Defines Sketchbook
Hello i am define, and my real name is peyman i am 20 years old and i am trying to learn about art and find friends that are trying to improve. I started art about 1,5 years ago and have been learning since then i kinda regeret not starting earlier but i guss it was just out of my control. i find concept art and illustration rly intresting and have been trying to improve at the fundementals, but it feels like the list of things i have to learn ends up growing everyday but i do find this odly fun most of the time. i hope to find like minded people and learn along side all of you. here are some of my more recent practices, this is the level i am on right now. sorry if any part of this dosent make sense my english is not that good.

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Hey there Define, welcome to the forum.

Nice start here, I like how you're doing some nice solid constructions on your drawings building in perspective as well.

I can relate with your feeling of having an ever growing list of topics to study and then feeling like I need to make progress on all of them at once - it ends up feeling overwhelming.

What I've found out for myself over the 5 or so years I've been studying art seriously is that it is OK if I don't learn everything all at once. I might focus on say perspective for a time until I feel tired of it and then move onto something like values and then onto maybe figure drawing but what I've found is that eventually I circle back around to cover the each of these topics again but going deeper each time around. What I've found is that each area of study can feed into the others and help my understanding across multiple areas.

Anyway - sorry for rambling, hope it helps a little - if not please disregard :).

All the best dude - looking forward to more from you!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(04-30-2020, 11:15 PM)Artloader Wrote: Hey there Define, welcome to the forum.

Nice start here, I like how you're doing some nice solid constructions on your drawings building in perspective as well.

I can relate with your feeling of having an ever growing list of topics to study and then feeling like I need to make progress on all of them at once - it ends up feeling overwhelming.

What I've found out for myself over the 5 or so years I've been studying art seriously is that it is OK if I don't learn everything all at once.  I might focus on say perspective for a time until I feel tired of it and then move onto something like values and then onto maybe figure drawing but what I've found is that eventually I circle back around to cover the each of these topics again but going deeper each time around.  What I've found is that each area of study can feed into the others and help my understanding across multiple areas.

Anyway - sorry for rambling, hope it helps a little - if not please disregard :).

hi man thank you for looking at my stuff and for all the advice i as i am learning these days i do find myself jumping from fundemental to fundemental and i was a little worried that it would be bad thing and maby i should do the same thing untile i learn it properly, but art always became boring if all i was doing was the same thing great to know i am on the right track. i will try to post often on this form as i can :D

All the best dude - looking forward to more from you!
Here are some studys/practice on painting basic geo forms from imagination

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Where the bounce light and edge highlight?Where the gradation?Just a few thing to add to your next light study.I would also advise you not to take blurry photo.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-03-2020, 12:44 AM)darktiste Wrote: Where the bounce light and edge highlight?Where the gradation?Just a few thing to add to your next light study.I would also advise you not to take blurry photo.

Hi darktiste ty for the critique i cleaned it up a bit more and added bounced light ambiant oclushion and some gradation on the lights and the darks. i personaly find two things very challenging whit this extersize one is to find out the shadow shape and how it will cast to the other object the second is my values i try to groupe them and then just move them slightly when there is a need for a change but i feel like they lack contrast, what do you think? or is it just my bad brush work becuse i am new to the painting stuff?

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Well that can be fix in two way by either overlapping contrasting element or by changing the direction and intensity of the light also if your mindful of your form you can create contrast with cast shadow.Here since it was the easiest option to demonstrate i simply played with contrast ajudment option in photoshop but be mindful that you can make material read as something else if your not careful with this one.

Your large surface are still leaking contrast in gradtion and you did not understand what i meant by edge highlight i think.So here a lil paint over to maybe highlight what could have been done differently.Lastly there material reflection i think i gone a bit overboard but it was to show the concept.

One thing that is normal is not being bold enough you can try to practice that or atleast be mindful of it.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
hey i am back whit some more posts some are for my school portfolio and some are just studys for fun. i have lost alot of momentum worrying about if the school will accept me whit my current lvl of art i will get the answer tomorow regardless i will be kicking back into high gear and work harder and post some more next week.

