My New Digital Sketchbook
@smrr - Thanks!

Here's a few new doodles testing out some newer, adjusted brushes.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
Your foundation needs a little bit of Loomis. Your proportions are way out of whack..

Juuust trolling! Man. If this is your sketchbook, how much better is your portfolio?

If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!  
IG: @thatpuddinhead
Lovely stuff, the way you capture facial features is awesome!

The last set you uploaded is amazing man, i think you should stick to that brush you seem to be very comfortable with it

Thanks for the answer, definitely helped a lot. It gets kind of abstract when you think of what shapes make up a certain character.

Nice updates ! Always leaving here inspired.
@John - Thanks man! I do think I could use some more Loomis in my life though.

@Piotr Jasielski - Thanks!

@tripna - Thanks! I'm trying to get comfortable with digital in general so your comment means a lot.

@BenFlores - Glad I could help. The conceptual stuff can be a bit dense and I worry that I can't communicate the information clearly.

Some newer stuff. Trying to develop a process to move from sketch to finish in a controlled way, with predictable results.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
(05-04-2016, 06:01 AM)JavierP Wrote: Trying to develop a process to move from sketch to finish in a controlled way, with predictable results.

Aaah yes, the dream <3

*swoons s'more over updates In love*

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr - Thanks! Yes, finding an efficient way to work is essential to producing consistent, professional work. However, don't think of it as a 'dream'. It is an absolutely necessary part of your development as an artist, if you wish to become a working professional.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
(06-02-2016, 06:26 AM)JavierP Wrote: @smrr - Thanks! Yes, finding an efficient way to work is essential to producing consistent, professional work. However, don't think of it as a 'dream'. It is an absolutely necessary part of your development as an artist, if you wish to become a working professional.
spot on o_o . Dang, this really opened my eyes, I need to get to work on this. 

Also, ty for more juicy updates! #blessed

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@smrr - Thanks! I'm glad you liked them.

I have not posted in a while; have been busy with work and the general problems of life. Here are some newer images from inktober (analog) and a few digital warm-up sketches.














"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
Welcome back! Hows the digital process coming? I see you found a nice chunky texture brush for sketching :D

Masterful work in here. This collection of inktober drawings look so well done they're screamin to be put into a book, and I love that each one of them has a story to tell.
Really cool stuff from inktober, these are good technically, but I also like ideas.
Waiting for something new :)

@DK - Hey thanks! I really appreciate that!

I have not been here in a while, but something just made me feel the need to check back here. I have been a working artist for most of my adult life and I see how things are changing in the art world lately. I think, more than ever we need to get back to our roots and make real images again, using real media. I still enjoy digital drawing for its ease of accessibility and I hope to share some of my work with you again.

These images are all digital. I feel I have made a digital pencil I am finally happy with after a few years of working on it. Now I am working on paint brushes that suit my needs.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.

So when are you getting back to traditional?

That ink stuff is where the money at.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Kudos for making digital work for you. I also spent a lot of time and care trying brushes that emulate traditional media, curating a group I was happy with.

You're definitely making it work for you.


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Discord: emnida
@one_two - Thanks!

@darktiste - Haha, I draw and paint with traditional media 5 days a week all year for my regular job. I use digital for fun or some small freelance work. I wouldn't say I need to 'get back to it'.

@RottenPocket - Thanks!. I am approaching digital work from a very traditional mindset, unfortunately. In real life, we don't have undo and that is a real motivator to not make mistakes. I'm still working on it tho!

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
A few more digital things. I don't get a lot of time to draw anymore unfortunately.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
I feel like you'd be great at some really pulpy covers and posters.


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Discord: emnida

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