The Velvet Revolvers
Finally Finished this dude. Now, to plan what's next. C&C welcomed!

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A couple shitty studies, to end the day. Im gonna be painting a dwarf dude next. So, gotta start studying the designs and stuff.

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(09-10-2015, 07:12 AM)Jeso Wrote: Finally Finished this dude. Now, to plan what's next.  C&C welcomed!

[Image: 21253884056_d68de48670_z.jpg]

Hi Jeso,
First I'd like to say thanks for starting this group. It's helping people already. In the interest of keeping that going, I'd like to offer a crit.
I really like the execution and design of the armor in this piece, but I feel that some anatomy issues are holding the image back from being the best that it can be. Most notably the length of his neck and the placement of his features, in perspective, on his face. I realize that the figure is stylized, but the inconsistencies in the drawing make the character seem strange to me.
I also think that giving him a definite expression would also tell us more about him as a character, and subsequently add more interest to the image itself. I made a small drawing to show you what I mean. Hope this helps and keep up the great work.

"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
(09-11-2015, 02:03 AM)JavierP Wrote:
(09-10-2015, 07:12 AM)Jeso Wrote: Finally Finished this dude. Now, to plan what's next.  C&C welcomed!

[Image: 21253884056_d68de48670_z.jpg]

Hi Jeso,
First I'd like to say thanks for starting this group. It's helping people already. In the interest of keeping that going, I'd like to offer a crit.
I really like the execution and design of the armor in this piece, but I feel that some anatomy issues are holding the image back from being the best that it can be. Most notably the length of his neck and the placement of his features, in perspective, on his face. I realize that the figure is stylized, but the inconsistencies in the drawing make the character seem strange to me.
I also think that giving him a definite expression would also tell us more about him as a character, and subsequently add more interest to the image itself. I made a small drawing to show you what I mean. Hope this helps and keep up the great work.

Hey Javier

Thanks for the crit and the drawing man, that totally helps!   Thanks for passing by and checking our little group we have here!

Here are a some things from today's livestream

[Image: 21302658245_38aac1aca6_z.jpg]

Painted from life

[Image: 21292045182_928bb8c262_z.jpg]

Nice dwarves!

I drew the same pose as before, but I tried to turn it into the guy from the other one - will try it the other way around tomorrow. I also tried to compensate for my tendency to draw the legs too long, which resulted in the legs being too short... or the torso being too long... or both, probably. I also shaded it to death, so I don't really like the result. And I don't know why anyone would have a window at knee-height, now that I look at it... *headdesk*

[Image: 56LPMPb.jpg]

I really need to work harder...

Olooriel, did you draw this from imagination? or From reference?

Maybe you could study Loomis for a while, to brush up on figure drawing fundamentals. Proportions and stuff. Which would be great cause Loomis also emphasizes a lot on drawing the figure in perspective. I think that would help you a lot.

This is from memory. The same pose I drew to days ago, which was from the video tutorial, so that one was reference, but from a drawing, not a photo. Since this was the end of this course I've been meaning to move back to Loomis and Proko anyway. But, for the proportions, I think it's sort of the same problem as with the perspective. I know the rules, but just well enough to be able to put the guidelines in the right places, not well enough for it to be intuition and just imagine the guidelines. Normally, I would place some lines first for the proportions, but here I was following the steps of the course, and the teacher didn't do this because he obviously doesn't need to anymore.

Olooriel: I think it's a great figure if it's from memory. It kind of looks like he's in a prison for some reason-- I like the shading you put into it, as well. But, Jeso's got a point. You should really try to nail the proportions of the form to get it into your memory.

Even just doing that is a huge boost for the structure of the figure. Also-- Keep an eye out for 'landmarks', and comparing them, and measuring them against their surroundings. For example-- The outline of the nostrils of the nose line up with the corner of the eyes (most times). Or, just keeping an eye out for telltale areas that help you to understand where you are on the form-- the ears, the chin, the pit of the neck, the sternum, the groin, the knees,

A figure is 7.5 heads tall, including the head.

Wikipedia even has an article on proportions, yay!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
As I said, I know the proportions in theory, it's just that theory isn't the same as practice... if I don't block out guidelines from the start, I'll draw one little thing that's off slightly, then base another on that, and the whole figure gets skewed out of proportion.

Regardless, here's some Mannikin proportions from Loomis. Not sure about the weight distribution ones.

[Image: slSYZod.jpg]

[Image: 2c1UCY0.jpg]

From memory, as before - the slightly foreshortened legs were confusing me.
[Image: 8EN7iEm.jpg]

From photo reference:
[Image: P1Te37E.jpg]

Good practice Olooriel! I like that last figure. Now maybe try to study parts of a body isolated, like just feet or just hands. And take your time on the drawings too.

