Wladimir's sketchbook -C&C appreciated!
Hey there guys! My name is Wladimir, im 20 and im from Dominican Republic, i'm actually studying graphic design, not exactly what i want to make a living of, but its the closest thing art related i can study in here.

So yeah, it's time to build this thing with my sketches and stuff, ill try to practice daily and hopefully the sketchbook will push me to be responsible with the studies.

So uhhhh, here we go!
Some digital stuff!
[Image: tumblr_m3piq7CIGu1r6xiupo1_500.jpg]
[Image: femstud.jpg]
A scene fromt the movie Se7en
[Image: se7en.jpg]

And some pencil sketches
[Image: DSC_7399.jpg]
[Image: studies.jpg]
[Image: sketch.jpg]

Some more!
[Image: DSC_7419.jpg]

Some poses sketches since we dont get along pretty well haha
[Image: 2.jpg]
[Image: 3.jpg]
[Image: 4.jpg]
And today's sketches
[Image: DSC_7480.jpg]

Made this study of an armor today, trying to also keep it kind of loose since i tend to zoom in and start detailing.
[Image: armor.jpg]

Started the day with a still life and a few sketches of my hand.
[Image: DSC_7481.jpg]
[Image: DSC_7482.jpg]

Nice studies man, your digitals look good!
(05-26-2012, 05:22 PM)razvanb08 Wrote: Nice studies man, your digitals look good!

Thanks man! i appreciate that! :)

Made a few more studies today!
Made these quick poses at posemaniacs with the timer set on 60secs
[Image: DSC_7513.jpg]
Decided to take a photo of my cup of tea for further studies haha.
[Image: stud1.jpg]
And some reflection studies, i like painting these shiny surfaces.
[Image: stud2.jpg]
And a weird ice study haha
[Image: stud3.jpg]

Lets see if i can do a few more before the day ends!

Hey guys! its been a few day since my last updates, i havent been procrastinating haha.

I made this study, it took me longer than expected to be honest haha, and there are still that need to be fixed concerning the proportions, but i think it was a good practice.
[Image: retratostud.jpg]

And also made some roughs for the bloodsports, i was thinking on some kind of ice dragon and a norse man approaching to it, i dont think i have enough time, but ill give it a shot.
[Image: DSC_7588.JPG]
[Image: DSC_7589.JPG]

Happy practicing guys!

hey mate,

really nice studies there. especially the face of the girl (though she has a little too big a gap on her head ^^)
But keep at it, you are on the right track.


Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
(06-01-2012, 05:01 AM)Flo Wrote: hey mate,

really nice studies there. especially the face of the girl (though she has a little too big a gap on her head ^^)
But keep at it, you are on the right track.


Hey man thanks for passing by, i appreciate it :), yeah the girl gave me some proportions problems i decided to just leave them like that and practice on the colors and expressions haha.

Thanks for the kind words :)

UUUUhhhhh hi guys!

Im sorry for the LONG absence! ive been very busy with university homeworks and a few commissioned works, ive made a few studies but meanwhile i'll leave you with this piece i made a few days ago for a contest!

[Image: dracco2.jpg]

C&C is always welcome!

Have a great day!

Made these poses from imagination during a power outage today
[Image: DSp.jpg]
These ones are from my nephew while he was playing, he moved a lot but i managed to get something done haha
[Image: DSsjpg.jpg]

Have a nice day guys!
Forgot to also post these ones i made a few weeks ago! man i just need vacations so i can work on studies and stuff, all these things together suck me into a hole
[Image: DSC_78512.jpg]
[Image: DSC_7838.jpg]
Decided to also draw some biceps and expressions from Terry Crew's old spice commercials, i had so much fun while doing these hahah POWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER

Attached Files Image(s)

Awh man feels so good to finally be out of those summer classes, i have some days before starting the semester, sooo i must study everything haha.

[Image: DSC_0352.JPG]
[Image: Study001.jpg]
[Image: Study002.jpg]
[Image: studies1.jpg]

Have a good day!

Nice studies :D Keep em up!

Thanks a lot Ursula! i will :)

Weellll hello there! here are some updates!

I made this one for the CGhub drawing jam, it was pretty fun and helpful, there are lots of things to fix though, like better proportions and composition, i might fix it later

Jose Ribera study, had lots of fun while doing this!

Also a Subleyras study!

This one was for the anatomicae challenge, made a portrait of yourself and then proceed to take the skin off and work on the muscles, i learned a few things while doing it!

