wld.89's journey
VitorCardoso : thanks bro !

Here i am, trying again at posting here !

today's stuff :

It's great to see you back here again! Do you have any plans to pick up a new challenge like your older 250 box challenge?

Zorrentos : thanks bro, good to be back ! i might take the cylinder challenge since i think it'd really improve my sense of foreshortening a lot, or maybe the 100 hands challenge, 100 faces challenge, too many challenge actually haha ^^

today's stuff

warm up, selfportrait, life drawing and sketchbook from imagination ! C&C are welcome !

today's stuff :

The last self portrait looks really good! A little sketchy but looks right in substance. Nice grouping of values. The drawing seems very good, with nice flow of the neck.

JosephCow : thanks man !

today's stuff :

some warmup

selfportrait ( really enjoying doing these recently )

unfinished color study

sketchbook page trying to better understand human anatomy ...

Bro! Your anatomy is very good!)
Osya : thanks bro !

today's stuff :

today's stuff

Hey man!

Great stuff, really solid studies. I used to hang out over at CA back in the early days, your work reminds me alot of some early metalwinds (I think that was his alias) drawings. Makes me nostalgic.

Looking forward to following your progress!

midnight rambler : thanks a lot, i dunno who is metalwinds but i'll take a look on the internet ^^

today's stuff :

mannnn you improved like crazy!! great self portraits and figure drawings. I love the perspective on the last drawing.

keep it up!
The self-portrait and the sketches are looking real solid as usual! Any plans to try and build a portfolio with illustration work or concept art or similar?


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