Sula's Sketchbook
Sorry it's been a while since I last dropped a comment in your sketchbook Sula, ive been lurking in the shadows, watching from a far >:}

That last Zelda piece came out great! Your edges have got a lot crisper I noticed as have your values and colours. Really love how you paint hair lol, even in these braids they look amazing :o

Thanks also for your comment in my sketchbook the other week, it meant a lot. I wish you all the best on your adventures into full time progression. When your backs against the wall an you have no way out these are the times when your forced to grow and adapt, so stay hungry for improvements and keep pushing for something better, and I know you'll make it. Your already showing huge improvements so stay strong. Kind of hypocritically coming from me haha. Either way I look forward to seeing your improve even more, be sure to keep us updated ;)

@Doolio: oooh it's nearly as hard as it sounds. It used to scare me, but a couple of things helped. Chris Oatley's magic box, some videos from comic book colorists, and the awesome and free class Sickbrush posted here: All the classes are on his youtube channel, and I really reccomend doing the exercises. Isra's perspective class is pretty awesome too <3

@Warbuton: Aww thank you <3 Don't worry about lurking, i do that a lot too lol. And not hypocrite at all man, we are all allowed to have our lows. THANK YOU <3 I'll be here if you ever need :)

Are we allowed to post two wips in the same update?
This is not what I was supposed to be doing
[Image: Gulvi-Sketch-01.jpg]
[Image: Gulvi-Sketch-02.jpg]

With wips that look like this, girl you can post as many in a single post as you'd like!! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
@Smrrfette: haha thank you <3!

Ursula for Sketch Dailies @ twitter <3 lol I couldn't let this one pass. Can you guess why? :p
[Image: SB-243.jpg]

Nice wips of that portrait there. Like how you block it in and divide it up like that, so it will look well lit and clean ;D Do you use layer masks or similar for edge control, or does it come to you naturally, so to speak?

@Adzerak: Thank you! Yep, I use masks and lock transparency and every combination possible from there. Nested layer with individual masks too.

First batch of Painting Drama 2 homework :)

[Image: pd2-01.jpg]

I read the blue screen glow comps like a comic ('Damnit, I hate valentines day. Cmon someone call', 'Maybe my phones out of reception' *checks phone*, 'Fuck it, I'm looking up cat vids on youtube.. Sigh...')

The very bottom right is my fave colour wise. Such a cool colour scheme, very surreal. I hope you are enjoying painting drama. I hope you will do a write up of how you found the course, the good and the bad, etc etc. Would be a good read :)

@Jaik: Yes! Haha yes, each one of this palette had a name, actually. That one was "feeling blue", and that was the feeling I was looking for hehe. The bottom one was "neverending story" :D Gotta love falcor. And yup, a review is incoming!

Here, finally having time to do daily gestures and try some new stuff.

[Image: SB-244.jpg]

Going to be hard to nail this down, but it will be needed :}

[Image: SB-245.jpg]

And it's on!

This is based on a Brazilian legend - the deer king of the Pantanal, with vengeful flaming eyes. If you were an evil hunter, who would hunt infants or just torture animals, leaving them wounded to die in the forest, the deer king would pay a visit to you. Not pretty. It was said he drove people mad by just staring at them.

But if you played nicely, he was just a protector of the forest, wandering around with his beautiful white coat and soft fur covered antlers.

[Image: CK-RPG-01.jpg]

Ancient legend inspired artwork is the best! You've given the story such life, even in those thumbnails!

I also like those painting drama thumbs...and everything else.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thank you :D Already got some awesome feedback on those, iterations coming tomorrow.

Head is full of noise
(I feel I have betrayed myself with the silly channel shift thing.. eh. Oh well :p it works, I give in!)
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-69.jpg]

wow now this is a great and inspirational sketchbook to keep an eye on!
maybe both :O

not much to critique here, everything looks so great!

WOw nice sb! That portrait came out great, really like the colors, not much to say to improve maybe take the deer out of the centre of the pic for comp reasons.

You got really nice pencil drawings! They get me inspired to start drawing too. Also cool light and color on your portrait.

Wahhhh! This is great! Keep killing it! XD

It's so funny, I feel I see your work everywhere. Here, CGMA gallery, Oakley academy has tons of your stuff, DA. It's definitely deserved, really like your work.
Your characters are a lot stronger than your enviros tho, but you're working on that.
Nothing much I can say, other than keep on pushing and being an awesome and inspiring person :)

@Giorgio: thank you <3
@Yololex: hey man, thanks for stopping by again. I messed with the comp quite a bit after the initial batch, so thanks :D
@Lionsketch: Thanks :D Pencils are the best! Have fun!
@Heliux: woot :D
@Tom Seas: Really? :O I had no idea I had anything on display on CGMA lol. Thank you! And yup, the plan is to nail down environments, quite a way to go though :) Thank you!

Here, aftermath of the thumb, and Painting Drama 2 homework for the week part 1:
hahaah I was crying blood tears omg
[Image: pd2-02.jpg]

Hey there Sula,

I love the Zelda - inspired image and those thumbnails are gorgeous too.

I am really impressed how you keep taking all those courses and killing them. Great stuff.

I can't wait for more.

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

@Flo: Thank you :D I was so excited for Painting Drama 2, Oatley is awesome.

So! Yeah, turns out the second time around WAS easier.
Oon yesterday exercise Oatley called me out for being too tight with it, so I tried to let it loose a bit more. So here is today's.
Probably going to do more of this. It's an awesome exercise (the no opacity blending).

[Image: pd2-03.jpg]


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