Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: a2ARjrQ.png]

Texture painting + normal editing is the best way to get the look I want but I'm too scared to learn how to do it properly. I'm using this mesh to practice that stuff and I already love the results :)
[Image: frazzetta_full_image_low_res.jpg]

I did that meme challenge where you copy all drawings from Bridgeman's Constructive Anatomy book in a day, it's really exhausting x.x
Not dead yet just haven't been updating this place
I used to do that so much starting out lol; copy his drawings over and over... I guess a good deal of it embedded in my psyche, but a lot of those drawings i wasnt sure what they were even trying to show. I mean now i do, but ultimately i was just spinning my wheels copying some of them.

Anyways, i love shit like this... like even if its futile for improving, i love it just goin balls deep and pounding out the drawings, something about the mentallity pleases me

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Looking good, really admire your dedication to your studies. You latest digi is awesome as well, absolutely killer style there! Keep it going!

I painted a lot of things and did some 3D it the long period I didn't update this sketchbook, it's up on my instagram coinhero_art here's some stuff I find interesting.

[Image: day_92.jpg]

first sketch I made after the big Bridgeman study marathon, I really like it for whatever reason.

[Image: day_70.jpg]

Sixmorevodka study because goddamn they made some good art for legends of runetera

[Image: day_96.jpg]

also made this water color. It sucks mega dick but I really like it just because it's not trees and rocks and little anime girls like everything else I paint.

[Image: day_97.jpg]

real fucking wide

[Image: day_102.jpg]

painted this yesterday based on a sketch I made like 2 weeks ago. Still need to make some small changes but this is pretty much finished. I want to transition in to painting more character focused images, it's the only way I'll learn how to draw people.

[Image: day_103_sleeping_Alucard.jpg]

I started working on this image today. It's Alucard from Symphony of the Night, I've been playing the game for the first time the last 2 days and this moment really stuck with me. 
It's amazing and it comes out of nowhere idk makes me feel feels.
I made a 3D base because I couldn't get the background to look the way I wanted and didn't want to spend an eternity making guide lines.[url=][/url]
[Image: c21KwSk.jpg]

it's going to be a lot of work and I'm not too sure what I'm doing this image is really outside of my comfort zone
Great work dude.

The Alucard drawing is looking good, I like your use of a 3D base to get the background perspective correct.

Keep going!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

#901 was done with an under model?I like the result

#905 i like what i see. I am right if i say you been strongly inspired by magic the gathering the ravnica?Azorius?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@Artloader Thanks! Recently I've gotten fast enough that it's starting to make sense using 3D for my images and it's a real life saver sometimes :D

@darktiste I used this image I made as a reference 

[Image: y64TFgU.jpg]  
and just sort of traced over it in 3D till I got the basic shapes down. Mostly just winging it

[Image: MRfS35l.jpg]

Final results

I haven't been looking at mtg art recently I kind of stopped liking it idk why. I'm mostly inspired by Wenjun Lin, Alexis Rives, Yun Ling and a couple of others

[Image: day_105.jpg]

[Image: day_107.jpg]

I'll try painting Alucard today
id try to add more of an expression on the face, or make the gesture more clear as to what hes doing.. I like the bookcases a lot, drawing that used to intimidate me, but i see the logic in it now :). I find in drawing facial expressions, i draw a super simple expression like a stick man, then try to morph the face into that simple expression. With yours, his eyes appear closed, but i cant tell what emotional state hes in. His arms in a crossed pose, maybe hes thinking, but i cant see it in his face.

Also, just like with the floating boy, dont be afraid to find a cool value pattern with that dappled light idk if thats the word, it really can add to a composition. The fairy is hard to read because of the chairs value behind her being so similar in color and value, sometimes ppl make a fairy very bright so its clear from far away what it is. Of course his collar is dark and can serve as a point of contrast.

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(03-29-2020, 11:39 PM)Fedodika Wrote: id try to add more of an expression on the face, or make the gesture more clear as to what hes doing.. I like the bookcases a lot, drawing that used to intimidate me, but i see the logic in it now :). I find in drawing facial expressions, i draw a super simple expression like a stick man, then try to morph the face into that simple expression. With yours, his eyes appear closed, but i cant tell what emotional state hes in. His arms in a crossed pose, maybe hes thinking, but i cant see it in his face.

