Jeremy's Sketchbook
Hey everyone, I'm back after a many-year hiatus from drawing a lot. I started my journey on the old conceptart. org forums and now I decided I need to push myself forward again and get the rust off! I look forward to all of the feedback you all give me, and I can't wait to see how much we all progress together.

Here are a few of my older sketches and pieces for reference of where I'm kind of at right now.


I'll probably post about once a week in here so it's not a shit-ton of smaller posts, but this post marks my first post of new studies; getting back to fundamentals to get the rust off.

I notice especially in digital drawing, my hand-eye coordination and line fidelity is really rusty more than anything, so my lines and perspective and stuff are pretty rough and wonky. Hoping a lot of drawing will amend that soon. In these two sketches I'm mainly focusing on refreshing my understanding of form basics. Thinking about simple lighting, halfway to black, etc. Really just trying to get command over simple forms again before I try tackling more complex stuff.

Hey Jeremy, glad to see you resuming your craft again.  Really great stuff here, love the variety of studies and subject matter covered so far.  The last two studies in particular are very nicely done, excellent tones and values there, and lighting is on point as well.  Keep it up, and looking forward to seeing you progress even further!

Hi and welcome to CD,

I was a ConceptArt forum dood for quite a while too. Glad to see you back at it.

Looks like you're very capable and I'd bet it won't take long to shake off any rust.

Looking forward to seeing you grow

Conceptart gang unite! Gonna be fun to see what you post, great stuff so far.

Another old soul from the times finds his way back! Nice selection of diffirent art styles! Hope you'll keep it up!

Thanks everyone, I hadn't been drawing much in the past year or two, but planning to get back to it this year. Taking some classes on Underpaint Academy hoping that will push my ass into gear even more. Here are some sketches from the past year. I'll do my best to post at least monthly on here and eventually weekly. Happy to see there are also some other peeps in here too : )

I really want to try finding some good prompts or weekly/monthly challenges to get involved with, maybe even the old Crimson Daggers Bloodsports challenges to give me some good ideas to get back into imaginative drawing. It's been so long I think I need the community involvement to help push myself. Cheers everyone for stopping by!

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As i said elsewhere around here before it as little to nothing to with what you get it what you put in.Art is no waiting for inspiration it creating out of chaos.Art community are great but what do you do when people dont respond... will you simply get bored or mad or sad... you need to be a little mad to keep the ball rolling if you get your art juice from other people it not really sustainable unless you are constently seeking artist or those creative space that can be financially or socially draining but that ultimately up to you.Obviously i dont think i would be here without a group of artist to help me through artistic dry season or artistic block or i feel like i reach an art plateau and getting someone else perspective is so unquantifiable useful to get rid of bad art habit .

There is a certain mindset that necessary to combat your own thought because it mostly a mind game.Planning where you see this art stuff heading toward is a big part of the fun.


My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
You've got quite a variety of drawings and paintings there. I think experimenting like that is fun and offsets the study grindset.

Can't really help you with any feedback but I just wanted to let you know that yout work is very clean and inspiring. Love all of it! Your skull and head studies are stunning I wish I could be this comfortable moving around stuffs in a 3D space. Love the cute Toriyama tribute too!

Can't wait to see more!

@darktiste I definitely agree; it's important to be able to make work out of your own innate need to consistently if you want to keep growing. I really want to be involved in the community more so for the community challenges like character of the week etc., but not something to be relied upon. I just think being part of a community is a big help for some people, and part of the reason so many people miss the days was that sense of community that was fostered. It's a shame the forum sites probably will never be like they used to. (Also I definitely agree on your point about defining goals. That's my current struggle that I am hoping to clarify soon).

@thereisnojustice Yeah, it's quite a variety, and the irony is that I'm aiming to do a lot more study grind stuff this year and next and have a more cohesive bit of work. Thanks for stopping by!

@komodo Thanks for your comment! I honestly am only posting a few of my more refined things here from the past year or so; most of the stuff I draw is not good at all and very rough, etc. I truly feel very rusty compared to years ago and really need to work to get back to being okay at drawing. It's all relative for us all of course, but I will say consistency is just so important for steady growth. I work as a graphic designer full time now so I haven't drawn a lot in years like I used to, so I really am trying to get back to that daily drawing habit.

Welcome! It's always good to see a fellow CA citizen among the ranks.

Your work looks solid. That digital paint of the vase looks incredible. Was it from life? It kind of reminds me of Matt Kohr.

That last pencil portrait also stands out to me. The hair looks amazing, especially with the vast contrast of darks and lights.

Looking forward to seeing more from you! Great stuff!

Nice updates here! Really dig the variety of your studies, and your value and color work is very solid all around. Looking forward to seeing more from you!

You posted more TASTY stuff since I last looked in — raising the bar for the rest of us

@damienlevs  Thanks so much for your kind words; that vase was from Matt Kohr's course yeah, was using that exercise to practice fundamentals again

@cgmythology Thank you, I appreciate that!

@jephyr Appreciate it! I've been slacking lately but planning to really get back to it this coming year. I really miss the old forum type community and really want to be more active in here.

Here's a pencil sketch from reference, incorporating some techniques I learned from Steven Zapata (his secrets of shading course is really good by the way for beginner and intermediate levels).

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You are able to capture values very well and from your latest, Wow! Your latest piece reminds me of Joao Ruas mysterious artworks. Lovin' the graininess! The graininess of graphite and coloured pencil really lends it a surreal and dreaming quality, I think the likes of Joao, Tran Nguyen and Miles Johnson use this to their advantage in their artworks. The Zapata course has been on my 'want to buy list' for sometime, but dang is it expensive. Great to see such example of his teachings in action.
Pencil sketch looks incredible, very well done! Nice to see you new work from you as well, keep it going please!


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