Ah man, today was a time sink, I didn't do shit. Thing is, yesterday was my sister's birthday party in the house. Had it been somewhere else I wouldn't have gone, but it was in the backyard, so, Kinda had to show up, and of course, Im a freelance artist, which means i dont socialize at all, which means that Im not good at the people thing... And of course that meant i had to get completely trashed to be able to bring my ass outside and talk to people.

And yeah.. today, I woke up with the worst hang over, which meant no 11 am stream... at the end of the day its all excuses to not work, but whatever, Just for the sake of, chatting with you all.

It was a nice party, we had this huge cake covered with m&m's which was delicious, but then again, im supposed to be on a diet lol. Guess i was too shit faced to care.

What I noticed is that you kinda feel much better with yourself after... socializing a bit, you know, when you dont ever do it. Its like a mental relief of sorts. Haha Jeso the creeper in the house!

Anyways, tomorrow is another day... See ya all! keep working hard.

Oh, I wanted to concentrate on the full body this month, I did mostly hands and some feet last month, so I want to mix it up a little :) And I want to stick with it even more now that I realised how much I still struggle with very basic proportions, apparently. I might want to do some head construction though, it's probably the body part I struggle most with right now. Since you're saying I should take my time, do these look rushed to you?

We humans are social animals, even if we happen to be loners (like me), so every once in a while, we need that time off from drawing. Going to have a barbecue with friends tonight, actually looking forward to it. But I'll try to get some drawing done before.

My contribution to the figure studies this month, so far...

Ironic, because I was planning to go into perspective, and strengthen my basics, but Steve Huston on New Masters Academy is a very persuasive teacher.  So, I guess I'll be putting off perspective again.

I drew his face when I got bored.  And I doodled a bit, too... But, yeah.  I'm finding that I'm learning quite a lot about the figure.

Attached Files Image(s)


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Well, glad to see you all putting your effort in your figures! I guess both of you could use next week's EVENT figure challenge.


(09-13-2015, 04:41 AM)Jeso Wrote: Well, glad to see you all putting your effort in your figures! I guess both of you could use next week's EVENT figure challenge.    


I started early! Grin


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
What challenge?
Just quickly posting my mannikins for today, my head hurts, so every coherent comment on someone else's work will have to wait until tomorrow...

[Image: U7kQ0XD.jpg]

[Image: kp5uXz7.jpg]

Olooriel! Keep it going with the loomis manikin studies! Looking good. Im sure its gonna help when you move to the fleshed out figures again.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday peoples, I had a family emergency, I was a nerve wreck yesterday. My sister and father got in on a big trouble with some shady people down in Mexico, not gonna go into details, but, Seems like everything is clearing up now.

So, Yesterday I did these things for the first half of the day. It was being one of my most productive days, i was on a roll... Until i got the news from Mexico..  But whatever, Today's is the US open Final, Imma watch that now, and glue my ass to my desk afterwards! Keep working HARD REVOLVERS!

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(09-13-2015, 07:52 AM)Olooriel Wrote: What challenge?


This is a Study event for the next 2 weeks. Focusing on figures, we will study as many figures as we can for the 1 week period. Make a shit load of gestures, head studies, anatomy studies, skin renderings. That's gonna be week 1, then week 2 is gonna be application week. Make ONE finished piece, of your choosing, featuring a figure or figures.
Genre is up to you, just make one bad ass piece that you could put in a portfolio or a really detailed figurative piece like those classical paintings.

-Week ONE starts Monday Sep 14-

(Try to study as a side HW, all the elements you gonna be needing for your final piece. For example, if you plan to paint a gunslinger for week 2, make studies of guns, and the clothing those dudes usually wear.)

Oh, interesting idea. I'm working mainly on figures anyway, so I'm in, at least for week 1... I'm fairly sure that I can't come up with any portfolio-ready piece yet, but I might give it a try.

Didn't have a lot of time today, but I did at least manage these two:

[Image: Pob7eKp.jpg]

Hi Velvet Revolvers! I always like drawing and painting the human figure  Thumbs_up im in!

Here is some 120 second gestures I did today

CTrow! Welcome! Yea buddy draw them sexy gestures!

Olooriel, Good work! lets try to up the volume of the work we are doing, try to get out of our comfort zone as far as how much we work. Lets try to go crazy this week with the figures, I guarantee you'll improve by the end of it!.

Here is some stuff i did earlier on the stream! I'll keep working, but for now, here is whats up!

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