Sula's Sketchbook
my goooodness that sketchbook stuff is so good :D I really feel like 2014 will be a great year for you, good luck and keep the awesome art coming!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
These pencil sketches are sooo cool. Love them all! Your lates portraits are also coming along well!

By the way: I checked out your DA page and absolutly fell in love with that link vs dodongo picture, lovley compositon and colors!

Happy new year
@JakeB: Thanks man :D Let's kick it!
@Egbu: Thanks man! I hope so, it's going to be crazy hehe
@Zip: Thanks man :D That is one of my favorites so far too hehe

Here, let's kick 2014
[Image: Enviro-11.jpg]

[Image: Enviro-12.jpg]

aaaaah, your faces are lookind soooo goood, nice job on the enviros too!

you definitely got better with the hard edges on the last pieces!!111.
can you give me some tips pleeease. what magic did you use tell meeeeeeee

Eeeerrrmmmerrrrgeerrrdddd. Those environments <3 Breakfast must have worked well for you :P

I love seeing everything you post. Have to subscribe to this thread.. normally I just look you up through a random comment I have seen you make lol. Looking forward to seeing you improve in 2014 :) Keep up the good work

All those beautiful beautiful portraits, and then suddenly the fearsome guy with tusks! I almost jumped back in my chair. Love them all!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Those enviros look really sharp, love them.

@Kidult: Thank you :D
@Nimao: Thanks man haha I hope I can replicate that. Asnwered on your sketchbook ;)
@Jaik: Haha thanks man! I am pretty spammy, so beware :p
@Tygerson: <3 haah yay! Thank you
@Crackedskull: thanks man!

I am not sure I should post this, but heck, here is to failure! *cheers*
next one going to be better

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-64.jpg]

That's such a cute idea :) Mushrooms are awesome!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
@Lyraina: haha I love painting them <3 (cue joke about penis and stuff)

from life
In retrospec, it wasn't a good ide to pick THIS for a quick study lol
[Image: Life-painting-10.jpg]

Enviros and studies are looking awesome Sula. Loki thing came out well, really like the texture in the helmet. Kinda complicated for a quick study though, too right ;).

So siiick haha what a killer portrait

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
That's a quick study? You're lying! You have to be :(.... because it is really good. Great work on the helmet especially.

You shouldn't be to hard on yourself on that mushroom fairy picture. The only thing I would suggest is:
Since (atleast I think so) the fairy is our main point of focus the contrast on the figure should be higher so that it pops out of the image and becomes the main center of our attention.

Here is a picture of Nicolas Villarreal:
[Image: jgqg.png]

You can see that with adding the extra light to the fairy our attention much more drawn to it but that's just a suggestion.

Keep on rocking :)
@JakeB: haha indeed. All I wanted to paint was the helmet. I should have removed it from the figure, lol
@Toodles: haha <3
@Zip: Hey, thank you! Yup. The Fairy was a quick piece - was supposed to have nailed that "alla prima" but didn't go as planned. (i think the timer on that was 1h30? something like that). That is why I called a failure, but hey. Thanks again :D I am really trying to work up the contrast and place separation.

Here, my last sketches from the break from work. Just a bit more of client work now and Ill be back at my day job.
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-65.jpg]
[Image: SB-237.jpg]

really nice comp and linework in the first of these last pieces, i would suggest you to finish it, will look great :)

great updates!

Ooooh Alice, cool perspective on that one <3

Your pencils always are so lovely and clean *_*

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!

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