before i post him up on Artstation in the portfolio. Thank you!

Drain gang
Great work with those value studies, really admire your patience and dedication. The doctor illustration is brilliant, looks like something created straight for a video game. Very unique and well done, great job!

Thank you for the praise, cg! I'm tryna get better at composition, ive been realizing how weak my actual image-making skills are in comparison to drawings and rendering (lighting) fundamentals.

I tried photobashing here with these knight dudes, i really dislike  the middle one and i'll do him again sometime later 

[Image: SEZtdbZ.jpg]

sketches for the next character, the technocrat 

[Image: 5OBOE7H.jpg]

Quick comp studies of Jon Foster's book studies 
[Image: WWGLcBQ.jpg]

And some random sketches from reference 

[Image: G5Vysvc.jpg][Image: 1RZ7bZp.jpg][Image: 8znIArT.jpg]

Drain gang
Here's the the Technocrat character finished up

[Image: j5Ic5aZ.jpg]

[Image: LE5N9en.jpg]

[Image: 09Poinq.jpg]

[Image: lDmn0KJ.jpg]

[Image: R6e0aGN.jpg]

[Image: EQsZmSo.jpg]

And  the start of a new character, the Banker 

[Image: cmrCqZF.jpg]

The beginning of a painting that may or may not go to shit 

[Image: dotOHcH.jpg]

And some value studies and gesture sketchies 

[Image: ntKaKo6.jpg]

[Image: xIECo36.jpg]

Drain gang
ognjišaThank you for the praise, cg! I'm tryna get better at composition, ive been realizing how weak my actual image-making skills are in comparison to drawings and rendering (lighting) fundamentals.

I tried photobashing here with these knight dudes, i really dislike  the middle one and i'll do him again sometime later 

[Image: SEZtdbZ.jpg]
I like the middle knight the best  Tongue 

nice gestures in your sketchbook stuff  Thumbs_up

recent characters are looking good.

Quick one, mostly some colour dodge to bring out the litness and attention towards the upper area
minimal extra darkening on a few of the metalic forms
some minor levels and vibrancy adjustments and some tiny details to give it a tad more life

another cool design well doneee 
[Image: de2f70p-9eb3b003-f22b-4b96-9b74-458cbfb7...ahkoVVLfMs]
[Image: po_ojs2_by_andrew_gibbons_de2f70j-pre.jp...WF6EsJprzQ]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Yo Andrew, thanks! I definitely didn't want to go all the way that dramatic with the technocrat character ,but i think imma work on him a bit more and have him kinda in the middle of where he's rn and what you painted over. It's just a bit too saturated for me and not my intent to have him be the primary light source, but it looks very cool and i rly dig the strands coming off his hologram, gonna be adding those for sure!
Thanks again for the compliments as well : D

Drain gang
I think my only concern is where to look at i think it would be good to consider uping the saturation toward the head and soften as it goes down.Else the arm just take the attention away for me.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I just wanted to pop in say this is an aspirational sketchbook — really nice work Ognjisha. Your ideas/concepts are brilliant and fun. I can't really say much to improve, you're definitely on the right track.
Thanks scrap! Here's stuff from the last few days

I finished the banker character, im not too thrilled with him but i'm not unhappy either 

[Image: qXQMif8.jpg]

[Image: 3YB42uD.jpg][Image: Qa4Ceir.jpg]

[Image: C7szTKE.jpg][Image: Jj0rIX7.jpg]

Work on that painting, i'll have to change up the whole head of the guy because i feel it's too flat compared to the demons

[Image: OjiQJPJ.jpg]

[Image: 8iJG5jy.jpg]

And very sketchy thumbs for another painting for a contest 

[Image: NyrFdRH.jpg]

And studiess

[Image: JNYhubL.jpg][Image: Li6Rwm4.jpg]

[Image: Uzzqi8d.jpg]

[Image: wduhWN2.jpg]

[Image: VOXkzIi.jpg]

Drain gang
boxing studies are ace, read well and have good movement, tension, weight and shape appeal, really great.

