Sketch thingys :P
(04-23-2013, 09:23 PM)Lumens Wrote: Bringing epic lens flare back i see, nice enviro's!

hahahahaha thank you I'm trying to go bold or go home lol

Hey guys sorry for no art atm been terribly busy the past 2 weeks and there are some pieces that I cannot release online because of their contract, I am very excited about these jobs and hope to finally get the release form for them :D

Very cool stuff, man! I especially liked the jeckyl/hyde redesign. I'm subbed, keep going!

(05-14-2013, 09:39 PM)MrFrenik Wrote: Very cool stuff, man! I especially liked the jeckyl/hyde redesign. I'm subbed, keep going!

Thank you kind sir, your words are appreciated :)

Quick 20 min sketch I did to warm up for class, the focus on this was funny quirky design and duel lighting :P[Image: 272416_652210604793202_348829139_o.jpg]

awesome studies and keep it up:)
(05-16-2013, 03:29 PM)Andre Wrote: awesome studies and keep it up:)

thanks I'm trying to keep them up :)

You've got some pretty cool things here! Your traditional drawings are awesome and I really like the way you use textures especially on the WIP version of the "Tales of Vanguard", I seriously like that one. Even though I'm no expert I'd recommend you do some colour studies, I think you would benefit from it! God knows colour is troublesome XD
Go for it and keep up the good work :D

(05-18-2013, 12:14 AM)gravity-zero Wrote: You've got some pretty cool things here! Your traditional drawings are awesome and I really like the way you use textures especially on the WIP version of the "Tales of Vanguard", I seriously like that one. Even though I'm no expert I'd recommend you do some colour studies, I think you would benefit from it! God knows colour is troublesome XD
Go for it and keep up the good work :D

Thank you very mucj for your kind words and color is something I've been studying for a while and I do agree it's tricky which is why I keep studying at it the best I can, I recently got the james gourney journey into light book :D

You should do more of that cute monster sketches. I really like colors on that one.

(05-19-2013, 07:55 PM)Toxicpanda Wrote: You should do more of that cute monster sketches. I really like colors on that one.

I am panda, I missed doing cute but dangerous creatures lol

listened to some epic music today and got inspired to do this lol[Image: 981877_662697447077851_301938285_o.jpg]

Need to listen to what you listen to, ha!

(06-04-2013, 06:10 PM)MrFrenik Wrote: Need to listen to what you listen to, ha!

type in 3 hour epic music compilation on youtube click the first one lol

went back and finalized up spider vs wizard dude and here is my color comp for david vs goliath book :)[Image: 965417_666115500069379_898195061_o.jpg][Image: 977736_664554406892155_925452497_o.jpg]

still working on the david vs goliath cover :)[Image: 1015127_667229769957952_1302897001_o.jpg]

Got a new project that requires some mech human kinda stuff, so I'm did a few quick concepts just to get the idea out, nothing fully fleshed out, and I still feel like I suck at it, so I'm gonna keep woring at it lol[Image: 1048099_675635759117353_167041977_o.jpg]

Awesome designs, man! My only crit is that they're a little soft all around, so hardening up them edges will help solidify them. But really cool shit, hopefully we get to see more!

(06-28-2013, 09:45 PM)MrFrenik Wrote: Awesome designs, man! My only crit is that they're a little soft all around, so hardening up them edges will help solidify them. But really cool shit, hopefully we get to see more!

Thanks man I agree I just did these in an hour though so it was more of tryig to get out the idea than finish, I am going to finalize it though and harden them edges :)))

did some rough concepts to get ideas out, just warming up before I start on tonights big project :)[Image: 978013_677487002265562_56014680_o.jpg]


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