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Fist of everything i am gonna point out is an opportunity to improve.Let start first the nostril are to big,the lips are the right lenght but there strench vertically.She missing a earing.Her necklace doesn't wrap around the form like it should.Her cheek is sloppy.The should and neck should be touching the edge of the frame higher than it is right now.The bottom section you made a diagonale when it should follow more the form.You also use the hair to hide the head is miss placed.

Your color are pretty on point

My advise is try to spend more time in the preliminary stage instead of rushing to fill the canva and to start rendering.Most error of observation are at the begin of a drawing.

Sorry for the bad quality image i provided had a problem with file size.

Don't be shy and show us your portfolio piece.

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My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-15-2020, 01:49 AM)darktiste Wrote: Fist of everything i am gonna point out is an opportunity to improve.Let start first the nostril are to big,the lips are the right lenght but there strench vertically.She missing a earing.Her necklace doesn't wrap around the form like it should.Her cheek is sloppy.The should and neck should be touching the edge of the frame higher than it is right now.The bottom section you made a diagonale when it should follow more the form.You also use the air to hide the head is miss placed.

Your color are pretty on point

My advise is try to spend more time in the preliminary stage instead of crushing to fill the canva and to start rendering.Most error of observation are at the begin of a drawing.

Sorry for the bad quality image i provided had a problem with file size.

Don't be shy and show us your portfolio piece.
yeah on that one i did not do a sketch and tryed to see if i can match the shapes as much as i can. i agree i usually spent more time on sketch before moving on to the painting it gets rly difficult when there is no sketch under it but it was fun anyway. was a sloppy study altogether i will try my best to pay more atention on the next ones i have a bad habit of leaving stuff unfinished. thank you as always for feedback my frined expect more stuff next week :)
Hey i am back its been sometime since i last posted i got accepted into an art school this year and a lot of things have been going well for me but i have recently felt a lot of anxiety from drawing or procrastinating on it so i am in a bit of bind but i am trying to think positively and push forward and do what i can.

anyways here are some stuff i have been doing since then hope there is some improvement they wont be in any specific order. 

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I totally understand the conflict of wanting to draw will being in school.It hard to do something most would qualify as simply an hobby when you are worried about other assignment or not having enough time to find relaxing time in between class when you feel like you should be doing art when you would be rather procrastinating i don't think there alot to be said about the topic at one point you realize you have to sacrifice certain thing you use to do regain time and energy to focus on your art.The only way i find to see art as something enjoyable is to slowly chip away the time you would spend on other form of entertainement so that in a sense it become how you entertain yourself it doesn't mean cutting all other enternaiment because you still need to find time to be social and do thing you enjoy but at the end you might need to reshedule and change your habit.Living a balanced life isn't easy it become easier to get carried away by life and try not to drown will doing so.Always fighting to find your priority is a big struggle.

Maybe i misunderstanding where you are having issue perhaps it doing assignment that you didn't design yourself that make you anxious because your not sure if you will be able to perform to the standard ask perhaps it being surrounded with talented people that paralyse you when you realize how much work you will have to do.But anyways i am gonna invite you to try to formulate your worry more clearly if possible if you want help on something.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
hey its been a long time since i posted here. i have been studying at an art school for the past year and here are some of the stuff i did in school.

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Nice level up! Nice to see a clear progress after a year of work.



"Losing all hope was freedom."
Great level up! It seems like art school paid off nicely for you!

Whoa, you've obviously made a ton of progress! This is awesome.

I like the design in the 3rd/4th pic of the interior and exterior. The exterior drawing maybe has a little too much perspective distort, but the design itself is cool. Would love to see that building in a game or something.

tnx for all the kind words. i will try to post more often. soon school will finish and i will finally have time for some personal stuff.
hi here is painting i made for a workshop i had at school whit Simon fetcher it was a fun assignment and i learned a lot. will try to experiment more whit environments

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Yeah massive improvement since you’ve been in school. Could use your work as pretty effective advertisement!
hey i am back again whit some more paintings these are the done for some projects for school. hope u enjoy :D

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