These were for the CA.org Spartan camp #233, i had to do 50 gestures and a few scribbly ones by august 5, it was very helpful, im also trying to keep my lines clean.

Some david studies, the proportions are kind of off on these :|

Im going to do more of these last ones, i saw some of Kim Jung Gi works and i need to keep drawing haha, im in love with that guy's works.



Finished this study of Bouguereau, this one kind of exhausted me, i didnt detailed it all though

Some more stuff!

Ill start studying some loomis to fix my proportions and other things!

Love the gestures!

I am also working on proportion myself, and what I (mostly) giving results it taking it slowly. Delay as much as possible the time to start shading, take it slowly and double-triple check everything.

Slowly but surely I am starting to see what's wrong with my structure!

(08-13-2012, 02:35 AM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: Love the gestures!

I am also working on proportion myself, and what I (mostly) giving results it taking it slowly. Delay as much as possible the time to start shading, take it slowly and double-triple check everything.

Slowly but surely I am starting to see what's wrong with my structure!

Thank you Ursula! I definitely understand what you mean, its better to double check everything before going into the rendering stage, less time wasted! I need to apply this more.

Hey everybody, it's been a while :|
I'm sorry I disappeared from here for all these months, I got a scholarship at an institute for a 2 years career in Multimedia, it's a very know place here in Dominican Republic and the education is pretty good, so it was an opportunity I couldn't refuse, I'll learn things like web design and graphic design so it should be pretty interesting, but since is a scholarship I must keep a high GPA, but I'll do my best to not abandon the forums again.

Anyways, here are some of the things I did while I was on vacations in December:

Some observational stuff and a piece from imagination

[Image: Still-lifefinished.jpg]
[Image: Still-life2.jpg]
[Image: Apple-stud.jpg]
[Image: onion.jpg]
[Image: Life.jpg]
[Image: Life1.jpg]

I have to thank Ursula for the feedback on this piece, i haven't yet taken the time to fix some of the things she pointed, but I eventually will fix it
[Image: Sniper.jpg]
This is more of a quick sketch of a guy I saw one day while I was on the bus, I still remember the movements the guy was doing, some sort of rocky-like moment haha
[Image: gesture.jpg]
[Image: riotguy.jpg]

Stuff from photo ref
[Image: DSC_1704.jpg]
[Image: DSC_0205.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1706.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1707.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1708.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1709.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1711.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1713.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1710.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1716.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1714.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1720.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1721.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1718.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1722.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1728.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1731.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1724.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1726.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1735.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1733.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1737.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1739.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1740.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1741.jpg]
[Image: DSC_1742.jpg]

Digital stuff
[Image: David.jpg]
[Image: Jacket.jpg]
[Image: Nude.jpg]
[Image: Eastwood.jpg]
[Image: Neptune.jpg]
[Image: Study1.jpg]
[Image: Nude2.jpg]
[Image: Studies.jpg]
[Image: Nudeg.jpg]
[Image: ceastwood.jpg]
[Image: breaking-bad-study.jpg]
[Image: cweastwood.jpg]
[Image: elmoreno.jpg]
[Image: ms1.jpg]
[Image: portrait1.jpg]

Thanks for watching and have a nice day!
PS: If anybody knows a way to repair corrupt Psd's let me know, I was working on a piece for almost a week, and all of the sudden there was a power outage, the file is damaged and now I only see a black screen. I lost the motivation for a few days since I was working so hard on that piece and now it seems that is all lost.

Hi guys, been a while D:
Anyways, here's some stuff I've done through these busy months filled with homework from the institute and procrastination.
[Image: DSC_5027.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5024.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5028.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5029.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5030.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5031.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5032.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5033.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5034.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5036.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5037.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5042.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5041.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5040.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5038.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5045.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5044.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5043.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5144.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5145.JPG]

I got some charcoal leads a few days ago and started experimenting with it, I'm loving it
[Image: DSC_5128.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5130.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5133.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5146.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5147.JPG]
[Image: DSC_5148.JPG]
[Image: DSC_4872.JPG]

A bus sketch from yesterday
[Image: DSC_5136.JPG]

Some digital practices
[Image: Smmmwtf.jpg]
[Image: Nudestudymay1.jpg]
[Image: Portraitmay2.jpg]

Any critic or commentary is always appreciated!
Thanks for looking and I hope you're all doing good :)


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