sneezing demon piece is cool, maybe the shape the guys on the right make is a bit orderly and could be a bit more dynamically composed. maybe size up the 2 closest ones and give his jaw a bit more breathing room from the bottom edge.
the wisp of phlegm would be a good chance to get some more interesting shape in movement in
the dude does look like hes standing in a different perspective though the rendering is good

the banker looks great, maybe his feet get a bit lost with the floor patterning,
some more size variation in the keys on his belly could be good
some darkening of the inner door and inside the safe to help his head stand out bit
I wasn't gonna do a paint but the temptation to procrastinate from my work is strong lately

you're pumping out characters at an impressive rate
I think 10% more attention to details and crafting the lighting is just going to change they level they are viewed as being.

[Image: de2l0vv-8b6cd203-c7bf-4b83-ab4b-bc67613f...QCkEq_qyQ0]
[Image: po_onjjj_by_andrew_gibbons_de2l0vm-pre.j...lSj2B05n0A]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I love your character designs. Is there a way you come up with the designs or you just sit down and sketch it right away? amazing stuff! always fun to check your new posts

@Andrew, thanks for the great paintover as always! This one really improves the rendering a lot imo, ill be sure to change it before i post it on artstation as well.
For the demon dude ill try what you said but i dont think the paintings gonna turn out all too well and im fine with that because i don't really do any multi-figure/scene paintings so it's out of my comfort zone and im tryna expand it
Thanks again!
@Shuty thanks for the support dude! I always make a pretty big reference board before i start sketching. I generally don't have many great ideas when i start but as i sift through pictures that are related to the character ideas pop up
Sometimes i also use word association to come up with more out-there stuff

Drain gang
Here's a painting for Atomhawk's contest, the theme is 'The adventure begins' 

Some thumbnails and sketches 
[Image: iJxyIl4.jpg]

[Image: quEvVXX.jpg]

The drawing 
[Image: IArjcpJ.jpg]

And the finished painting 
[Image: CPhlww8.jpg]

And here's just some studies, im tryna work both on traditional and digital stuff

[Image: ohgbgUF.jpg][Image: NjrJmAd.jpg][Image: TiAcucL.jpg][Image: YytAyox.jpg]

i feel the portraits are still a pretty weak area for me  but they're improving 
[Image: KGkVcOa.jpg]

Drain gang
Hey dude,
Very nice illustration, I mean it's good as is already
but I had a go at trying some things
made the moon bigger to not be same size and level with his head, not a perfect solution but..
altered a bit of the left side branch just feels a bit samey and tones it down in the negative space to make it less competitive for attention.reduced his staff hand, just felt bit big.
slightly upped the size of some of the rocks at the bottom and added to the left roots to feel a bit less sparse
raised his collar to make him feel a bit smaller and rugged up for the cold night
thrusted his chest forward slightly just for some more eagerness
very slight raise and angle to the lamp for that again, eagerness feel
the bright light coming from the opposite side to the mood felt stand out bright and his cheek took more attention than his eyes. attempted to make the glow in his eye bit more bright and orange so it didn't look as much like the stars. gave the moon and lamp some glow for some ambiance  Tongue

just noticing the tangent of his boot top and the ground, maybe raise that up a little.
could maybe purple back some of the branches toughing his hair too so they don't read as part of his head

Great image, good luck with the contest
[Image: poonj_by_andrew_gibbons_de2rim1-pre.jpg?...hYWPgKs9gU]
[Image: de2rio6-e19fef39-7f27-49b8-bb5f-683c412e...zF0R9J1e-o]

[Image: po_ong_sbs_by_andrew_gibbons_de2rin0-pre...hmH8KYSwPs]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Thanks Andrew!! Your critiques are always very helpful. Idk if you saw i sent you a dm asking for a paintover, but i kinda figured you would do it regardless
Here's the final thing, i did most of the things you painted over
and i redid the main characters hands 

[Image: GZMfWF4.jpg]

Thanks again Andrew : D 

Drain gang

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