Also, just like with the floating boy, dont be afraid to find a cool value pattern with that dappled light idk if thats the word, it really can add to a composition. The fairy is hard to read because of the chairs value behind her being so similar in color and value, sometimes ppl make a fairy very bright so its clear from far away what it is. Of course his collar is dark and can serve as a point of contrast.
[Image: day_108.jpg]

This is where it's at right now. The thing is I'm trying to recreate a scene from the game or rather an easter egg

[Image: 4QONt6T.png]

if you sit here for long enough he falls asleep and the fairy takes a sit on his back I think. I can't really figure out how to paint that tho I played around with lowering his head a bit but it looks like hes dead not asleep then :D I don't think I can get across the idea with just the expression alone because I'm not good enough for that so maybe changing the fairy's pose so that shes laying on his collar would be a good context clue. If shes in a more natural sleeping pose maybe that would be enough idk. I'll probably change her size and colors a bit but I still haven't thought much about that yet.

[Image: cWU5UUw.jpg]

something like this
[Image: day_110.jpg]

I stopped working on this because I've spent over a week already and it's too boring and hard to keep going 

[Image: BIdb4uS.jpg]

I'm learning clip studio paint atm and trying to paint stuff I'm not comfortable with. I've never done an urban setting before because I don't know how to paint buildings, it's just too complicated.
[Image: day_115.jpg]

[Image: zvKxT9Q.jpg]

just sketched this one. Clip Studio is pretty good I'll probably stick with it, biggest problem so far is that it's warp tool is terrible :c
[Image: Av8RD2c.jpg]

[Image: JKRw6ox.jpg]

I'm having a lot of fun with these drawings but I think I'll work on something with some more "mainstream appeal" next, whatever that means :D
[Image: 8k0y961.jpg]

comfy painting I started after getting super frustrated for hours trying to paint a sketch and it just not working out.

[Image: n638Na5.jpg]

I like this one a lot
Hey man. I know nothing about stylization so I can't give you much in the way of real feedback, but as far as anime-ish styles go, I think you're executing this well. I definitely feel like I'm looking into a magical pixie world.

Keep it up!
@Public Enemy Thanks :D I'm just trying to paint in a way that feels natural to me and not really worrying about style, just trying to make fun images.

[Image: day_123_waiting_out_the_armagedon.jpg]

finished pretty much. I wanted to paint this with no super dark values but still keep it balanced somehow. I think it's a big improvement compared to how crazy I used to go with saturation and contrast.

[Image: day_124.jpg]

a friend of mine 3D printed my Squigly sculpt from a long time ago. It's tiny only 9 cm tall and super hard to paint as a result but it looks really cute :D 

[Image: 8Q8K1PG.gif]

here's a little turntable, it's really choppy because the speed had to be edited a lot to keep her spinning smooth-ish. This is a video tho not just pictures stitched together. 
[Image: gcrbFPg.jpg]

epic setup

Pretty nutty this place is still active (or as active as it's always been) I even recognize some people. Lots has happened since I last posted, I'm fully focused on animation now, working on games, grinding art and most important still sticking with the same damn oc from however many years ago. Crazy to think about how I used to paint new images almost every day while now my personal projects take months to finish, trying to out do yourself eventually spirals out of control lol.
 One thing I NEVER saw coming is me losing interest in painting but here I am, or at least all my painting skills are applied in a different context. Really art principals are very universal and as long as the composition is tight you can do whatever. I still texture paint everything and sometimes I get to paint backgrounds like these skies I did: 

[Image: dad.png]

 But I haven't opened up a blank page and just painted something in a very long time.

 I'm a "professional" now but I still don't feel comfortable saying it, I make my living doing art but it's very hit or miss. There's no consistency, I'd be working for 2 years like a normal job and then I'd get stuck looking for work for like a year straight right after. Trying to do art for a living is for idiots but I'd be damned if it's not the thing I want to do. Just be warned that it gets pretty complicated.

 When I first made the thread I said I'd make art every single day and I can confidently say I've stuck to that pretty tight, minus some times when I'm away from town. Gaming just isn't as satisfying as it used to be and I can't just sit down and play games all day like I used to. Making art feel like a better way to spend time.

 I thought that by now I'd have some kind of following of note but it's really not the case, I don't get social media stuff. Long time ago I got a lot of success with some avatar fanart I made on tumblr but no one stuck around, people only care for the one image and not who made it. After that I stopped doing fanart with the idea that if I make my own thing and it's quality enough people will care but I haven't found much success with that. Art is a very personal thing and what you make should be satisfying to you otherwise there's no point. 

 Anyway I hope you enjoyed coin's rambling hour, I might start posting here again from time to time just out of nostalgia.
Whoa... it has been a sec since I saw a post from you! What kind of pro animation projects have you been working on?

(11-06-2024, 04:50 AM)JosephCow Wrote: Whoa... it has been a sec since I saw a post from you! What kind of pro animation projects have you been working on?

Stuff that never came out and boring projects mostly but I did all the animation on "Munch" that recently came out which was super fun and I'm currently doing an art test for a project that might turn out really cool. Fingers crossed. Job opportunities feel a little dry towards the end of the year I've noticed.

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